Great Power Ship

Chapter 171 Good Dad

Chapter 171 Good Dad (Please Subscribe)
It was normal for Zhao Dong to be surprised. He never expected that the construction land of Zhujiang Port could be preserved. He just felt that the happiness came so suddenly, and he felt a little overwhelmed suddenly.

As for Zheng Yong, let alone, it was completely unexpected, confused and unbelievable.

You must know that after more than a month of public relations and promotion, Zheng Yong has obtained the support and acquiescence of most relevant departments of Yongjiang. Anyway, Yongjiang wants to build Zhujiang Port. Lidong Electric has the support of Japanese funds. It is absolutely possible to pull up a huge construction team in a short period of time.

Because of this, Zheng Yong is full of confidence in this matter.

But the result was quite different from what he expected. The construction land of the port has not changed, and it has already belonged to Zhujiang Factory.

How could this be?
"I object!"

After a brief moment of stupefaction, Zheng Yong immediately questioned: "Zhujiang Factory obviously has no extra funds to build the Zhujiang Port it undertook, so why give them this piece of land? Does Zhujiang Factory have money? Is there cement, sand, and reinforced concrete? They don't have any!"

"Then do you have it?" The leader who announced the decision was questioned by Zheng Yong, pointing his nose, obviously a little bit embarrassed, and asked directly: "Do you have it at Lidong Electric?"

"But we have money!" Zheng Yong straightened his waist and said proudly.

"How much?" asked the leader.

"12 billion yen, plus a low-interest loan of 20 billion yen!" Zheng Yong said like a treasure.

"Then you don't need to pay it back?" the leader asked again.

"There is no need to repay the investment of 12 billion yen!" Zheng Yong argued strongly.

"But the conditions given by Japan are really harsh. If Secretary Zheng can talk to the Japanese side and cancel these miscellaneous harsh conditions, then we will still consider Lidong Electric!" The leader did not talk nonsense.

In fact, there are still disputes within Yongjiang about whether to use Japanese investment, mainly because the conditions of the Japanese side are really unacceptable.

The first is the equity issue of Lidong Electric. The Japanese side hopes to operate as a sole proprietorship. Of course, it is impossible to do so on the bright side, but it can use the method of cross-shareholding of agents to nibble away Lidong Electric little by little.

The second is the franchise operation of several large tonnage terminals in Zhujiang Port.

The last and most important thing is that the Japanese side hopes to lend the low-interest loan of 20 billion yen with Zhujiang Port as the asset guarantee.

We must know that Zhujiang Port is Yongjiang's century-old plan for the development of the whole place, but it has been turned into a tool for Japanese capital to make money by Japanese capital.

That's all, if something goes wrong one day, he even made a wedding dress for the Japanese capital, making Yongjiang busy inside and out.

Since he knew so many problems, why did he agree to Lidong Electric?

It's not that the little scumbag in the Zhujiang factory is too deadly, if he doesn't give him a sense of crisis, he doesn't know how long he will be.

It's all right now, the sense of crisis has come, and the little scumbag turned into a straight man of steel. He was in a mess, and a professional engineering team was brought in directly from the navy, and he directly took care of all the things that Yongjiang was thinking about. solved.

Don't mention the excitement of various departments in Yongjiang who received the news. In the end, it was my darling little scumbag who was reliable. happiness.

It's not that Zheng Yong is ignorant of all this. The problem is that Zheng Yong assisted the Guizhou factory in the rapid development during this period, and later merged with the old Lidong factory, which became a well-known electrical production unit in the country.

At the same time, he himself has a close relationship with Japanese capital, and he is self-respecting, and his personal ability is not bad, so he is a little bit drifting.

He thought that holding the Japanese capital in his hands would be beneficial in all directions, but he never thought that he was just a means by Yongjiang to force Zhujiang factory.

It's similar to using other people's children to educate your own son.

No matter what Lidong Electric is, it is someone else's child, and no matter how bad Zhujiang Factory is, it is also its own son. Although sometimes this son is a little naughty and not very sensible, Yongjiang's father just beat him and turn around. , It is absolutely impossible to beat him to death with a stick.

Tiger poison does not eat children!

Zheng Yong was just drifting away, and he was not a fool. When he heard what the leader said, he was shocked, and finally realized that the previous arrogance immediately faded away, and he begged: "Leader, please do me a favor, can you approve it for us?" One piece, not much, as long as,...a third will do, if not a quarter will do!

Otherwise, Lidong Electric will not be able to get the loan from Japan, and the capital chain of the entire factory will be broken! "

Zheng Yong’s words were really not alarmist. The reason why Japan’s Toshiba agreed to continue to inject capital into Lidong Electric was not because Zheng Yong was good-looking, but to ask Lidong Electric to take the construction land of Zhujiang Port in exchange for Japan’s Keep investing.

At the Guizhou factory, Ma Jun and Zheng Yong used domestic loans and high debts to maintain their huge assets. Now that they have Japanese capital, they have changed their routine and used international capital to continue the old model.

Therefore, the entire Lidong Electric seems to be thriving, but it is actually a false fire fueled by the money of international capital.

In fact, the products of Lidong Electric General Factory are weak in both product quality and competitiveness. The whole enterprise cannot be said to be unprofitable, but that meager profit is not enough for Ma Jun and Zheng Yong's frequent travel expenses to and from Japan.

Under such circumstances, Lidong Electric relied even more on Japanese capital, and in order to get money to continue its life, it disregarded principles even more and dared to agree to any conditions!


The leader who learned the details immediately patted the table and pointed at Zheng Yong: "Zheng Yong, you are so bold!"

Zheng Yong was so frightened that he trembled, and now he dared not!
The anxious leader walked back and forth in front of the conference table for several times with his hands behind his back, and finally stopped and looked at Zhao Dong and Shen Ju. The meaning was obvious, and Lidong Electric couldn't ignore this bear. After all, workers No. [-] and No. [-] were Innocent.

"Leader, it's very difficult for us..." Shen Ju said at this time: "It would be fine if we talked about it a few days earlier, but just the day before yesterday we just received an order from a Hong Kong Island freight company and needed to build We don’t even have enough land for a bulk carrier with a displacement of 2500 tons, so..."

"2500-ton bulk carrier? Your shipbuilding business is developing so fast!" The leader was a little surprised. Not long ago, he heard that Zhujiang Shipbuilding had undertaken six Hong Kong Island ferries, and it took such a big order in just a few days.

We must know that Zhujiang Shipbuilding has not officially started construction at this time, and there are already large orders of thousands of tons. What does this mean?
The transformation of the Zhujiang plant was successful, and it lived up to the support and expectations of Yongjiang.

compare to……

Suddenly the leader looked at Zheng Yong, who had a disheartened face. As the saying goes, there is no harm if there is no comparison. The success of the Zhujiang factory has increasingly highlighted the incompetence of Lidong Electric...

(End of this chapter)

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