Great Power Ship

Chapter 201 Trading

Chapter 201 Trading
When he said this, Gao Song did not forget to glance at the executives of the Hong Kong Island Shipping Company who had different expressions, and said in a deep voice: "Some people may think that I, Gao Song, have high vision and look down on the Mainland, and think that the technology in the Mainland is backward. , the product is not working..."

After hearing these words, several senior executives of the Hong Kong Island Shipping Company looked at Gao Song with strange eyes. The meaning is obvious, isn't it?

Gao Song shook his head resolutely: "Obviously, people who think this way are very wrong. I don't look down on anyone, because human beings have unlimited potential. I just pay more attention to various details and various technical requirements. Gao, the control is more stringent. If it meets my requirements, whether it is the mainland, Hong Kong Island or other places, I, Gao Song, will hand over the order to him without hesitation.

If you can’t satisfy me, I’m sorry, no matter how big the factory is, no matter how powerful it is, I will cancel the cooperation, because I have to be responsible for my passengers, my cargo owners, and the interests of the entire company, so it’s okay to be sloppy. intolerable! "

"Mr. Gao, you are the most professional executives I have ever met in Hong Kong Island. To be honest, it is my honor to cooperate with you who are hard-working, rigorous and realistic, and also our Zhujiang factory. pleasure!"

As soon as Gao Song finished speaking, before the executives of other Hong Kong Island shipping companies could respond, Wen Dawei quickly took over the conversation and praised: "Our factory was full of vigilance about your arrival, but now it seems that there is no such thing Necessary, high standards and strict requirements like yours are the proper performance of a responsible shipowner, and it is also a spur for shipbuilding companies like us. It is not easy to make money by just fooling around, so Gao Sir, this lesson will definitely make us unforgettable forever!"

"Mr. Wen, don't say that. If you hadn't applied the cutting-edge technology in the field of shipbuilding to actual production, I wouldn't have given the order to you with confidence. I also know a little about the rumors from the outside world.

As the so-called three people become a tiger, I really demonized Gao Song. I was just pursuing the ultimate technical level, but in the end it turned me into a general prejudice against the mainland shipbuilding industry. I hope this cooperation can be successful. Break such rumors! "

Gao Song was very polite, and spoke very frankly, giving people a strong air that although tens of thousands of people would do nothing, Wen Dawei hurriedly persuaded: "Mr. Gao's words are serious, as the so-called rumors stop Wise man, since the establishment of our Zhujiang factory, there have been a lot of gossip about us. As long as you are firm in your own path, you will stick to it. No matter what kind of mess it is, it will be a passing cloud after all, so there is no need to take it to heart. .”

As Wen Dawei patted Gao Song on the chest twice, Gao Song nodded understandingly: "Mr. Wen still understands me. In this case, I will not say anything. I am adding a 1500-ton to your Zhujiang factory. Freighter orders, and hope that Mr. Wen will not disappoint the trust of our Hong Kong Island Shipping."

"You have also seen our strength, let alone a 1500-ton freighter, even a [-]-ton giant ship is no problem!" Wen Dawei laughed, and did not reply.

Gao Song's face darkened for a moment. What he said just now was high-sounding, but in fact only the two of them could understand the meaning clearly.

To put it bluntly, Gao Song is running for the "high-end" ship mathematical stakeout algorithm system.

As a new technology in the field of dissemination and construction, this thing is currently only in the hands of Europe, the United States, and Japan. Because of this, these three places also monopolize almost all high-end shipbuilding in the world.

For example, in Japan, all kinds of engineering ships, large semi-submersible ships, and higher-end CNG compressed natural gas ships, LNG liquefied natural gas ships are in a leading position in the world in terms of production efficiency and construction period.

Among them, the ship mathematical lofting algorithm independently developed by Japan has contributed a lot.

From the half-year cycle of traditional staking to less than one week, the efficiency has been greatly improved.

Compared with this, the new Asian shipbuilding forces such as South Korea, Baodao, and Thailand are much inferior. They can only involuntarily involve in the mid-to-low-end field, and they bite each other very fiercely. Song, who looks righteous and awe-inspiring on the outside, but is full of business on the inside, is fed so fat by a hypocrite.

That's why he was so excited when he saw Zhujiang Factory's "high-end" ship mathematical lofting algorithm system, because Gao Song found out that he had found a new source of income.

Not to mention anything else, putting this core algorithm on IBM's 286 computer and sending it to South Korea will definitely drive those South Korean shipbuilding giants crazy.

There is no way, those shipbuilding giants in South Korea have long wanted to use several sets of ship mathematical lofting algorithm systems, but it is a pity that both Europe, America and Japan regard this thing as the core technology of their own shipbuilding. not for sale.

After South Korea touched the first bag, they wanted to send it back and do it themselves, but after diving in, they found out that their group of sticks are more suitable for doing side things, and this kind of pure technological innovation is basically forgotten.

So I can only grit my teeth and continue to involve crazily at the mid-to-low end.

Of course, Gao Song, an industry insider, is clear about this situation, but he can't touch such core technology, so he naturally has no idea, but what he didn't expect is that the Zhujiang Factory and his party actually let him see the "high-end" ship mathematical lofting algorithm System, now Gao Song's heart came alive.

This NM is a fortune-making opportunity given by God, if you don't seize it, you will be struck by lightning.

So whatever doesn't feel good to the Zhujiang factory, what doesn't look down on the shipbuilding technology in the mainland, all go to one side, I want to make money.

If you want to make money, you need to exchange things of equivalent value. Gao Song is very familiar with this. Isn't it just a generosity of others? Is it okay to give all the orders that were supposed to be canceled to your Zhujiang factory?

Not satisfied?
Is it okay to add a 1500-ton cargo ship?
In the end, Wen Dawei was even more shameless than him. He ordered another ship and was not satisfied, so he wanted to make another deal.

Although Gao Song didn't state the price clearly because of the public, Gao Song is not stupid. If this is another deal, Wen Dawei will not be able to pinch his balls and make him die of pain?

So Gao Song hesitated, but at this moment, Wen Dawei suddenly changed the subject and continued: "Of course, with the current strength of our factory, it is not realistic to start building a 500-ton ship, after all, our dock has not yet been completed. Otherwise, Mr. Gao, can you ask the Hong Kong Island Shipping Company to provide a guarantee for our factory, dismantling [-] million US dollars from the Hong Kong Island financial institution, I think we will soon have the capacity to build [-]-ton ships !"

Upon hearing this, Gao Song rolled his eyes: "It's no problem, but I need to go back and report to the board of directors, and follow a procedure!"

"Then I will wait for Mr. Gao's good news!" Wen Dawei nodded with a smile, and the two unknowingly reached a deal of 500 million US dollars, and then the two sides chatted for a while, Gao Song and his party Only then did I leave with satisfaction.

Zhang Dingjun, who had been by Wen Dawei's side until he sent the people from the Hong Kong Island Shipping Company away, tentatively said, "I said Assistant Wen, if they know that the $500 million exchanged for something is useless. , will you stab us little people?"

(End of this chapter)

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