Great Power Ship

Chapter 17 Polyethers

Chapter 17 Polyethers
After finishing speaking, a more amiable smile appeared on Zhou Wei's slightly fatter round face, but this smile was more approachable than the Maitreya Buddha-like smile just now, but it was also more false.

"Old Fang, are you sure you have new technology in this area? It's even more advanced than the original factory of the 'White Head' torpedo..." At this point, Zhou Wei's smile became stronger: "You know that the 'White Head' torpedo What is the concept of the original factory? It is the fifth largest industrial manufacturing group in the world today, and the techniques and production technologies used all represent the top of the pyramid in today's manufacturing industry..."

As he said that, Zhou Wei raised his eyes and glanced at the huge heat treatment workshop, looked at the equipment that had not been used for many years but was obviously outdated, shook his head and looked at Fang Hua again, his tone became earnest: "Old Fang, your I can understand the mood, but we have to face the reality. After all, production technology issues are not political propaganda work. Slogans can be shouted, but we must be down-to-earth..."

"Yes, Secretary Fang, I have been fortunate enough to have been to the original 'Baitou' torpedo factory, not to mention their uniform CNC machining workshop and computer management system, that is, their heat treatment process has achieved a high degree of automation, and you... said Really, I can't see any place that can compare with the original 'White Head' torpedo factory. Of course, the number of people is enough. In the same workshop, your number is three to five times that of the original 'White Head' torpedo factory... "

Wang Weibin, who took over the conversation, was not so polite. There was nothing he could do about it. Before Fang Hua came to Lidong Factory, he was a cadre of the Organization Department of the Southwest Ordnance Bureau. He was promoted to a senior party official in Lidongchang only at the beginning of the year before last.

Zhou Wei can be regarded as an old acquaintance, so Zhou Wei's words are still polite.

But Wang Weibin didn't have so many worries. He used to be a teaching assistant at a university, and later worked as an assistant researcher at a research institute. He was transferred to the Southwest Ordnance Industry Bureau as an assistant engineer last month. He was not familiar with Fang Hua and Du Weiguo. Naturally, there is not so much face to talk about.

It would be fine if the Lidong factory accepted it humbly, but it turned out that its so-called "new technology" was better than the original "white head" torpedo, which made Wang Weibin unbearable.

I have seen someone who is blind and arrogant, but I have never seen someone who is so blind and arrogant.

That is the original factory of the "Whitehead" torpedo. It is a world-renowned existence and a high-end manufacturer. Such a behemoth that can teach the entire domestic ordnance system to be a man with a stretch of a finger is actually not as good as your little Lidong factory. ?
Wang Weibin, who doesn't rub the sand in his eyes, naturally wants to teach the ignorant Lidong Factory what is beyond the sky!
"Hey~~~ You young comrade, how do you talk?"

But just when Wang Weibin was about to say a few more words, so that everyone in the Lidong factory would not sink in Yelang's arrogance, and opened their eyes to take a good look at this vast and cruel world, he kept standing on the side of the crowd without speaking. Chen Jizu, the veteran section chief of the workshop, had long been displeased with the two from the bureau, one with a red face and the other with a white face.

The new technology obtained in the factory, it’s fine if you don’t praise it, but you’re still criticizing here and there, what do you mean, it’s a mistake to cooperate with the Lidong factory to make technological breakthroughs?

As the founder of the Lidong Factory and the oldest front-line teacher, Chen Jizu has always said one thing and another, and has never been used to leaders and non-leaders. This was the case back then, and now he is retired. not afraid
"You have a red mouth and white teeth. As soon as your upper lip touches your lower lip, you say that our new technology is not good. Have you asked about the details? Have you done a sufficient investigation at the grassroots level? How dare you say that we don't have new technology? Say our new technology can't keep up with foreign factories?
What's the matter?The factories of foreigners are technologically advanced. What kind of tower is it?Our Lidong factory deserves to be a rotten street?Why don't I believe in that evil! "

Wang Weibin's white and tender face was green and red, and he was about to reply, but he stretched out Chen Jizu's hand full of burns and calluses, and broke Wang Weibin's defense with one sentence: "You guys now The young people in government offices are becoming more and more bureaucratic, and it is a good time to catch up, otherwise you would have been re-educated by the proletariat long ago...Xiao Zhao..."

Before the words finished, Chen Jizu ignored the flushed Wang Weibin and called Zhao Dong.

Although Zhao Donggui is the director of the workshop, Chen Jizu has handed over all his abilities. Even if he has taken up the leadership position, he still cannot change the identity of the two as master and apprentice, so Zhao Dong hurried forward: "Master, what do you say?" !"

"How's the stuff in the salt oven? How long will it take?"

"Almost, it's okay to drive at this time!" Zhao Dong quickly replied.

"Since that's the case, let the superiors see how we, the people at the bottom, can create miracles!"


Zhao Dong responded and hurried to inform the workers at the relevant stations to get ready.

Seeing this, Du Weiguo, Wen Lin, and Qin Yibin couldn't help but feel a little nervous. They returned to the factory last night, and they don't know much about the situation these days, so they couldn't help but feel a little nervous. At this time, Fang Hua whispered something to them.

Although they still looked a little suspicious, they didn't stop Master Chen from continuing to give orders.

Soon, the shell parts blanks of 109 torpedoes, which had been continuously heated in the high-temperature salt furnace for more than ten hours, were slowly released under the hoisting of workers and masters. The temperature in the workshop has risen several degrees.

But even so, Wang Weibin could see clearly from a distance. Compared with the plate torpedo shell parts shown to them before, the ones released this time are obviously more complete ring parts.

Obviously this was cast before heat treatment.

The integrity of such parts will indeed be better, at least welding and post-welding follow-up processing will be eliminated, but the question is how to deal with the severe deformation of the parts after quenching?

You must know that the follow-up correction of the plate is easier, and the ring part is much more difficult, not to mention the ring shell part of the 109 torpedo, which is only 324 mm in diameter, and the workload is more than doubled. The original factory of the "Whitehead" torpedo did not dare to play like this.

Just when Wang Weibin was amazed at the boldness of the Lidong Factory, Zhou Wei suddenly pointed to the quenching pool not far away and asked: "Xiao Wang, look, the water in the quenching pool seems to be different, don't they use water quenching?" , but oil quenching?"

Following the direction of Zhou Wei's finger, Wang Weibin discovered that the water in the quenching pool, or more accurately, is a solution that presents a light yellow color, much like a mixture of oil quenching, but with oil Quenching is slightly viscous. This solution is the same as water, except for the light yellow color.

"What kind of old calendar is that oil quenching? Our pool is polyether solution!" At this time, Chen Jizu curled his lips and replied, Wang Weibin trembled when he heard that the whole body was like an electric current passing through his body: "Polymerization Bioorganic Molecular Quencher?"

Amid the exclamation, several torpedo shell parts that had just come out of the furnace were buried in the quenching pool with a crash, accompanied by the sound of stinging~~~, completely drowning Wang Weibin's astonishment...

(End of this chapter)

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