Great Power Ship

Chapter 13 Discredited Dad's glorious image again

Chapter 13 Discredited Dad's glorious image again
"Let's go back, don't delay the injury for too long..."

Hearing that Zhang Mingli took another breath, Wen Dawei didn't dare to put on airs, fearing that Zhang Mingli's injury would drag on for too long and it would be troublesome, so before he could finish speaking, he prepared to help Zhang Mingli to leave.

But before Wen Dawei stood up, Zhang Mingli looked at Wen Dawei in surprise: "I said, Dawei, since when did you even know about the third-year students in our materials department?"


Wen Dawei was a little confused, didn't he just get hurt?But before Wen Dawei could react, Zhang Mingli stood up abruptly, and then looked at Wen Dawei curiously as if discovering something new: "You said that you were a correspondent in a town on the outskirts of the provincial capital. I didn’t quite believe it before, but now it seems that you are really working hard secretly, you want to surprise me! "

Wen Dawei wanted to say that this was a beautiful misunderstanding...

It is true to jump in the queue to be a correspondent in the suburban town of the provincial capital. After all, his father Wen Lin is the deputy director of the Lidong Factory. Someone gave Wen Dawei some care.

So not long after Wen Dawei joined the team in the village, he was transferred to the town as a correspondent. In addition to helping the town, he often went back and forth between the villages, delivering documents and issuing notices. That is to go to the nearby provincial capital university two days a week to receive popular science materials such as agricultural technology and some other kinds of newspapers and magazines.

The reason for this kind of treatment is that the suburban town is the agricultural technology cultivation base and assistance pilot of the provincial capital university in the province.

Not only will agricultural technology training materials be distributed every week to help scientific agricultural production in suburban towns, but also professional teaching staff will be dispatched to the fields to give on-site guidance every month.

Wen Dawei was able to find time to go to the library of the Provincial University during this period.

It's just that what Wen Dawei was reading at the time was some unnutritious miscellaneous books such as hunting strange tales and strange things, all for the sake of having fun or bragging after returning home.

But in order to show his superiority and consolidate his position in Zhang Mingli's heart, Wen Dawei at that time lied that he was studying cultural knowledge in it.

Zhang Mingli is very concerned about Wen Dawei's study. She has planned to help Wen Dawei with cultural lessons since she was in college. This is not only the hope that she can really be with Wen Dawei, but also out of Wen Lin's gratitude for her training.

So for the first time, Zhang Mingli was very happy to hear that Wen Dawei was studying in the library of the provincial capital university, but after a long time, Zhang Mingli felt that something was wrong, because when she randomly checked Wen Dawei's culture class, she actually asked what he didn't know, which made Zhang Mingli suspect Wen Dawei The words are not true.

But out of feelings, Zhang Mingli didn't say it out loud, she just hoped that Wen Dawei could seize the last chance and get a result in the college entrance examination next year.

Even if you can't get into a real university, you can go to a junior college or even a technical secondary school.

If she can't pass the exam, then maybe she, Zhang Mingli, really did what Zhang Dequan wished, and completely died of that unrealistic heart...

As a result, a few days ago, Wen Dawei suddenly proposed to change the heat treatment process, which solved the seawater corrosion resistance problem of the new aluminum alloy material, and Zhang Mingli, who was already a little silent, saw a long-lost hope.

But at that time, Zhang Mingli was not sure that Wen Dawei had really mastered the relevant theoretical knowledge, maybe it was a flash of inspiration, but at this moment, after hearing what she said just now, Zhang Mingli was sure that her Dawei didn't lie to her, he was really jumping in the queue I have worked hard these years, but the hard work seems to be a bit biased...

"Haha~~~This...this...this is your piercing eyes that can't hide anything!"

Wen Dawei smiled to resolve his embarrassment, and then admitted it shyly, what can I do if I don't admit it?Could it be true that all I read in the library were the Four Great Classics, Liao Zhai and Jin Ping Mei?Or talk about the unknown secret?
Do you want to die!

