Great Power Ship

Chapter 124 Don't Insult Each Other's IQ

Chapter 124 Don't Insult Each Other's IQ (Subscribe)

At this moment, Epstein was as eager as seeing a peerless beauty, wanting to pounce on Tang Jianshe and snatch it from Tang Jianshe's hands. In Epstein's words:

"I've never seen anything so cool!"

Unexpectedly, you can say that the waves are waves on the calm and waveless water. Epstein has been in business for so many years, and he has never seen anything that fits his personality so much.

That's all, the key is that this feature of surfing as you like greatly reduces the threshold for using surfboards.

We must know that surfing at this time is still a cool game for some extreme enthusiasts or professional athletes. Although many people see it very well and want to participate, they are turned away because of the high threshold.

But the hydrofoil surfboard seen today is different. It does not need water waves or waves as power, but holds a paddle with one hand, or even uses both feet as if stepping on the surface of the pedal, and it will provide a hydrofoil surfboard. forceful motivation.

This is not generally friendly to ordinary people.

And being friendly to ordinary people means having a broad market.

We must know that water sports in Europe and the United States are very popular, so this kind of hydrofoil surfboard with extremely low entry threshold will definitely be favored by Europeans and Americans who like water sports.

What's even better is that this product has no similar products in Europe and the United States, and it will not encounter strong competitors like "high-end" razors. Eat it in your stomach with peace of mind.

It is also because of this that Epstein made no secret of his love for hydrofoil surfboards from the bottom of his heart to the surface.

Of course Wen Dawei saw this, so he introduced it very carefully: "Look here, Mr. Epstein, this is the core of our surfboard, this group of hydrofoils..."

As Wen Dawei said, he pointed to a small airplane-like structure under the plate: "This is like the wings and tail of an airplane..."

Then put it on the streamlined column between the plate and the hydrofoil by hand: "We use a special aluminum alloy support to connect the rear edge of the wing and the tail of the surfboard. After being placed in the water, the hydrofoil similar to the wing It will become an underwater glider. Compared with air, the density of water is 800 times higher, so although the hydrofoil in the water is not big, but according to Bernoulli's hydrodynamic formula, its lift is the same level as the wing 800 times.

Therefore, only a small speed is required to allow the hydrofoil mechanism to slide easily underwater and lift its weight of about 200 kg.

Of course, to make it work better, the center of gravity is essential..."

At this time, Wen Dawei pointed his finger to the middle and back position of the surfboard: "This is right here, which is also the position between the two feet, and it is directly above the lift action line of our hydrofoil.

At this time, the surfboard remains horizontal. When the human body leans back, it will drive the angle of attack of the wing surface to increase, and the nose-down moment formed by the empennage to the center of gravity is greater than the lift moment to the center of gravity, allowing the body to return to the straight line.

When the body leans forward, the angle of attack of the wing surface decreases, and the head-up moment of the negative lift of the tail is greater than the nose-down moment of the wing, which endows us with the static stability of the hydrofoil surfboard..."

Wen Dawei pointed to some teenagers playing with hydrofoil surfboards on the river:

"Based on this, if a person stands on it and moves the center of gravity forward over a certain distance, the lift of the hydrofoil to the center of gravity will create a moment of bowing the head that is greater than the moment of raising the tail, causing the hydrofoil to lean forward and sink continuously, and the water flow will The airfoil forms a dynamic pressure pointing upwards, which slows down the sinking speed while pushing the hydrofoil to accelerate forward.

When the surfboard is about to touch the water surface, move the center of gravity of the body back to the original position. At this time, the nose-up moment of the negative lift of the tail is greater than the nose-down moment of the wing, so that the angle of attack of the hydrofoil that increases in speed also begins to increase, so the lift It raised up suddenly, and lifted the surfboard away from the water surface, and at the same time, the speed of the entire surfboard also continued to slow down.

In this way, through the forward and backward movement of the center of gravity, the hydrofoil accelerates when lowering its head and sinks, and decelerates when raising its head, so that the hydrofoil surfboard will run up and down..."

As if to verify Wen Dawei's words, several teenagers on the water lined up and stepped on the hydrofoil surfboards under their feet, screaming and galloping across the river.

Seeing this scene, Epstein smiled and said to Wen Dawei: "Wen, what you said is confusing. I suggest you give a speech in a university class, but don't tell me this, because I really want to It will be a lullaby and doze off after listening to it. Fortunately, this hydrofoil surfboard is really good, so I won't really fall asleep, so I will try it myself next time to see if it is as cool as I thought. ~~~"

Speaking of this, Epstein took the hydrofoil surfboard from Tang Jianming and was about to rush into the river. Tang Jianming hesitated when he saw this, but Wen Dawei said with a smile: "It's okay, Epstein's swimming skills are no better than yours. Difference!"

Then he stepped forward and explained to Epstein how to use the hydrofoil surfboard.

The whole person was already soaked in the river, and Epstein, who was only relying on the hydrofoil surfboard to float his head on the river, only listened to one side and couldn't wait to step on the hydrofoil surfboard, ready to walk on the water.

It's a pity that I just came into contact with it, and I didn't grasp the essentials well, so I fell into the river directly on the first trial voyage.

However, Epstein was not discouraged, but got out and stepped on again. This time it was better than last time. At least the hydrofoil surfboard moved a little, but the result was the same as last time, and he fell into the river.

After trying five or six times like this, Epstein finally grasped the essentials. While stepping on the hydrofoil surfboard vigorously, he screamed and felt the thrill of waves rising on the flat ground...

"Wen... This thing is really great. If it is placed in Europe and the United States, it will be worth at least 10 dollars!"

After swimming on the river for a few laps, Epstein returned with a lot of satisfaction, brushed his wet blond hair back, and said happily: "And I can guarantee that there will be many people like me who like On this hydrofoil surfboard!"

"$10... Hehe, Mr. Epstein, let's not insult each other's IQ, shall we?" Wen Dawei smiled disdainfully: "Besides, this thing is complicated enough to make, let's not talk about anything else, just talk about us The aluminum materials used are special. If it is too thick, the hydrofoil surfboard will be too heavy. If it is too thin, you know that the characteristics of aluminum will deform under huge pressure.

Therefore, we used a special process to make the aluminum extremely thin without being damaged by changes in water pressure. The cost of this process alone is more than 10 dollars..."

As he said that, Wen Dawei once again showed a gentle smile: "Of course, these are the gadgets our factory makes for young people in entertainment projects, and we don't even think about selling them, so I'm not good at commenting on the specific value." , After all, our friendship is priceless, don't you think, Mr. Epstein?"

(End of this chapter)

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