Great Power Ship

Chapter 125 $120 each

Chapter 125: $120 each (subscription required)

Hearing this, Epstein froze for a moment.

Why does he admire Wen Dawei?

Is it because Wen Dawei understands English, speaks nicely, and can get his flair?
Of course not, what Epstein admired most about Wen Dawei was the domineering character of this young man who didn't talk too much, and was willing to do things without hesitation, which was extremely evident in the stabbing of Weinberg in the back.

Basically, he did it when he thought about it, and he never procrastinated, even if his own conditions did not allow it, but Wen Dawei did it like this, and he succeeded.

Such a person is indeed a rare talent for Epstein's dream of a great man, but if he becomes a bargaining opponent, Epstein will feel a little pain.

Because he didn't know if Wen Dawei still had a backhand, or if he was hiding some trump cards. If Wen Dawei's Zhujiang factory had several upgraded versions of vacuum coating machines, as he did with Weinberg, then it would be a big deal. up.

After all, he knew the value of hydrofoil surfboards, and other dealers also knew, what if he suffered a Weinberg-like injury?
Are you really going to get further and further away from your ultimate dream?
So Epstein held the hydrofoil surfboard and smiled even brighter: "Wen, I agree with what you said, our friendship is priceless, but you just said that the hydrofoil surfboard is just your entertainment item, and you are not going to sell it to the public." , I think you are too conservative, such a good thing should be brought to the market, so that more people who love water sports can experience it..."

Epstein said a lot eloquently, but Wen Dawei didn't say anything, just looked at Epstein quietly, the meaning was obvious, if you like it, can you make an offer?

Of course Epstein understood what Wen Dawei meant, and his embarrassment flashed: "$50!"

Wen Dawei didn't speak.

"$80!" Epstein added.

Wen Dawei still didn't speak.

"$100!" Epstein gritted his teeth.

But Wen Dawei still didn't speak.

"120 U.S. dollars!" Epstein finally broke his heart: "I can only pay this price. After all, I still have to pay for transportation and sales, and the total cost is not a small number!"

"I knew Mr. Epstein that you are my best friend. Talking about this is too hurtful. What cost makes up for the cost? In front of our friendship, the cost cannot be measured!" At this time, Wen Dawei finally spoke. , smiled and put his hand on Epstein's shoulders, speaking extremely sincerely.

It seems that the two of them are really good brothers whose friendship lasts forever.

But at this moment, Epstein almost scolded his mother in his heart. If the unit price is 120 US dollars, you, Wen Dawei, don’t need to measure the cost. Why didn’t you say that when I gave 10 US dollars?

Fortunately, Epstein didn't know the allusion of plastic brotherhood, otherwise he would stick every word on Wen Dawei's face.

But in my heart, I am still very grateful on the face: "My dear Wen, the words you just said are touching words that I heard after I came to China. The friendship between you and me cannot be measured by cost and money, so I hope the water The Wing Surfboard business operates through high-end international operations in order to demonstrate our rock-solid friendship."

Hearing this, Wen Dawei also thought that ten thousand grass-mud horses galloped past, through high-end international operations?This calculation is good enough, do you want to rely on the other 49% of the shares to eat both?

Think beautiful!
"It is not impossible to operate through high-end international operations, but you also know that the lawsuit between you and Weinberg on part of the equity issue has not been fully resolved, so it is difficult for me to handle this matter. After all, Weinberg is now in Switzerland, and I am not good. Leave him alone and agree to this matter."

Wen Dawei had an innocent look on his face, as if this matter was very difficult. Epstein's old face was twitching. Although Weinberg was picked off by himself, he was not completely shot to death. Start the competition for the company's equity by yourself.

49% of the high-end international is among them, so what Wen Dawei said is not wrong, but at this moment, the disgusting is the implication that Wen Dawei made Weinberg, a shit-stirring stick, out of his words.

That is, Wen Dawei knows how to contact Weinberg. If you, Epstein, are ignorant, then I will go to Weinberg. Weinberg, who has a strong desire to make a comeback, encountered such a good product as a hydrofoil surfboard in order to make a comeback. , must agree to Wen Dawei on all conditions. If so, then Epstein will be in trouble...

"Oh, how did I forget about this..." Epstein patted his forehead, as if he just remembered this, and immediately looked at Wen Dawei: "Then how do you think it will work?"

"You can go through the high-end international office in Hong Kong Island!" Wen Dawei suggested with a face of sincerity: "Although the names of high-end international and high-end international office in Hong Kong Island are similar, the high-end international Hong Kong island office is our Zhujiang plant's entire office. It does not involve complicated equity issues, and the advantage of doing so is that Hong Kong Island, as a free port, is not only convenient but also has a very low tax rate. Coupled with the developed shipping industry, it can fully support hydrofoils. Massive shipments of surfboards."

Hearing Wen Dawei's words, Epstein didn't say anything, but frowned and hesitated for a while, then nodded reluctantly: "If that's the case, then that's it, wait until I change into clean clothes and then I'll discuss the specific details." talk!"

"No problem!" Wen Dawei nodded, and watched the wet Epstein go away. At this moment, Tang Jianming leaned over and asked nervously, "Look at you and the foreigner hugging and hugging, how is it going? Did it work? "

"It's done!" Wen Dawei took a long breath and nodded.

"How much?" Tang Jianming was a little nervous, but Wen Dawei asked back, "Guess?"

"30 dollars?" Tang Jianming dared to say a number, and Wen Dawei sneered: "Small, 120 dollars each!"

Tang Jianming gasped and couldn't even speak fluently: "120... US dollars?"


"120... dollars? How much would you say per unit?"

Tang Jianshe did not expect that the hydrofoil surfboard was sold by Wen Dawei at a unit price of 120 US dollars. Yang Dong and others who heard the news did the same. After listening to the staff's report, Yang Dong thought that there was something wrong with his ears, so he hurriedly asked : "Really $120?"

The staff nodded very positively: "120 dollars, if it is fake, it will be exchanged, and it will be fooled!"

"I'll be good, 120 dollars a piece, Lao Zhao, how much does this thing cost in your factory?"

Listening to the staff's report, a local leader in Zhujiang looked at Zhao Dong next to him in surprise, and Zhao Dong quickly replied truthfully: "It's about 12 yuan each, which is caused by the high cost of mining and smelting of high-end aluminum industry. Otherwise, it will be lower, of course, in the future mass production, the cost will be further reduced..."

As soon as this remark came out, which leader was not calm: "The cost is 12 RMB, and the selling price is as high as 120 US dollars. How many times is the difference? 20 times or 30 times..."

(End of this chapter)

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