Chapter 149 The Choice Dilemma (Please Subscribe)

"how do you know?"

Wang Weichen, who was gradually integrated into the circle, also gradually let go. As soon as Wen Dawei's voice fell, Wang Weichen asked curiously.

Wen Dawei really wants to say that he has a golden thigh. Of course, he knows that Qin Gangsheng, a Hong Kong businessman, started his career as a ship repair yard in the 70s. In the 80s, he transformed and won the agency right of Japan's Kawasaki Heavy Industries for shipbuilding equipment in Southeast Asia. Based on this, he responded accordingly. Obtained the domestic agency rights for domestic shipbuilding special equipment of related companies in the United States and Europe.

It coincided with the blowout development of the domestic shipbuilding industry in the mid-to-late 90s, and the domestic shipbuilding equipment did not keep up with the gap, which made Qin Gangsheng earn a lot of money.

It was after the millennium that China started to make efforts in this field. Qin Gangsheng, whose profits were greatly reduced, transformed into an investor again, and officially transformed from an industry giant to a behind-the-scenes boss. It can be described as a legend.

In his previous life, when Wen Dawei led the research and development of deep-sea submersibles, he needed to import a precision grinding machine made in the United States, which was obtained through Qin Gangsheng's channel.

For this reason, Qin Gangsheng drew 20 points and a channel fee of 100 million US dollars.

At that time, Wen Dawei was shocked, and he directly gave Qin Gangsheng a two-word comment: "Grab money!"

But Qin Gangsheng smiled slightly at this, and replied meaningfully: "If you can make such a device, it will be considered a real money grab!"

Wen Dawei certainly couldn't let such a person live again.

Otherwise, there are so many similar shipyards on Hong Kong Island, why Wen Dawei chose Qin Gangsheng's in the end, it's not without reason.

What's more, the relationship between the two of them was not bad in the previous life. Wen Dawei naturally knew that the most difficult time for Qin Gangsheng was the transition around the mid-80s.

The orders for shipbuilding and repairing yards could not be returned or transferred out; Japan's Kawasaki Heavy Industries' conditions were extremely harsh, exceeding Qin Gangsheng's tolerance limit.

So at this time, Wen Dawei came here with the ZJ series underwater welding equipment, which really saved Qin Gang from the fire and water!

It's just that it is impossible for Wen Dawei to explain these things to Wang Weichen and others, so he can only "convince people with reasoning". Anyway, the domestic business philosophy has not yet formed a system, and Wen Dawei has learned a lot of miscellaneous knowledge in his previous life. , In this life, I set myself up as a person who "reads poetry and books" and "self-taught" in the university library.

So when you analyze it, it's a sneaky way.

Especially the sentence: "This principle is the same as our high-end razors. Coated razors are more expensive than ordinary razors. This is a rolling competition with technology as the core, and the same is true for shipbuilding. , If you want to make money, you must constantly improve your technical level to make a lot of money, otherwise you can only be eliminated. Follow this line of thinking to see Qin Gangsheng's shipyard, does he still have a way out?"

It directly made Liu Chengzhi and the others suddenly realize that the reason behind this is this, so it seems that Qin Gangsheng is really not optimistic.

"Tomorrow night, I have a dinner appointment with him. When the time comes, you will go there together. Oh, by the way, Lao Zheng, remember to bring your baby. Qin Gangsheng doesn't see rabbits and doesn't scatter eagles. He doesn't have any good things. Never bite the hook!"

In the end, Wen Dawei made the final decision and settled the matter just like that!

Wen Dawei was discussing the details on how to deal with Qin Gangsheng, and Qin Gangsheng was not idle, and was also worrying about how to go in the future.

As Wen Dawei expected, the development of Qin Gangsheng in the past few years has been quite unsatisfactory. Originally, the shipbuilding industry on Hong Kong Island was born along with the developed shipping.

Relying on the era of several big ship kings on Hong Kong Island, it is true that there is a wave of development. However, with the intensification of competition in the international shipping industry, the rise in energy prices, especially the rise of new shipbuilding forces represented by South Korea.

Hong Kong Island's shipbuilding industry, which was not technically dominant, has become more and more sluggish.

Qin Gangsheng, who has a very keen sense of the market, has already noticed that this industry may not be able to survive on Hong Kong Island a few years ago, so he wanted to transform into other businesses.

But as Wen Dawei said, the shipyard is a heavy asset, it is not easy to build, and even more difficult to transfer.

Especially in Hong Kong Island, in the 80s, the idea of ​​referring to Europe and the United States to move away from the real to the virtual, and to actively participate in financial and real estate investment to make quick money pervaded Hong Kong Island.

This has also led to the transfer of many Hong Kong Island manufacturing industries to the Mainland.

And this also exacerbates the difficulties in the transfer of Qingangsheng Shipyard, because no one will do the hard work without earning a little money. Staring at the K-line chart on the screen, the transaction volume will come every minute. , The money earned is easy and decent.

Therefore, Qin Gangsheng dragged many people to transfer the shipyards under his banner, but nothing happened, and there was no follow-up at all.

But not being able to transfer is tantamount to being in the hands. In order not to be in the hands, Qin Gangsheng has to continue to maintain the operation of the shipyard, because once the shipyard has no business, the difficulty of transfer will increase exponentially, and it will be even more difficult to sell.

But in this way, it fell into a vicious circle.

Qin Gangsheng's hair was turning gray, but there was nothing he could do. In desperation, he could only maintain the operation of the shipyard while looking for other income. Swallow it.

So Qin Gangsheng found Kawasaki Heavy Industries in Japan, hoping to act as an agent for the marine welding equipment and port hoisting equipment produced by it.

Kawasaki Heavy Industries did not reject Qin Gangsheng, but set a very harsh condition, that is, in addition to a fixed annual technical service fee of 600 million US dollars similar to the franchise fee, the leasing business under Kawasaki Heavy Industries cannot be affected.

The high technical service fee is nothing more than that. With years of accumulation, Qin Gangsheng gritted his teeth and could bear it, but Qin Gangsheng couldn't bear the latter one if it didn't affect the leasing business.

We must know that in order to monopolize the special equipment in the shipbuilding industry in Japan, manufacturers only rent and not sell huge profits while maintaining their own technological competitive advantages.

Therefore, the scale of leasing business of related Japanese manufacturers is very large. Coupled with its comprehensive financial supporting policies, a network has almost been formed in Asia and even the world. Relying on this network, Japanese related companies can obtain huge profits from the whole world every year.

It's just that it would be very unfriendly to agents like Qin Gangsheng, not to mention making money, it would be nice not to lose money.

But apart from related equipment from Japan, who else can Qin Gangsheng represent?Europe and America?Those guys were more difficult to serve than the Japanese, so Qin Gangsheng had no choice at that time.

But it’s different now. A little-known Zhujiang factory has produced the ZJ series underwater welding system, which gives Qin Gangsheng a choice, but it is precisely because of the choice that Qin Gangsheng is like a classmate. Zha looked at the multiple-choice questions and was stuck in the dilemma of choosing B or C!
(End of this chapter)

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