Great Power Ship

Chapter 16 New Technologies

Chapter 16 New Technologies

"The subsequent residual stress?"

Hearing Wang Weibin's words, the factory manager Du Weiguo couldn't help but frowned, and then glanced at Wen Lin beside him, and found that his right-hand man frowned unconsciously, knowing that this was a very difficult problem.

In fact, the elimination of subsequent residual stress of formed parts, not to mention the current Lidong factory, even the Southwest Ordnance Industry Bureau, or even the ordnance industry system, or even the national industrial system is a problem that needs to be solved urgently.

In fact, this problem is also a long-standing problem even in the world's industrial field.

The so-called stress refers to the internal force in the material, just like the internal force in martial arts novels. If it is well guided, it is a powerful energy that can play an important role. If it is not used well, it may go mad and explode in place.

The stress in the material is also similar, and usually changes to varying degrees due to environmental changes such as temperature, humidity, and pressure, thereby affecting the material's own strength and service life.

Because of this, in high-end manufacturing fields such as aviation, aerospace, precision machinery and cutting-edge weapons, eliminating residual stress in materials is an important condition to ensure product quality and ensure product quality.

Take high-end machine tools as an example. The metal structure of the base has very strict requirements on residual stress, because the amount of residual stress directly affects the machining accuracy of the machine tool.

Because of this, large steel structural parts that have been idle for ten or 20 years are natural base materials for machine tools, because their internal residual stress has been eliminated during long-term environmental adaptation for a long time, and the overall internal The structure has reached a constant stable shape.

It's just that this kind of long-term material idle treatment is effective but not applicable to all products. After all, the time cost is too high, and many products that are in urgent need of application cannot afford to wait.

So there are a series of other methods to eliminate residual stress such as heat treatment and shot peening.

It's just that these methods have extremely high requirements on technology, equipment and personnel quality. Even in developed countries like the United States and Europe, it is not something that ordinary industrial enterprises can do. Let alone Lidong Factory, most of the equipment is still five or five. At the level of the 60s, daily production still relies on experience rather than standard production specifications of inland third-line factories.

Because of this, when Wang Weibin mentioned this question, both Du Weiguo and Wen Lin were a little confused, but they couldn't refute it for a while.

No way, who let Wang Weibin's question hit the nail on the head.

The Lidong factory has indeed solved the problem of seawater corrosion resistance of new aluminum alloy materials by using the WT62 heat treatment process, but the disadvantages of the water quenching process, such as the uneven deformation of thinner parts, have not been fundamentally resolved.

The thickest shell of the 109 torpedo is not less than 2.5 mm, and the thinnest part is only the thickness of a piece of A4 paper. Therefore, the shell parts of the several 109 torpedoes that have just been released from the oven are very uneven and require follow-up processing.

Naturally, heat treatment is impossible. The WT62 heat treatment process is already the most high-end heat treatment process mastered by the Lidong Factory and even the Southwest Ordnance Industry Bureau. The effect is the same, let alone other heat treatment processes.

As for the shot peening process, Lidong Factory has thought about it, but the problem is that this kind of equipment is not produced in China at present. Even if some research institutes have a few samples developed by themselves, the accuracy is not high, and the performance is even worse. , needs to be imported.

When it comes to imports, money is involved, and when it comes to money, the Lidong Factory is one big and two big.

Therefore, the general solution to this kind of problem is to send the parts that need further processing to the sheet metal workshop, and the workers in the sheet metal workshop use a mallet to manually knock the uneven parts inch by inch.

This process seems simple, but it actually requires extremely high skill, experience and strength of the workers, so that every punch is very particular, otherwise a capable sheet metal master will not be able to become a hot technical master, like a god The masters in the workshop, because they can bring a seemingly scrapped board back to life with a mallet.

The problem is that there are too few such talented people. Wang Guishan, a sixth-level worker in the entire Lidong factory, that is, the sheet metal workshop, has this ability, and the rest can at most help Wang Guishan beat the side drums.

How many shell parts can Wang Guishan knock out in one day with all his strength?
What's more, because the shell parts cannot be integrally heat-treated due to the need for subsequent manual processing of sheet metal, subsequent welding and local heat treatment at the weld seam are required.

The original factory of the 109 torpedo mother model A-244 "white head" torpedo only needs three steps of preliminary heat treatment, welding, and precision heat treatment to complete the pre-treatment of the torpedo shell.

Not to mention the additional sheet metal leveling in the middle of the Lidong factory, the welding and local heat treatment of the welds later, the key is whether the level of stress can be guaranteed and efficient production can be achieved due to the experience and efficiency of the workers in the sheet metal leveling stage. It is really doubtful, let alone the subsequent welding and other processing processes.

Therefore, the residual stress problem mentioned by Wang Weibin is just the tip of the iceberg of many problems, and this also makes Du Weiguo, who has just achieved a little achievement, depressed and wants to go crazy.

Obviously, Wang Weibin raised this question on purpose at this time. He wanted to tell the Lidong factory that your achievements are insignificant, so stop imagining that the 109 torpedo project will actually be made, and follow the bureau's plan with peace of mind and hurry up. Civilization reform, don't run in the same way!

Sure enough, Zhou Wei said with a smile at this time: "It seems that the comrades of the Lidong Factory will continue to work hard. We can't be complacent just because we have achieved a little achievement. We still need to continue to work hard and carry forward the spirit of the third-line construction in our bureau. , continue to face difficulties and implement various reform measures in the bureau..."

As Zhou Wei said, Zhou Wei turned his head and looked at Wang Weibin: "Comrade Weibin, you are too. Why do you ask such sharp questions on this happy day? Don't the comrades in Lidong Factory not understand? The leaders of the bureau have repeatedly emphasized that we These organs and units must understand and respect the difficulties of comrades in low-level units, and actively guide them to move in the right direction. Like you, you don’t care about the road of 21 until the end, and you will hurt the hearts of other comrades... ..."

Zhou Wei's criticism of Wang Weibin was still very harsh, but everyone present at the Lidong Factory counted as one, and their faces were uglier than the other. This is not criticizing Wang Weibin, it is clearly talking about their Lidong Factory.

Because Zhou Wei's meaning is obvious, that is, the Lidong Factory is too stubborn, too stubborn, clinging to the 109 torpedo project, hindering the bureau's reform plan, if it can be completed, it is fine, the problem is that there are so many problems behind, you can do it ?
What?Solve the seawater corrosion resistance of aluminum alloy materials?

It's just a small local problem. Have you solved the follow-up series of problems?Have a plan?Do you have technology?Is there a talent pool?
What can you do if you don't have anything?
"Um...Director Zhou, we are actually researching a new technology, which can not only solve the residual stress problem mentioned by Comrade Wang Weibin, but also simplify the existing process flow, at least better than the original factory of the 'Baitou' torpedo. Be advanced!" Just as Zhou Wei was talking in an official tone, Fang Hua spoke without losing the opportunity.

"So Comrade Wei Bin, if you have the opportunity, you should go to the grassroots more and contact the masses..." Zhou Wei, who was speaking, didn't realize it for a while. After realizing Fang Hua's words, his narrow eyes suddenly opened: "You What do you say? You have new technology?"

(End of this chapter)

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