Great Power Ship

Chapter 156 Naval Gun

Chapter 156 Naval Gun (for Subscription)

"Sink? Why did our boat sink?"

If Lin Haiyang of the headquarters was stunned when he learned that the 251 boat had sunk, then Wang Bin, the captain of the 251 boat, was buzzing when he learned that the submarine under his command sank inexplicably.

You must know that just 3 minutes before he was about to lift anchor and leave his post, a staff officer from the director's department hurriedly came to the boat to inform him that the captain, the 251 boat was bombed by the blue side and sank in the military port, and more than one-third of the officers and soldiers on the boat were killed. , including him as the captain.

Hearing the news, Wang Bin couldn't believe his ears. Boat 251 was fine in his own port, why did it sink?
The blue team blew it up?
What did they blow it up with?Is it a missile or a plane?You can see everything, why did it blow up?

It doesn't make sense!

Since it’s unreasonable, of course I don’t accept it, but the staff of the director’s department didn’t care about it, and repeated with a straight face: “It’s sinking, it’s sinking, there’s nothing to say, if you want to know what’s going on, wait for the summary after the exercise.” Understood!"

Then he signaled to the soldiers who came over to put Wang Bin on a stretcher, treating him as a "dead corpse" as a drill prop for the rescue unit!

From the lively ace captain to the "corpse" props of the rescue unit, it took only a few minutes before and after. The role change was so great that it was completely turned upside down. Wang Bin could only be called hell if he was willing, so he was still yelling when he was tied to the stretcher , There is no awareness of becoming a "corpse" at all.

However, the rescue unit didn't care about this, they trapped Wang Bin on a stretcher and carried out the submarine according to the requirements of transporting the "corpse"!

At the same time, somewhere underwater in the port, Tang Jianshe was wearing a GD-2S semi-enclosed diving suit and observed the surroundings vigilantly. Just now he and his companions blew up the submarine moored in the port at the pier, completing Immediately after arriving at this assembly point, wait for another group of frogmen to blow up the red flagship.

Not long after, Jiang Xudong, who was also wearing a GD-2S semi-enclosed diving suit, quickly swam over with a few people. After the two parties matched the password with diving flashlights, Jiang Xudong made an "OK" gesture to Tang Jianshe , while Tang Jianshe gave Jiang Xudong a thumbs up.

Jiang Xudong nodded, then stretched his arms forward, and the two groups of people quickly swam towards the sea outside the port.


"What? The flagship was also blown up?"

In the Red Formation Command, Lin Haiyang listened to the report from the director's department in disbelief. He had already lost an ace submarine, which disrupted his action plan. He didn't expect that even his flagship was bombed and sunk. This is not the case. Disrupting the deployment is so simple, but the entire fleet has suffered heavy losses.

No way, their red formation has only three surface ships, two conventional submarines, and a regiment of land-based aviation.

Today, one-third of the surface ships and one-half of the conventional submarines are gone, and they were bombed without anyone noticing when they were moored in the port.

No matter how thick-skinned Lin Haiyang was, he couldn't bear it any longer. He was so bullied that he couldn't even leave his house. This was a great shame for a naval commander.

But the fact happened like this. Lin Haiyang couldn't bear it and had to admit it, so he put down the phone fiercely, and then punched the chart in front of him: "When did the combat frogmen of the N fleet become so powerful? The 40-meter Can the deep-water port be able to walk on the ground?"

The surrounding staff officers naturally looked at each other in blank dismay upon hearing the words, not daring to speak.

Because when they learned that their 251 submarine and flagship were actually blown up by the combat frogmen infiltrated by the blue team, they were also full of disbelief. You must know that a certain military port is a natural deep-water military port with a water depth of 40 meters. Frogmen can toss in the water depth of 20 meters, even if it breaks the sky, 40 meters, how did the combat frogmen of the N fleet do it?
Could it be that they are all the sons of the Sea Dragon King?
"Okay, guessing again can't save the loss of a submarine and a flagship!" In the end, Lin Haiyang calmed down, and no matter what, the exercise still had to be finished.

What's more, it wasn't that he didn't have a chance to come back, so he stared at the chart for a while, then looked at the direction of the blue formation, and finally pointed his hand at a certain position: "Order the shore-based air force, drop it here!" Mine, seal the waterway here!"

A staff officer hurriedly went down to make arrangements, but Lin Haiyang did not stop and continued: "Order the fleet to anchor immediately, and line up in the sea east of the port, forcing the blue formation to fight a decisive battle!"

"Yes!" The other staff officers all agreed, and Lin Haiyang checked his arrangement again and found that there was no major problem, so he picked up the military cap on the table and got up and walked towards the pier.

Although Lin Haiyang's deployment has a sense of desperateness in it, it is not aimless. You must know that this time the red and blue sides mainly judge the outcome based on the gains and losses of a certain military port.

That is to say, if the blue team blows up the port, no matter how well the red team maintains its vitality, it will lose. On the contrary, if the red team keeps the port within the specified time, even if Lin Haiyang "died" it will be a victory for the red team.

Lin Haiyang's original plan was to use the submarine's underwater advantage to ambush and delay the actions of the blue formation, and then mobilize surface ships to wipe out the blue formation with the cooperation of shore-based aviation, thus fighting a beautiful annihilation battle.

But he didn't expect that he would suffer huge losses before leaving the port, so he had to adjust his plan and block the main channel leading to the port with mines, leaving only a channel that was most beneficial to the red team, waiting for work and colliding with the blue team formation one time.

Although his own side suffered heavy losses, Lin Haiyang believes that the blue side must have suffered even more because of the labor force's expedition. After all, the conditions on the naval ships of the 80s were not good. Lin Haiyang can be said to have a deep understanding. How much physical strength is left to deal with high-intensity combat.

Coupled with the fact that the red team was fully prepared, Lin Haiyang felt that it should not be a big problem to withstand the blue team's attack, and it was even possible to achieve a counter-kill, but no matter what, as long as they can persist until 12 noon, their red team will win.

Based on this judgment, Lin Haiyang was very decisive, and immediately led the team to his preset battlefield, but he sat on the temporary flagship and waited from 5:7 in the morning until after [-]:[-]. Even the sun had already risen, but even the blue team No sign of the formation was seen.

This made Lin Haiyang, who was still smug, flustered a little, and quickly dispatched a reconnaissance force to see what happened to the blue fleet.

As a result, Lin Haiyang was puzzled by the news sent back: "What did you say? They are heading towards the waterway blocked by mines?"

"Yes, they didn't come towards the preset sea area at all!"

"Are there minesweepers in their formation?" Lin Haiyang asked again.

"No, it's just three frigates and an oil and water supply ship!"

"Then how did they block the cable area with mines?" Now Lin Haiyang was even more confused, and at this time the voice of the captain of the reconnaissance ship also became strange: "They used naval guns, 37mm anti-aircraft naval guns...they used The naval guns fired at the mines..."

(End of this chapter)

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