"Huh~~~ I knew it, you are the worst, you have lied to me since you were a child, no, you have to tell me how to solve the problems encountered by the parts in the water quenching process!"

Seeing Wen Dawei admit it, Zhang Mingli immediately stared at her beautiful apricot eyes, just like she pretended to be angry when she was a child, but her angry face was even more cute.

Wen Dawei waved his hand: "Oh, how would I know that!"

"Are you going to tell me?" Zhang Mingli asked.

"I really don't know!" Wen Dawei spread his hands.

"Okay, then go back and tell my dad that you bullied me!" After finishing speaking, Zhang Mingli turned around and left, but after taking two steps, she stood still and turned around: "Also, I will continue to find Master Wang to go to his place tomorrow and continue to play. Gavel!"

"Okay... okay... my Comrade Zhang Mingli, I say it's not enough!" Wen Dawei was helpless, he was not afraid of looking for Zhang Dequan, but Wen Dawei would feel distressed if Zhang Mingli was in the workshop.

"Then tell me quickly!" Zhang Mingli immediately turned around and looked at Wen Dawei with a bright smile.

"Then listen carefully..." Wen Dawei walked to Zhang Mingli, helped her to walk down the mountain to the factory, and said, "This starts with the principle of boiling metal parts by water quenching..."


It was already evening when Wen Dawei returned home, but as soon as he arrived at the door, he found the light on at home, and looked at the familiar worn-out briefcase hanging on the simple clothes hanger made of withered tree forks inside the door and window, Wen Dawei knew who was back at home. up.

So he opened the door and walked into the small, simple but very clean room, and saw a tall and thin figure in a gray tunic suit sitting on the head of his bed, and turned around when he heard the sound, Opening his arms, he revealed a patched waistcoat and a slightly yellowish white fake collar around his neck. He lowered his head slightly, staring at Wen Dawei with serious but warm eyes behind his drooping black-rimmed glasses:
"Where did you go, come back so late?"


Wen Dawei was just about to organize his words to explain, but Wen Lin said: "Okay, take out the white-cut chicken from the pot, and eat quickly, you are hungry after waiting for so long!"

After hearing the explanation without any effort, Wen Dawei quickly brought out the still warm poached chicken from the pot in the kitchen next to him, along with two bowls of rice, and Wen Lin had already set up the small table, put it on the Unexpectedly, the two of them sat opposite each other and started eating without saying a word.

After eating two bowls of rice each, and the white-cut chicken on the table was basically only the skeleton, Wen Lin broke the deadlock with a smile: "I heard that Secretary Fang promised you to give you the occupied house?"

Wen Dawei's heart skipped a beat when he heard the words, thinking that his father would not be serious about this matter, it would be troublesome.

There is no way, in Wen Dawei's impression, Wen Lin is a very principled person, this time, Wen Lin took the initiative to propose to the factory not to participate and not to allocate housing.

Needless to say, the whole factory received praise from the whole factory. After all, if the deputy factory manager participated, not only would there be fewer places, but several good houses would inevitably be missing.

But if you don't participate in the housing division, you really can't live in your own house, because the father and son still squeeze the upper and lower bunks because the family is too small. The two rough men are fine, but what if Mingli is married in?Are father and son awkward with each other?

Yes, that's what Wen Dawei thought at the time, otherwise he wouldn't have been so persistent in occupying other people's houses, "I would rather die than surrender"!
He was going to make it a fait accompli, so that Wen Lin couldn't change it even if he came back. Of course, a scolding meal was inevitable.

It tarnished Dad's glorious image again!

So at this time, Wen Dawei was just like when he was a child, ready to endure Wen Lin's storm, but he didn't expect that Wen Lin looked at his precious son, stretched out his big hand and rubbed his head twice, and snorted: "Stinky boy, I finally know I made plans for myself..."

(End of this chapter)

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