Chapter 198
Hearing Wang Weibin's words, Wen Dawei didn't know what to say for a while.

As far as I can imagine, the old Jiu Mengzi, who is in the Zhujiang factory area, leans on a cane and finds people to drink all day long. He gets drunk when he drinks, the wine quality is poor, and he scolds people at every turn. In the mid-50s, the plate size data of the hull lofting of more than a hundred ships of various types undertaken by the Northern Hongqi Shipyard and the East China Jiangnan Shipyard.

You must know that the North Hongqi Shipyard and the East China Jiangnan Shipyard may not be able to find all of these things. After all, these two factories have been tossed a lot during special times, and many technical materials have been lost or burned. Therefore, in this little notebook It is conceivable how precious the recorded things are.

That is the precious data accumulated in the first golden decade after the founding of the People's Republic of China. Not to mention the newcomer Zhujiang Factory, which has just been established, even those big factories with deep foundations are rare and huge wealth.

So Wen Dawei hurriedly asked: "Your father-in-law used to work in a shipyard?"

Wang Weibin nodded: "At the beginning, it was at Hongqi Shipyard in the north, but was transferred to Jiangnan Shipyard in East China in the early 60s..."

Following Wang Weibin's narration, an unknown secret appeared before Wen Dawei's eyes. Wang Weibin's father-in-law was Qi Yongan, who was a boatman at the Northeast Pulandian Shipyard before liberation.

During the Japanese Puppet Period, he participated in the repair and maintenance of many destroyers and frigates of the Japanese Navy, and accumulated rich experience in ship repairing.

During the period of the Republic of China, it once carried out maintenance for the light cruiser "Double Star City" stationed in the port.

After liberation, due to his excellent technical ability, he was selected by his superiors to participate in the maintenance of captured shallow water gunboats, small patrol ships and light landing ships.

During the period when the Soviet Union aided China, he was selected by his superiors to be beside the Soviet ship technology experts, and began to learn the construction technology of modern ships from the Soviet ship technology experts.

After that, he served as deputy director and director of the Craft Office of the Ship Stakeout Division of the Northern Hongqi Shipyard; deputy director of the Ship Stakeout Division, and participated in the maintenance of the 101 ship imported from the Soviet Union.

In the early 60s, he was transferred to the Jiangnan Shipyard in East China as the workshop director of the ship lofting workshop, and participated in the construction of various domestic frigates, minesweepers, anti-submarine ships and large cargo ships.

During the construction of the third-line project in the late 60s, Qi Yongan was transferred as a technical backbone to a province in the southwest, and began to build a shipyard in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River, so as to serve as a backup production base for naval ships.

It was during this period that Qi Yongan suffered a leg injury due to an accident and became permanently disabled. In desperation, after organizational research, he decided to approve Qi Yongan's early retirement.

In the first half of his life, he was either a technical backbone or the technical core of the factory. In the later period, he took up a leadership position. It can be said that he has infinite scenery and everyone admires him.

Now that he's retired, no one cares about him. Qi Yongan couldn't accept that kind of gap for a while. In addition, he has a lame leg, which makes life inconvenient and needs someone to take care of him. It also hurt Qi Yongan's self-esteem that was about to explode.

So it didn't take long for Qi Yongan's temperament to change drastically, he began to drink as a companion, and started to use alcohol to swear at people when he was a little upset.

As time went by, Qi Daniu, who had been famous in the two big factories, disappeared, leaving only Jiu Mengzi who was drunk all day long.

After listening to Wang Weibin's narration, Wen Dawei didn't speak, but just looked at him with a strange face, as if to say, brother, how did you find such a talent?

Of course Wang Weibin understood what Wen Dawei meant, and rubbed his nose in embarrassment: "My uncle helped to introduce it. Our little Qi was an employee of the archives office at the time. He was quiet and good-looking, so I just...hehehehe... It's just that she didn't expect her father to be in such a situation.

At first, we didn’t think much about it, we just worked hard, took good care of him, and helped him die. But we didn’t expect that Zhujiang factory was established here, and then began to transform into shipbuilding. My father-in-law came to me when he knew about it, and asked if I could When I went to the Zhujiang factory, I was a little apprehensive at the time, but I couldn't stand his...his...his temper..."

Wang Weibin really wanted to say that he couldn't stand the scolding from his father-in-law, but it was embarrassing to say so, so he put it in a euphemistic way, and Wen Dawei naturally wouldn't point it out. With such a big cow as the father-in-law, being scolded is absolutely commonplace.

Thinking about it, my old father-in-law is a good person. He praises himself as a flower all day long, and even gives pocket money if he has nothing to do.

Wen Dawei just showed a sense of superiority in his heart, so he continued to listen to Wang Weibin's speech: "So I asked my uncle to be transferred here. In fact, I know that my father-in-law is old-fashioned and wants to do his old job. But other shipyards in China have his disciples and grandchildren, and he is a shameless old man, so he refused to ask for it. He just wanted to resume his old business in our new shipyard that has nothing to do with other shipyards, and he refused to come in person, so ..."

Wang Weibin didn't finish his sentence, but Wen Dawei understood what the other party wanted to express.

Da Niu, you always have to save face, Wen Dawei understands this!
So without talking nonsense, he got up and said, "Go, I'll invite Mr. Qi in person!"

From Jiumengzi to Qilao, Wen Dawei's change of address did not feel inappropriate at all, but Wang Weibin didn't notice this change. Instead, he was taken aback by Wen Dawei's actions, and quickly explained: "As long as the personnel side Just issue a letter of appointment, you don’t need to go there in person!”

"Alas~~~" Wen Dawei immediately waved his hand: "You are also an old man from Lidongchang, don't you know my character, Wen Dawei? This kind of person is not only our senior, but also our old leader. What do you do in person? I can’t wait to bring Qi Laofeng to the factory in a good way, so that all the cadres and workers of the factory can take a good look If you have real skills, this is how you are treated in our Zhujiang factory!"

What Wen Dawei said is true. According to Qi Yongan's status, if he hadn't been branded disabled, he might have become the director of a large coastal shipyard by now. If the chance is better, he would not be able to find a job in the capital. impossible.

Now that he landed here by chance, let alone carrying a big sedan chair, Wen Dawei wished he could treat Lao Tzu Qi as a beautiful woman and hug him himself.

As for the effect of inviting him in person, of course there is nothing to say, Mr. Qi Yong'an was almost moved, he was holding onto Wen Dawei's hand but he refused to let go.

Regarding Wen Dawei's hope that Mr. Qi Yong'an will continue to shine and help Zhujiang Factory to transform into shipbuilding as soon as possible, Qi Yong'an directly patted his chest and said, "Don't worry, Assistant Wen. I dare not say anything else. You can order any warships in active service in the Navy." , Qi Yongan would not have made it without me!"

(End of this chapter)

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