Great Power Ship

Chapter 150 Gifts

Chapter 150 Gift (Please Subscribe)

This is not difficult to understand, although the ZJ series underwater welding system of Zhujiang Plant has shown excellent performance in the maintenance of Bosnian cargo ships, and its prospects are also very broad.

But after all, the Zhujiang factory is just a small factory that has just been established, and it is unknown how long it will survive and how far it will go.

After all, Qin Gangsheng has been in business for so many years and has seen too many "star" companies that suddenly rose, but soon declined. It is very cool to cooperate with such companies, but it is also very miserable when they decline. .

And this is why Qin Gangsheng only reached a verbal agreement with Wang Weichen on joining, but did not formally finalize the text.

Who knows if your Zhujiang factory can live until the next spring, if you hit the street, you have to take me to be buried with you, I'm not losing money!

If you choose Kawasaki instead of Zhujiang factory, the quality of the equipment is not to mention the overall strength is also reliable, but Qin Gangsheng can only scold his mother for his fucking business strategy.

Qin Gangsheng became an agent for making money, not for charity.

Therefore, what Qin Gangsheng wanted was to moderately act as an agent for the Zhujiang factory's underwater welding equipment, but not to be bound too deeply. He used this as leverage to bargain with Kawasaki Heavy Industries and win the agency rights in some parts of Southeast Asia.

The problem is that he has a good plan, and the Zhujiang factory is not bad, especially the young assistant to the factory manager Wen Dawei, regardless of his age, he is as smooth and sophisticated as a mature old fox.

As soon as he came up, he was cornered.

Not on the chariot of Zhujiang Factory?

That Zhujiang factory started underwater welding maintenance business on Hong Kong Island!

Based on Hong Kong Island, it radiates throughout Southeast Asia. It won't take long for the Zhujiang Plant's underwater welding repair business to swallow up this market as a whole.

What?Fleet size limited in Southeast Asia?

The size of the fleet is small, but the offshore oil exploration, mineral development, and oil and gas pipeline layout in various countries are growing very rapidly, and this is the largest application field of underwater welding equipment.

Qin Gangsheng said that he set up an underwater welding department in the shipyard to handle the rapid repair business for cargo ships traveling between Hong Kong Island. This is not without consideration, but more is to spread to Southeast Asia.

It should be known that the minimum fee for repairing a crack on an underwater drilling platform off the coast of Malaysia is also 200 million US dollars.

Not to mention if you can receive orders for underwater oil and gas pipelines, the price can directly reach the skyline.

No way, these difficult ocean engineering fields have always been the taboo of developed countries in Europe and the United States, not to mention half of the developing countries, even Asian economic powerhouses such as Japan that have already become developed countries are difficult to get their hands on.

So as long as Qin Gangsheng gives a little discount, it will inevitably attract many customers to throw money at his old face.

However, if Zhujiang Factory opened its own underwater welding company on Hong Kong Island, then Qin Gangsheng would not be able to cast a spell, so even if he was unwilling, Qin Gangsheng would also join the chariot of Zhujiang Factory.

But it was precisely because of unwillingness that Qin Gangsheng, who had a full belly, also planned to jump out of the car and run away if the Zhujiang factory failed, and even planned to stab him behind the scenes.

Because of this, when I returned to my residence, I contacted Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Japan, and continued to discuss many matters concerning the agency of its products.

The result, of course, was as bad as ever.

There is no way, if the Japanese say that they are really unable to pull back eight cows, that’s all. The key is that they are very confident, and they always feel that their products are really invincible in Asia.

So much so that Qin Gangsheng really wanted to pull the sales representative of Kawasaki Heavy Industries over the phone line to take a good look at the performance of the Zhujiang plant's ZJ series underwater welding system.

Fortunately, Qin Gangsheng knew that this would be a long and arduous process, especially for the Japanese who had already gotten up, so it was much easier.

After such a toss, Qin Gangsheng has been physically and mentally tired for the past two days. He originally wanted to lie on the sofa and sleep like this, but when he closed his eyes, he remembered that tonight he would entertain Wen Dawei and others from the Zhujiang Factory .

Although it was a dinner, it involved Qin Gangsheng's final choice. Thinking about it, Qin Gangsheng couldn't fall asleep, and started to think about how to deal with Wen Dawei, a little fox at night, so that he could get the ZJ series Underwater welding equipment, so that it will not be tied too tightly, and at the same time, it can prevent Zhujiang factory from expanding to Hong Kong Island and Southeast Asia in this field?

In this way, Qin Gangsheng lay on his back on the sofa and thought about several coping strategies, and then deliberated over and over again, denying two of them, until he was satisfied, then he started from the sofa, and looked out of the window again. It's already blacked out, and it's almost 6 o'clock when you look at the wall clock on the wall.

He quickly got up and put on his clothes. At this time, Qin Gangsheng suddenly felt that something touched his calf. He looked down and saw that it was a small ball. Qin Gangsheng turned his head quickly, and a loving smile appeared on his tired face: "Aya , why are you pursing your lips so unhappy?"

"Aya wants to play with daddy, but brother won't let him, saying daddy has to be busy with work..."

Hearing this, Qin Gangsheng hurried forward and knelt down to look at the little girl wearing a princess dress in front of him, and said softly, "Aya, be good, why don't you play with Aya after Daddy finishes his work?"

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand and touched the son who had the same longing face but held back: "Ah Hua is the older brother, and he has to take good care of the younger sister, you know?"

The little boy nodded, when a Filipino maid came over with a strange expression: "Sir, Mr. Wen and the others are here!"

"Oh, then I'll go right away!" Qin Gangsheng stood up in response, suddenly felt that something was wrong, and looked at his Filipino maid: "What's wrong? What's wrong with Mr. Wen and the others?"

"It's nothing, but Mr. Wen said that he prepared some gifts for Mr. and Mr.'s family!"

"Is there a gift from Aya?" The little girl looked up at the Filipino maid with a serious face.

The Filipino maid nodded: "Yes, miss, Mr. Wen also prepared a gift for you!"

"Mr. Wen has a heart, so let the people below help put it away!" Qin Gangsheng ordered, but seeing the Filipino maid's face became even more embarrassed, he asked again: "Why? What's wrong with the gift?"

"Miss and Master's presents are easy to say, they are gifts for you, sir...too...too...too special..." The Filipino maid stammered, Qin Gangsheng couldn't ask anything, so he simply I didn't ask any more questions, and walked straight to the door of the villa. As soon as I went down the steps, I saw an Isuzu truck parked at the door of the courtyard. I don't know what it is.

But it doesn't matter what it is, the key is that this battle can ruin the neighbors around. You must know that the people who can live here are either rich or noble, and they are also very vigilant. Such a strange thing , or loaded in a car, what if it is a bomb?
Therefore, the neighbors around are all closed doors and windows, and the Filipino servants are on guard as if they are facing an enemy.

Qin Gangsheng finally knew why his Filipino maid was so embarrassed, and cursed: "These inland bumpkins!" He rushed down to let Wen Dawei and the others put it away, but before he could move, Wen Dawei, who also saw him coming down, shouted Then he said: "Boss Qin, look what I brought you!"

As Wen Dawei pulled it hard, revealing the contents of the car, Qin Gangsheng, who was still angry at first, only took one look, and then froze: " this thing?"

(End of this chapter)

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