Great Power Ship

Chapter 18 Quenching Agents

Chapter 18 Quenching Agents

Although Wang Weibin was surprised, the timing of his speech was so unfortunate that Zhou Wei, Du Weiguo and others didn't hear it at all.

Of course, even if you hear it, you probably won't pay much attention to it, because compared to Wang Weibin's astonishment, Master Chen's operation is the focus of everyone's attention.

Seeing that the 109 torpedo ring shell parts were sunk into the quenching pool filled with quenching agent, Master Chen walked over quickly, then took the thermometer from an apprentice, plunged into the already boiling quenching pool, After a while, I took it up and looked at it in front of my eyes, and then raised my hand: "Making!"

At the same time, the whistle of the apprentice beside him blew a few short notes, and the small flag in his hand waved a few times. The workers in the crane operation room immediately lifted the sinking billet. The master said: "Prepare!"

The billet sinks into the quenching pool again.

This was repeated several times, during which the blanks were lifted at different intervals, and the speed was also fast and slow, which made people dazzled, until Master Chen said: "It's done!"

Only then did the crane move more than ten ring parts to the open space aside, and the workers waiting to cooperate removed the cables of the crane, and a group of people stepped forward to take a closer look, all of them widening their eyes in surprise.

Qin Yibin leaned down even more, regardless of the remaining heat on the parts, his eyes were almost welded on directly, and he just stuck it in front of a ring part and looked carefully from inside to outside several times, before he raised his head and looked like hell Staring at Chen Jizu as if: "Master Chen... this... this... this..."

As a result, Qin Yibin didn't come up with anything after a long time.

Not only Qin Yibin, but also Wen Lin and Du Weiguo looked at Master Chen with questioning eyes, and even Zhou Wei also had unspeakable urgency in their eyes.

The reason for this is that there are more than a dozen ring-shaped batches that have just been quenched and are as smooth as a mirror. Not to mention the deformed concave-convex structure, even a little bit of displacement is not there. came out the same.

"This is the new technology of our factory, which completely solves the problem of plate deformation after quenching of new aluminum alloy parts. In this way, our production is much simpler, not only greatly simplifying the subsequent welding process, but the most important thing is that the yield rate is greatly improved. improve……"

At this time, Master Chen spoke without losing the opportunity, and the word "proud" was written all over his wrinkled and honest face, and his voice was several octaves higher: "Of course, as far as I look at it now, my appearance This new technology cannot guarantee that 85% of the parts will not be deformed, but [-]% of the non-deformation rate is still guaranteed. Even if the rest is deformed, it is a small local deformation. Any small master in the sheet metal workshop can handle it, and the production efficiency will be improved at once. I don't know how many times it has been improved!"

Before he finished speaking, Master Chen looked at Wang Weibin: "The comrade just said that in foreign torpedo production plants, the same billet processing requires three processes, but we only need one and a half processes. The heat treatment workshop counts as one, and the sheet metal workshop only needs three processes. Counting half, it reduces the workload by 50% compared with the so-called original factory, and the yield rate is not worse than theirs, and the cost is lower than theirs. Such a process technology is not better than them? So what is better than them? Is it some comrade's groundless speculation and taking it for granted?"

Wang Weibin was almost spurted blood on the spot by these words, but he couldn't say a word of rebuttal.

What Master Chen said is right. If you didn’t investigate, and if you didn’t have evidence, you said that his technology was not good. As a result, Master Chen told him with the actual production process that the Lidong Factory is not limited to the completion of the so-called new The problem of corrosion resistance of aluminum alloy further solves the problems of productivity and yield of parts made of this material.

So, what else can Wang Weibin say?Not only can't say anything, at this moment, he can't wait to find a crack in the ground and get in.

It is conceivable that if this matter gets out, he, Wang Weibin, does not understand the masses, and he will be given the title of heavy bureaucracy.

"Haha~~~ Calm down, master, Comrade Wei Bin is still young, and some things have not been considered carefully. On behalf of the technical research team this time, I would like to apologize to you..."

Seeing that Wang Weibin had nothing to do with others, Zhou Wei hurried out to smooth things over, first helped Wang Weibin make things right with a smile, and then sincerely looked at everyone in Lidong Factory: "But again, you Lidong Factory What method is used to make the ring blank remain intact after quenching? Is it an original new technology?"

"We learned from foreign advanced technology in new aluminum alloy heat treatment process, supplemented by some domestic cutting-edge data, combined with our factory's many years of practical experience, and explored this set of 903 polyether solution and water to form a new quenching agent, forming a brand-new process technology that helps to improve the yield rate of the ring shell, and its principle is as follows..."

Fang Hua met Zhou Wei's probing eyes and began to explain. During this period, Master Chen and Zhao Dong added a few key points in practical operation without losing the opportunity, and only then did they fully present this new technology in front of everyone.

The reason why the previous shell parts were deformed after quenching was mainly due to the boiling of the quenching medium water at high temperature, and the large number of bubbles produced by it was like a heavy hammer that lowered the temperature of the parts and also bombarded them. The surface of the component will naturally have bumpy and concave-convex structures and different degrees of deformation on the surface of the component.

The main components of polyether are two high molecular polymers, methyl ethylene oxide and methyl propylene oxide. Under a series of chemical reactions, the two chemical substances combine with each other to form polyether, which is formed after water fusion. A magical imagination of inversion.

That is, when the solution rises to a certain temperature, the polyether will precipitate out of the solution, and it will dissolve in water again after it is lowered to normal temperature.

Utilizing this feature, when the high-temperature parts use polyether solution as a quenching agent, when the part enters the solution, the sudden high temperature will precipitate the polyether and wrap the part in the form of an adhesive film.

In this way, when the water is boiling, the boiling bubbles will be completely protected by the adhesion film formed by polyether.

"...In this way, under the protection of the polyether film, our parts avoid the bombardment of boiling bubbles and ensure the integrity of the parts. After our practice, using 903 polyether solution, its inverse solubility temperature is about Around 73 to 78 degrees Celsius, which fully meets the needs of our components, as for the process itself..."

Fang Hua has a good eloquence, even if he introduces boring technical issues, he also speaks in simple terms and is very vivid. Even the final summary is very exciting: "It is also in the advanced ranks in the world. It is no exaggeration to say that , the technology of our factory is completely comparable to that of any similar production factory in developed countries in Europe and America!"

(End of this chapter)

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