Great Power Ship

Chapter 14 The Jealous Dad

Chapter 14 The Jealous Dad
Wen Dawei was a little surprised. In his memory, although Wen Lin was easy-going, he had the stubbornness and stubbornness of an old-school intellectual in his bones.

Not participating in the house allocation means not participating, even if it is the kind that will not take a look at the house in front of him.

Therefore, while Wen Dawei took other people's houses by force, he was also prepared for a protracted war with his father.

After all, Wen Lin was just Wen Dawei, a son like him. If he really tried to use up the energy that a dead pig is not afraid of being scalded by boiling water, Wen Lin would have to grit his teeth and accept it even if he didn't want to.

But what I didn't expect was that Wen Lin had such an attitude, which made Wen Dawei not know how to answer the conversation for a while, so he could only watch Wen Lin put away the dishes, and then motioned Wen Dawei to rest, then he rolled up his sleeves and went into the next room. Small kitchen to wash dishes.

Wen Dawei didn't realize it until he heard the rushing water after washing. He turned sideways quickly and looked at Wen Lin who was bending over to wash the dishes through the simple partition: "You don't blame me?"

"What's your fault?" Wen Lin asked back.

"He robbed Huang Zhiguo's house!" Wen Dawei said frankly.

Hearing this, Wen Lin straightened his waist, turned to look at his son: "Have you heard that sentence?"


"Wolves travel thousands of miles to eat meat, dogs travel thousands of miles to eat shit!" Wen Lin said with a smile: "Although the words are a bit rough, they make sense. It's the same from individuals to countries. If you fall behind, you will be beaten. Self-improvement is the only way to survive..."

As he spoke, Wen Lin wiped his hands with a dishcloth, then hung it up, poured out the water for washing the dishes, and then turned around and sat down at the small table: "There are still many people who don't understand, more than ten The reason why we built the Lidong factory in this valley a few years ago is very simple. Our waists are not strong enough. We need industrialization and independence, so that others dare not bully us and cannot bully us.

Only relying on those few key factories cannot cover such a large country, so third-line factories like Lidong Factory came into being, not only for preparing for war and famine, but also for the industrialization of the whole country, so that our common people can live a better life. Good day. "

Wen Lin paused for a moment, reached out and took a tin box from the low table with a lame leg, took out a handful of tea foam from it, and put it into an enamel jar with the words "Lidong Machinery Manufacturing Factory Founding Commemoration" printed on it in front of him. , then poured hot water from the kettle, closed the lid, and then continued:
"From this point of view, a prosperous and strong country that allows the common people to live a good life is not something that can be obtained by talking about it, but it can only be obtained after a long and hard struggle.

The same is true for individuals, even if they succeed for a while by relying on trickery, it will set a very bad precedent, that is, everyone can follow this method, because the cost of doing so is low , today you Wen Dawei can do it, why can't Li Er, Wang Wu, and Zhang Ermazi not?They are all human, so why should you, Wen Dawei, be the only one who can play tricks and rob a house? "

"So, if I don't solve the technical problems in the factory, you will also return that house?" Wen Dawei looked at Wen Lin and asked.

"The house allocation this time was originally arranged to solve the housing difficulties of the technical backbone of the factory. You solved the technical problems in the factory and won the attention of the factory and even the bureau. The house belongs to you and is reasonable and compliant!" Wen Lin did not answer directly. , but what he said answered all the questions clearly.

After all, this is what Wen Lin is educating his son, don't think about those crooked ways, those things won't last long, and if you want to live a good life, you have to follow the right way in a down-to-earth manner.

If it was Wen Dawei before, he would have been impatient with his father's reasoning, and slammed the door; but at this time, Wen Dawei was more curious, so he frowned and thought for a while before looking at Wen Lin: "Dad, what are you doing?" I understand what you mean, you have to earn a good life dignifiedly; but why is your old man running to this ravine when you can earn a good life dignifiedly?"

As Wen Dawei spoke, he glanced at the old, mottled and small room: "It doesn't seem to match what you just said!"

It's no wonder Wen Dawei said that, Wen Lin, a technical cadre born and bred in Shanghai, if he had stayed in Shanghai back then, even if the current conditions were not decades away, he wouldn't be in this poor mountain valley like he is now Far better out of sight.

But after asking this question, Wen Dawei regretted it a little. There was no other way, there was already a fixed template for this kind of question, as long as it was followed by the words in the newspaper.

Not to mention that the truth can tell Wen Lin who lived for three days and three nights, even Wen Dawei who hadn't crossed over could tell one, two, three...

"Because this is more suitable for me!"

In the end, Wen Dawei didn't wait for any high-level answer, but heard such a casual and somewhat casual answer from Wen Lin's mouth.

Can't help but look at his father strangely, that look seems to say, shouldn't it be for the prosperity of the country and other words full of family and country feelings?how……

"According to my level, if I stay in Shanghai, I can become a section chief at most, but here I can be the deputy director in charge of production and technology. After all, there are too many talents in Shanghai, and I am a rather People who make chicken heads, not phoenix tails, so I have this virgin land, so I'll come and try it!"

Wen Lin said it very easily, as if the past 20 years of struggling in this poor mountain valley were nothing more than a fleeting moment.

"The same is true for the 109 torpedo project?" Wen Dawei couldn't comprehend it, so he could only continue to ask curiously.

"Well, after all, there are only a few manufacturers in China that can produce torpedoes. If we occupy them, even if we get a long-term meal ticket, it will not only enhance the combat effectiveness of the navy, but also provide continuous benefits for the enterprise. It’s a good thing, of course we have to do this well!”

After finishing speaking, Wen Lin picked up the enamel jar of brewed tea, brought it to his mouth and blew on the floating tea foam, and looked up at Wen Dawei: "But the ultimate success or failure depends on yourself, and you are the same, you can go How far it is still depends on whether your kid has the ability.

But then again, if you can ask Zhang Mingli for advice, why didn't you come to ask me, the father?Zhang Mingli is taught by me, can her experience and level be better than mine? "

Wen Dawei was a little confused, why did he go to another place after talking?Aren't we grandpa talking about feelings and reason?Do you want to change the topic so quickly?
"Um... I think you're busy, so..." Wen Dawei could only perfunctory in desperation, but before he finished speaking, Wen Lin put the enamel jar on the small table: "It's not bad for you if you're busy." With a little time, I can train a Zhang Mingli, and how little time can you, your own son, have? Review it for me from tomorrow, and I will personally supervise it, and strive to enter the undergraduate course next year..."

After finishing speaking, he picked up the enamel jar and took a big sip, then put it down and looked at his watch: "It's getting late, go to bed!"

Before he finished speaking, he got up and walked to the bed, but Wen Dawei felt that the whole room had an inexplicably strong sour smell, it was obvious that his father Wen Lin was jealous!
(End of this chapter)

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