Chapter 170 (Subscription)
What Zhao Dong said was true. Ever since the old Lidong Factory merged with the Guizhou Factory and established the new Lidong Electric General Factory, organizational reforms in the ordnance industry system have also started.

In fact, not only the ordnance industry system, but also the aviation system, aerospace system, ship system, and railway system have all launched their own institutional reforms. As for the purpose, there is only one sentence, that is, the government and enterprises must be separated.

Because of this, the goal of this reform is to gradually transform the previous "ministries of machinery industry" into market entities with enterprises as the core, and the ordnance industry system is naturally included.

But also because of this, the internal institutional relationship needs to be straightened out in more detail.

The Southwest Ordnance Industry Bureau is the most typical example. It can be called a business entity, or it can be called a business guidance agency. In short, it has many functions.

In the era of the military industry system, when this kind of government and enterprise are not separated, this kind of blurred boundary does not matter.

But now, the government and enterprises are going to be separated, and the status and role of the Southwest Ordnance Industry Bureau is a bit embarrassing.

Because if a large enterprise of the ordnance industry system is established, the headquarters can completely avoid the transit organization of the Southwest Ordnance Industry Bureau and lead the subordinate production enterprises. This not only reduces the number of levels, but also makes decision-making more flexible and efficient.

However, it seems inappropriate to cut off the Southwest Ordnance Industry Bureau. After all, specific business issues such as technical issues in military product production, process issues, product research and development, and industrial chain support and integration require an organization to deal with them. coordinated and processed.

If it is removed, thousands of large and small military production factories in the entire southwest region will inevitably become a mess, which is obviously not advisable.

Therefore, the superiors are also studying the institutional adjustment of the Southwest Ordnance Bureau to see where it is more suitable.

But no matter what, it is an inevitable fact that the influence of the Southwest Ordnance Bureau has been greatly weakened.

Now that he has no influence, he will not have the confidence and toughness he used to speak. Therefore, Deputy Director Wang is like Yongjiang's words. Yongjiang listened to it to save face, and if he didn't listen to Deputy Director Wang, he could only suffer.

Of course, Shen Ju knew the twists and turns. Before, he felt that there were three mother-in-laws in his family who were hard to take care of, but now one mother-in-law was hard to protect himself. years.

But no matter what to do, you have to face the facts, so you can only ask Zhao Dong: "Then what should we do? Just watch Lidong Electric snatch our port land?"

Zhao Dong pondered for a while: "If it's not possible, let's make that matter public!"

"Can it work?" Shen Ju frowned, obviously worried.

"It's better than doing nothing!" Zhao Dong said with a solemn face, then raised his arms and looked at his watch: "It's almost time, let's go!"

Speaking of standing up, he pushed open the door of the lounge and walked towards the conference room. Shen Ju sighed helplessly, then got up and followed...


"Teacher, did you offend Zhujiang Factory too hard this time? Others can say that I am worried about Wen Dawei. He is too quiet now. I am afraid..."

"What are you afraid of?"

In the other corridor leading to the meeting room, Zheng Yong squinted at Huang Zhiguo, with an indisputable look: "How long has it been, can't you get rid of the shadow of your muddy legs? Isn't it because you were raped when the house was divided? He threatened, why now you, the dignified deputy director of Lidong Electric General Factory, are still afraid of a factory assistant whose rank is not even determined?
If this is the case, don't say that you, Huang Zhiguo, are a student of my teaching when you go out in the future! "

Huang Zhiguo blushed. In the past year or so, Wen Dawei had gained a firm foothold in the Zhujiang factory. Huang Zhiguo was not bad, and even developed better. Now he is the deputy director of administration and sales of Lidong Electric Appliance General Factory. factory manager.

Of course, Huang Zhiguo's ability to come to the present is inseparable from the care of Ma Jun and Zheng Yong.

It is also because of this that although Huang Zhiguo's rank has risen, his status is still a tool person, far less vague than Wen Dawei's rank, but he is actually the core of the Zhujiang factory.

If it weren't for this, Zheng Yong wouldn't be able to use the tone of cursing his grandson directly to make Huang Zhiguo swallow the rest of the words forcefully, and would have to explain quickly:
"No, teacher, what I mean is that you have to pay attention to Wen Dawei, this kid is very bad, he might stab us somewhere!"

"I admit that Wen Dawei has a bad heart. When I was a consultant at Laoli East Factory, I was too lazy to argue with him, so I was beaten behind the back a few times by this kid..."

Hearing this, Zheng Yong's old face showed a disdainful chuckle: "But that's all. Little cleverness is not great wisdom after all. No matter how much Wen Dawei hops around, he's just a mud leg that spends money to buy a degree. If you want theory, you don't have theory. If you want to be knowledgeable or not, relying on a reckless effort to break through is now a gift given to him by this era, but this kid is still not satisfied. He dabbled in the port, and a gentleman is innocent and guilty. I understand, it can be seen how much his so-called 'self-study' is!"

Speaking of which, Zheng Yong looked at his students again: "This time it is an upright conspiracy. We have money, the support of Japanese capital, and the capital to build a port. Yongjiang needs Zhujiang Port to be built as soon as possible. That's how it is. It’s simple, it’s not that I’m going to rob the Zhujiang factory, it’s that the Zhujiang factory is useless, and they don’t know how to cherish the good things, so who can blame them?”

Huang Zhiguo has long been immune to Zheng Yong's various elegant and refined reasons, especially for Wen Dawei's address. Ever since he learned that he has read both masters and doctorates, Zheng Yong has put the word "mud legs" on Wen Dawei's head. .

In order to prove that Wen Dawei did not rely on his ability to obtain his degree, but bought it with a subsidy of 500 million. Combined with his undergraduate degree from TV University and the position of Wen Dawei's father Wen Lin at that time, he even denied Wen Dawei's undergraduate degree.

So a series of things about Wen Dawei's falsification of academic qualifications can be said to be very popular in the public opinion field in Yongjiang. He stepped down sadly, and it didn't take long for the Lidong factory and the Guizhou factory to merge.

However, regardless of Zheng Yong's thick skin, it is undeniable that what he said just now is not wrong. If your Zhujiang factory does not have the strength to undertake the port construction, then don't blame others for meddling.

What's more, Lidong Electric is not the only one who is interested in the Zhujiang Port construction project. Several large enterprises outside the province have been coveting this project for a long time, but Yongjiang hopes to leave this piece of fat to enterprises in the province. Don't let outsiders go, this is why the delay of Zhujiang Factory before, and now Lidong Electric's taking advantage of the vacancy.

Therefore, Zhujiang Factory, which has no money and no ability, has no solution at all, at least in Huang Zhiguo's view.

Seeing that Huang Zhiguo stopped talking, Zheng Yong smiled lightly: "In the past, the Zhujiang factory was able to earn foreign exchange, so it was the son of Yongjiang; now we can get more foreign investment, and it is also the son of the son, with fleshy hands and backs. No matter how bad Yong Jiang is, he will not be partial this time!"

Before he finished speaking, he strode into the meeting room with his head held high. During the period, he had a head-to-head encounter with Zhao Dong and Shen Ju who came in from another door. Zheng Yong didn't even bother to answer him, so he went directly to his seat and sat down. The leader came in, and went straight to the topic without any opening remarks: "After research by relevant was decided..."

As the leader said, he looked up at Zhao Dong, who was on the opposite side with a nervous expression, and Zheng Yong, who was calm, and said again: "Zhujiang Machinery Factory will still be responsible for the development and construction of the port project land!"

When these words came out, both Zhao Dong and Zheng Yong were stunned...

(End of this chapter)

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