Great Power Ship

Chapter 155 Sunken

Chapter 155 Sinking (Subscribe)

In a military port in East China, the night here is not quiet, but rather noisy.

Teams of officers and soldiers in uniforms of the navy were busy busy, and the guards officers and soldiers with live ammunition under the lights on the periphery of the pier were watching the movement around the port.

The focus of these officers and soldiers is a Type 251 conventional submarine numbered "033" lying across the pier.

Just 30 hours ago, a certain detachment of the submarine stationed at the military port here suddenly received an order from the D Fleet Command to enter the combat readiness exercise state immediately, and asked to complete the combat readiness inspection within 48 hours and leave the port immediately to join the Navy Maritime combat exercises organized by the headquarters.

For this kind of sudden combat readiness inspection, a certain submarine detachment is not used to it, but it is not surprising. After all, since the 80s, 251 of them have undergone four assault readiness exercises by the Navy Command, each time with extremely high Complete the tasks assigned by the superiors according to the standards.

And for this, he has received several collective awards from the Navy Command.

This time is no exception. It will be 30 hours since they received the order. They have already completed all the preparations before the submarine leaves the port, which is fully ahead of the 48-hour limit given by the Navy Command. for 18 hours.

"Our mission this time is to go all the way along the submarine ridge outside the port, and then lurk in this position, waiting for the blue fleet to appear, and catch them off guard!"

In the command room of the submarine, the captain Wang Bin held a drawing ruler in one hand and a red and blue pencil in the other, drew a thin red line on the chart, and then clicked in an open sea area: "We are 18 days ahead of schedule." Hours, this is something the blue team never thought of, so they can't have more arrangements in this position, and when we preemptively strike, we will definitely give them a big surprise!"

"Captain, if this is the case, our position will be exposed. I heard that this time it is the N Fleet, and they are all the elite force!" At this time, a staff officer said with some concern, but Wang Bin put down the red and blue guns in his hand. Pencil straightened his body and said proudly: "I'm hitting their elite!"

Then he pointed to the chart on the table again: "We 251 are the most familiar area in this area of ​​water. We can touch every trench and every ridge under the seabed with our eyes closed. Even if our raid fails, the N fleet will The elite main force may not be able to catch us, you see..."

Wang Bin took a seabed topographic map drawn not long ago, and clicked several locations with his hands: "Here, here, and here, the shapes of these trenches and sea ridges can completely cover our 251 boats, The sonar echoes of surface ships cannot distinguish the submarine attached to the side of the ridge, which we have repeatedly verified in the past two years of exercises, so our chances of survival are still very high."

As soon as the words fell, a meaningful smile appeared on Wang Bin's face: "On the contrary, the N Fleet is indeed fighting away this time. Not to mention the unfamiliar place, it is also a long-distance expedition. It has committed many military taboos. What's more, we left the port 18 hours ahead of time, if we can't win this battle, we might as well find a piece of tofu and kill each other!"

As soon as this remark came out, the people in the command room roared with laughter, because what Wang Bin said was true. Their 251 boats have been serving in East China for five and a half years, and they have already understood the situation in the surrounding waters thoroughly. .

Where the sea ridge can be hidden, where the trench can be bottomed, where the current can be accelerated, and where the density of the sea water is suitable for the suspension of the submarine, Wang Bin and other officers and soldiers of the 251 boat are very clear.

On the other hand, the ships deployed by the N Fleet, which is playing the role of the blue army, are not weak in overall combat power, but they have traveled more than 1000 kilometers from the N Fleet station to the East China coast. .

Under such circumstances, it is as if a foreigner suddenly came to a strange big city, looking around in a daze. Under such circumstances, the 251-boat, a ground tiger, can not do anything.

Even if you can't fight, playing peek-a-boo with you can sneak you to death!
It is for this reason that Wang Bin is still very confident in this exercise, so he raised his hand and looked at his watch with a solemn expression: "I will leave the port on time in 15 minutes, and then the whole boat will keep the radio silent. Dive down after reaching the W sea area at a speed of 12 knots, and then reach the Y ridge at a speed of 6 knots, and wait for the blue fleet to hit it by itself!"


The officers and soldiers in the command room responded, and hurriedly split up to prepare to go. Wang Bin handed over a just-drawn battle plan for the 251 boat to the side staff: "Immediately inform the command on the shore of our movements." Director's Department!"


In the headquarters of a certain naval base in East China, staff officers at all levels are summarizing the information of the red and blue sides. The huge charts marked with the fleet logos of the red and blue sides are changing rapidly over time.

In particular, the blue ship formation from the N Fleet is moving very fast, and there is a sense of sight to take advantage of the dawn to destroy a certain military port in East China.

"Fleet N is coming so fiercely this time, aren't you afraid of being ambushed by Fleet D?" A staff officer frowned as he looked at the situation map.

Another staff officer nodded: "It looks like they want to reproduce Pearl Harbor. The problem is that Fleet N doesn't have an aircraft carrier. Even if it has missiles, the number is not enough. Do you want to fight hand-to-hand? Fleet D is not weak either. !"

"I don't understand, I really don't understand!" An older staff officer shook his head.

Not to mention that they didn't understand, Lin Haiyang, who was in charge of commanding the red formation this time, was also a little confused. The blue formation originally in the East China Sea was still advancing slowly, but at midnight, the entire formation suddenly accelerated, heading towards the red formation. The key node, a certain port rushed.

At that time, Lin Haiyang was taken aback, thinking that the commander of the blue team must have gone crazy, so he rushed to the military port at this time?

Not to mention the shore-based aviation around the military port, even the mines deployed around the port are enough for the incoming fleet to drink a pot, not to mention that their red formation is not made of mud. It is entirely possible to wipe out the blue formation.

That being the case, Lin Haiyang was not polite, and he would not eat the meat delivered to his mouth for nothing, so he ordered the red fleet to set off immediately, preparing to meet the reckless blue fleet, so Lin Haiyang looked at the commander. Looking at the clock at the Ministry, he tilted his head and asked, "How is the submarine in charge of the ambush getting ready?"

"At present, only 251 boats have completed preparations and are ready to leave the port at any time!"

"Boat 251 will never disappoint, 18 hours ahead of time..." Lin Haiyang smiled gratifiedly, then got up and looked at the chart, staring at an empty sea area, his smile became more intense: "There is boat 251. The trump card is here, enough for me to play the blue formation..."

As Lin Haiyang said, he picked up the phone and prepared to give an order, but before he could move, the red phone connected to the director's department rang. The whole person was in a daze: "What did you say? Did 251 listen?"

(End of this chapter)

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