Great Power Ship

Chapter 197 Accident

Chapter 197 Accident
This person is none other than Wang Weibin, who once came to Lidong Factory with Zhou Wei to inspect, during which he had some small conflicts with Wen Dawei, and was later transferred to Lidong Factory with Zhou Wei, as the chief of the technical department of Lidong Factory.

After Zhou Wei left get out of class for various reasons, Wang Weibin, who was transferred by Zhou Wei from the Southwest Ordnance Bureau to the Lidong Factory, immediately followed the motherless baby. He was supposed to be a man with his tail between his legs. There is not much loss in the bureau.

But the young and vigorous Wang Weibin insisted on proving himself and continued to promote the development of the 109 torpedo project.

Back then, even the factory directors and secretaries like Du Weiguo and Fang Hua couldn't handle things, but Wang Weibin, a small technical section chief, could handle things?
Furthermore, at that time, the Lidong Factory had no corresponding basis for the military product project. Not only could it not promote it, but it would also offend the real power faction because of the competition for limited resources.

So Wang Weibin made Ma Jun and others think about it without exception. The foundation was already unstable, and he offended the real power figures of Lidong Factory. Wang Weibin's fate can be imagined.

Just because of a small problem, he was caught and kicked out of the Lidong factory.

Then...then...then he was assigned to the Zhujiang Factory!

It's not that Wen Dawei really likes such a troublesome person, it's that Deputy Director Wang has to give him face, after all, Wang Weibin is the nephew of Deputy Director Wang.

To be honest, Wen Dawei was really taken aback when Deputy Director Wang personally sent the person over. He really didn't expect such a tall god to stand behind Wang Weibin, a thin and proud young man.

If I had known this earlier, I should have been more polite to them when I was in the Lidong factory, but it is not too late. The Zhujiang factory has caught a lot of people like this who were stuffed into gold by the leaders, and Wen Dawei put them in a certain place. After staying in a seemingly important but idle position for two years, he will naturally be transferred away by the great masters behind him.

Although raising these people requires a series of unnecessary expenses such as wages and bonuses, they have gained a lot of favors. You must know that favors are the most valuable and useful things in the 80s.

Especially when you want to accomplish something efficiently, often this kind of human relationship is just a matter of a phone call, if not, it may be a little troublesome.

If not for this, why did Wen Dawei put Wang Weichen in such an important position?

Is Wang Weichen really outstanding?

Do not!
It was her father, Deputy Bureau Wang, who was able to win more policies and practical benefits for Zhujiang Factory in the Southwest Ordnance Bureau, and was able to withstand the pressure of the Bureau at critical moments to buy precious time for Zhujiang Factory.

Compared with this, whether Wang Weichen's business ability is high or low is not in Wen Dawei's consideration at all.

The same is true for Wang Weibin, as long as it is brought by Deputy Director Wang, let alone a human being, it is a piece of shit, and Wen Dawei has to take this face without reservation.

So after Wang Weibin came to Zhujiang factory, Wen Dawei arranged for him to be the director of the office in the provincial capital.

On business in the provincial capital, the contacts are all senior leading cadres. Not to mention easy, there is still a chance to be promoted. It can be said that it is a good job that can't be found even with a lantern.

But this guy Wang Weibin didn’t know it was the wrong one. Not long after he took office, he gave a report to the factory hoping to return to the factory’s production line. Just stay here in the city.

In addition, this guy's handling of relationships is really bad. Although he is not as exaggerated as Zheng Dexing's EQ straight-line zero, but he is very dogmatic in certain things, which also made Wang Weibin offend many people in the provincial capital.

From Wen Dawei's point of view, if Wang Weibin is placed in the provincial capital again, it will be difficult to carry out the future work of the Zhujiang factory.

So he was transferred back to the factory department and placed in the logistics department in charge of material dispatch.

But after a few days of silence, Wang Weibin started reporting again, hoping to go to the production line, and the logistics department also began to report that Wang Weibin usually has a bad temper and it is very difficult to communicate.

There was no other way, Wen Dawei had no choice but to bring Wang Weibin over, and was going to ask what this guy wanted to do?

If it doesn't work, I will pack it up for Deputy Director Wang and send it back.

The face of the leader is given to the leader, but as the saying goes, the master leads the door to practice on the individual. If the person who is stuffed in does not have a piece of material and can't even do a basic thing well, then it doesn't matter whether the face is worth it or not. After all This is an enterprise, not a shantang, let alone a mental hospital, and there is no obligation to support you for the rest of your life.

Wang Weibin also seemed to know that this conversation was very important. That guy was dressed very formally that day, so he felt no different from a lonely scholar who couldn't make a deal and left in style.

Seeing this, Wen Dawei was also ready to be a bad guy.

But as a result, Wen Dawei was stunned by Wang Weibin's first sentence after he sat down: "Leave me the mathematical lofting of the ship in the factory, and I will be able to figure it out in half a year!"

After finishing speaking, Wang Weibin took out two certificates and a notebook from his briefcase, and pushed them to Wen Dawei, motioning Wen Dawei to take a look!
Wen Dawei opened the first certificate, which was the undergraduate diploma of Mathematics Department of Aurora University in Shanghai, and then Wen Dawei frowned: "Aren't you a mechanical student?"

"The postgraduate major is mechanical, because the tutor said that pure mathematics is only suitable for theoretical research, and mechanical can better serve national defense, so I listened to my tutor's suggestion and applied for mechanical!"

Just like a newcomer who was interviewed, Wang Weibin said proudly and nervously: "However, the machinery I have learned is different from the traditionally recognized machinery. It is an automation structure based on mathematical models, similar to the control of CNC machine tools. program, but a little more complicated than that!"

"It's similar to industrial control software!" Wen Dawei said a little bit.

Wang Weibin immediately came to his senses: "You understand this too?"

"Slightly understand, slightly understand!" Wen Dawei replied with a smile, thinking that it's no wonder that this mechanical graduate doesn't know anything about heat treatment. It turns out that this skill point has been used elsewhere.

Then he picked up the second certificate, which was the first prize in the Advanced Mathematics Competition of Aurora University. Obviously, this is Wang Weibin telling him that he not only studies mathematics, but also has profound attainments in this area. If you don’t believe me, look at the certificate, this thing Not everyone can get it~~~
Wen Dawei nodded to express his approval, and then picked up the last notebook. After opening a few pages, Wen Dawei's breathing became heavy. He immediately looked up at Wang Weibin, raised the notebook in his hand and asked, "Where did this thing come from?" of?"

Wang Weibin seemed to have expected Wen Dawei's reaction, and a very lonely and arrogant smile suddenly appeared on his face: "It belongs to my father-in-law!"

Wen Dawei was stunned when he heard the words: "Is it the Jiumengzi who broke his leg?"

Wang Weibin nodded seriously: "Yes, it's his!"

(End of this chapter)

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