Great Power Ship

Chapter 194 Classification Society

Chapter 194 Classification Society (for subscription)
Seeing Wen Dawei on the opposite side slowly refute himself, Gao Song was furious.

When he went to other shipyards in the mainland, not only was he treated like a guest of honor by the other party, but he was flattered everywhere and flattered in every way, which greatly satisfied Gao Song's superior self-esteem.

However, it’s good to come to Zhujiang factory. The factory manager and secretary can avoid seeing each other. They live in a standard room for two, eat authentic staff meals, and even drink traditional cold water.

The company of executives, the treatment of foreign guests, luxurious suites, luxurious dinners, and no drinks or beverages. The plain ones are no different from Gao Song eating cheap fast food in the slums of Paris.

That's all, the most important thing is Wen Dawei's generosity, always talking with him on an equal footing, which made Gao Song feel particularly upset.

I am a graduate of the University of Paris. I have been a senior existence in the European ship technology industry for more than ten years. I am definitely a proper technical authority in China. You, Wen Dawei, should respect it. Even if you take ten thousand steps back, your age, Wen Dawei Wei Wei is ignorant and has no sense of technology, but he, an executive of a cooperative enterprise that is crucial to Zhujiang Factory, should pay attention to it?

But in the end, Wen Dawei gave him a full set according to the domestic reception standards.

That's all, at this time, the international standard is actually talking about things, who do you think you are?I, Gao Song, used to be a technical engineer of Lloyd's Register, which is a place dedicated to classifying and formulating technical standards for ships all over the world. What standards do you dare to tell me in front of me?
"Mr. Wen, I think I, who used to work as a senior engineer of ship technology in Lloyd's Register, have a better say on the issue of standards. What's more, in the 1982 version of Lloyd's Register's ship technology grade appraisal I drafted the matters concerning the dock, do you need me to repeat the original text?"

Gao Song didn't show weakness either, he switched hands and landed on the conference table, looking at Wen Dawei opposite, with a gentle and confident smile, but his words were as sharp as knives.

The people from the Hong Kong Island Shipping Company sitting next to him laughed undisguisedly after Gao Song finished speaking.

Everyone felt that Wen Dawei was just playing a big ax in front of Lu Ban's door, and a big knife in front of Guan Gong's door.

Headquartered in London, England, Lloyd's Register was established in the mid-18th century and has a history of more than 200 years. Because of this, Lloyd's Register has become the world's ship class and technical standard setter.

The technical standards of Lloyd's Register almost cover everything from small rivets used in ships to the seaworthiness and comfort of the entire ship.

Because of this, Lloyd's Register has a very strong influence in the global shipbuilding and shipping industries.

In particular, the ship technology grade appraisal compiled every year is almost a guide to ship technology in the world today, guiding the technological trend of the entire shipbuilding industry.

Because of this, those who can work as senior engineers in this place and participate in the preparation of technical grade appraisal are all big names in the field of ship technology.

Therefore, Gao Song's professional resume is very brilliant, otherwise he would not have been poached by the Hong Kong Island Shipping Company at a high price.

This kind of person is an absolute authority, but Wen Dawei is so straight to the point of the gun, I don't know if he is stupid or not, it is ridiculous, ridiculous!
But Wen Dawei turned a blind eye to the laughter of everyone in the Hong Kong Island Shipping Company, and still looked straight at Gao Song who was facing him: "You also said that the Lloyd's Register Ship Technical Appraisal you were responsible for compiling was the 1982 edition, but now it is 1984. In [-], I personally admire Mr. Gao's professionalism, and I also admire your ability in ship technology, but because of this, I believe that Mr. Gao, as a professional in technology, should know that in two years A lot happened!"

"The update of ship technology is a long process, involving a lot of basic research, so the update of technology is not as fast as expected, two years..."

Hearing this, Gao Song smiled and shook his head: "Mr. Wen, do you think the ship's technology will change in two years? Could it be that the steel plate has been changed into a titanium alloy?"

Before the words were finished, the people from the Hong Kong Island Shipping Company couldn't bear it any longer, and burst out laughing immediately.

Although one is shipbuilding and the other is engaged in shipping, both are industries dealing with ships. Therefore, the people on the Hong Kong Island Shipping Company are still very familiar with the ship technical appraisal of Lloyd's Register.

Although Lloyd's Register compiles a ship technical appraisal every year in a professional and rigorous spirit, more than 90% of the content in it follows the mature technology of the past few years or even more than ten years.

It's just that the process may be slightly adjusted. There are actually few truly new technologies. As for disruptive technologies, they have not appeared for more than ten years.

Under such circumstances, Wen Dawei said that many things will happen in two years, which may be applicable in other aspects, but it does not exist in the already mature industry of shipping.

These are common sense that almost everyone in the industry knows. How could Gao Song, an authoritative expert, not understand?
Not only did he understand it, but he also participated in it personally, because the part about the shipyard in the 1982 Ship Technical Appraisal that he was responsible for compiling followed the description in the 1981 edition, except that the wording was slightly changed to conform to his Gao Song style.

But Wen Dawei turned a blind eye to the performance of the people facing him, and still asked calmly: "Hasn't Mr. Gao heard of Moore's Law?"

"I've heard that, but what does the periodic law of semiconductors have to do with ships?" Gao Song replied with a smile.

"Then what if the semiconductor technology is transplanted to the ship? For example, ship auxiliary driving, ship computer design, and ship lofting calculation? Didn't Lloyd's Register notice these? Or is it that Mr. Gao left Lloyd's Register It’s been too long, and you haven’t paid attention to the new changes in the field of ship technology?”

"Mr. Wen is really good at talking, how could Mr. Gao not know this..."

Before Wen Dawei finished his words, an executive from the Hong Kong Island Shipping Company on the opposite side took up the conversation with a smile. Xingui felt his presence in front of him, but found that Gao Song's face beside him suddenly became a little weird, and before he could react, Gao Song looked at Wen Dawei suspiciously: "Have you been to Lloyd's Register? "

Wen Dawei shook his head: "I haven't been there, but I believe my judgment on industry trends, such as the auxiliary driving technology of ships, has been paying attention to Lloyd's Register for a long time. If relevant standards are not formulated this year, It will be added in the next year or the next year, after all, the accident rate in the current shipping market is a bit higher, and it has reached the point where it has to be changed, Mr. Gao, do you think I am right?"

Hearing this, Gao Song's squinted eyes burst open behind the nearsighted mirror, and his fair face looked like he had seen a ghost, and he just looked at Wen Dawei in a daze: " are... ... how do you know?"

(End of this chapter)

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