Great Power Ship

Chapter 24 Formal Work

Chapter 24 Formal Work

Before the words fell, Wen Dawei's affectionate and grateful eyes made it easy for Zhou Wei's narrow squinted eyes to focus without warning, and Zhou Wei couldn't help but smile so hard that he felt that Wen Dawei was a rare talent. It's nice to speak.

Wang Weibin, who always has a cold face than the side, and who is so stupid that he can chew stones, didn't know how strong you are. He immediately smiled and said: "It is said that since ancient times, heroes are born young, and I think they are comrades like Wen Dawei. What’s wrong with going to university? What’s wrong with not having received systematic study? Is it necessary to deny a person’s grades without these two points? I think it’s still one-sided~~~
Back then we were transferred to the Southwest to participate in the vigorous third-line construction. How many college students were there?Didn't he just build a modern industrial production plant in the valley with his own hands?
What does this mean?The power of the masses is great, and Wen Dawei's incident once again shows that our line of believing in the masses and relying on the masses is correct and absolutely correct! "

As soon as these words came out, Wang Weibin's face on one side turned green and white again. There was no way, Zhou Wei's words were tantamount to finalizing Wen Dawei's matter. Even if Wang Weibin had a hundred unwillingness in his heart, he would There is no way to change it, who made his mouth less sweet than Wen Dawei, and at the critical moment, he made Director Zhou Wei and Director Zhou feel comfortable.

Of course, even if Wang Weibin wanted to explain, there was no chance, because Du Weiguo had already taken over Zhou Wei's words: "In fact, our factory has carried out technical training for all employees according to the instructions of the bureau since the beginning of the year. Comrade Wen Dawei It is the best among them. Because of this, our factory plans to expand the scope of training from next year, and strive to use three years, not... one year, to raise the technical knowledge level of the entire factory's cadres and workers to a higher level as a whole. The successful completion of the 109 torpedo project has laid a solid foundation..."

Du Weiguo's words were sonorous and forceful, and obviously he was elated by Wen Dawei's words just now. He really didn't expect that the son of the old Wen family would be so discerning and know how to speak well in front of the bureau leaders. Taking this long-faced opportunity, a long and passionate speech was blurted out immediately.

Fang Hua and Qin Yibin, who were on the side, were taken aback for a while, wondering when did the factory conduct technical training for all employees?How come they don't know about such a big thing?
But they were stunned, and the two also knew that this was the opportunity for Factory Manager Du to use the opportunity to show his face to the factory. Although they felt that it was wrong in their hearts, they nodded to show that it was indeed the case.

As the so-called bridal sedan chairs are carried by everyone, Zhou Wei immediately said that the experience of the Lidong Factory can be promoted within the bureau system, while Du Weiguo modestly said that the Lidong Factory has not done enough and needs more help and guidance from the Bureau.

In this way, the two chatted about business for a while, and the village party secretary who accompanied them saw that the atmosphere was very good, so he introduced a few young people from the village to the factory.

Du Weiguo and Zhou Wei were very happy, and naturally they agreed, which made the village party secretary laugh so hard that his molars came out.

Everyone was so happy that it was natural to have a good celebration, so the village party secretary decided to get a few native chickens from a few farmers' homes, and also found mountain products and bacon to entertain the leaders of Lidong Factory.

Needless to say, Wen Dawei accompanied him politely for a while, then ran out with an excuse, found Tang Jianming and told him about his being able to enter the factory.

Apprentices who have been working for half a year, who perform well and become full-time workers.

For rural children like Tang Jianming, this was nothing short of a good thing, so they were naturally very happy. So under the strong invitation of the three brothers of the Tang family, Wen Dawei didn't go back at night, and was directly fed by the three brothers of the Tang family. drunk...


It has been two days since Wen Dawei came home. As soon as he entered the house, he saw his father Wen Lin sitting by the window with an ugly face and sighing. , what happened?"

"What's the matter? It's not a good thing you caused!" Wen Lin said, and threw a letter of introduction in front of Wen Dawei. Wen Dawei picked it up and looked at it, and couldn't help laughing: "Dad, this is It’s a good thing, it’s just a regular job, 35 yuan a month, I can support myself in the future, and I don’t need to be raised by your old man!”

"Look at how promising you are! A regular job makes you happy like this? You are a person who has solved a complete set of heat treatment processes. With this brain, wouldn't it be better to work hard to get into a university? Graduation is a cadre, now what? I'm just an ordinary worker, I don't know the year of the monkey and the moon of the monkey if I want to work..."

Wen Lin has a face full of hatred for iron but not steel. Just yesterday, the factory director Du Weiguo held an enlarged meeting of the factory leadership. In addition to praising the outstanding contribution made by the heat treatment workshop on the 109 torpedo project, he also studied and decided to recruit Wen Dawei, Tang Jianming, etc. Twelve factory children and outstanding school-age youths from neighboring villages joined Lidong Machinery Manufacturing Factory.

Among them, Wen Dawei was nominated as a technician in the process room of the heat treatment workshop, and his starting point was not low.

In the end, it was opposed by Ma Jun, the executive deputy director of the factory. The reason was that although Wen Dawei solved the technical problems in the heat treatment workshop and used new technologies to improve the production efficiency of the heat treatment workshop, but because of the technical positions of the Southwest Ordnance Industry Bureau and the knowledgeization of cadre positions, , younger guidelines, Wen Dawei is obviously not qualified in academic qualifications.

Therefore, Ma Jun believed that Wen Dawei could get rewards from the factory, and he could also become a regular worker beyond the apprenticeship, but it was not appropriate to start directly as a technician in the craft room of the workshop. , it is not too late to be promoted.

Although these words are very beautiful, in fact, they are educated in Kawen Dawei, and no one can say anything to refute them, because since the 80s, the requirements for young and educated important positions from the central government to the local government have been repeatedly emphasized , and it is precisely because of this that graduates will receive extensive attention, and they will be promoted as soon as they join the work.

Although Wen Dawei has solved several key technologies, his academic qualifications are flawed, which is seriously inconsistent with the promotion standards of the superior unit. Therefore, even if the participants feel worthless for Wen Dawei's failure to be promoted, there is nothing they can do about it.

Especially Wen Lin, he had to avoid suspicion about his son, but when he heard what Ma Jun said, he felt his face was hot. Isn't this just pointing at the monk and scolding the bald donkey, making fun of his son's lack of education, and even wanting to be promoted? No way.

If it weren't for Du Weiguo and Fang Hua's insistence to absorb Wen Dawei into the factory, Wen Lin would rather let his son have no job first, and wait until when he is admitted to university.

I thought that Wen Dawei, who had opened his mind, would have the same idea as his father, but he didn't expect that Wen Dawei, who saw the letter of introduction, would be as happy as something. Old Comrade Wen immediately became unhappy. I've seen such useless people!

(End of this chapter)

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