Great Power Ship

Chapter 25 When did you produce civilian products?

Chapter 25 When did you produce civilian products?

However, Wen Lin was not happy about it. Regarding the fact that his son entered the factory with his own ability and became a regular worker, Old Comrade Wen didn't say anything, but he was still very flustered.
How could Wen Lin not know about the gossip about Wen Dawei in the factory for so many years, but there was nothing he could do. At that time, Wen Dawei was not motivated, and even if Wen Lin wanted to change, he was powerless.

But now, Wen Dawei's prodigal son didn't turn his back on it, and relied on his own ability to become a regular worker in the factory. With this alone, those factory children who were still struggling with how to enter the factory to make a living were thrown out of the eight streets.

Not to mention how cool it is to feel elated.

Of course, according to Wen Lin's high standards, Wen Dawei can only be regarded as more than the top, but not as good as the bottom, after all, he is not as popular as college students like Zhang Mingli.
So Wen Lin glanced at Wen Dawei who was standing in front of him, and said in a deep voice: "Although I have joined the work, I can't let go of my studies.
Full-time universities are not open to working people, but the policy does not block the way of working people to study, you can still get a university diploma through correspondence and TV University! "

"Dad, I'm already working, so don't bother!"

It's not that Wen Dawei resists adult education such as correspondence education and TV university, but he really finds it troublesome. With his background, is it necessary to do these things?Just go there and get your diploma.

The problem is that Wen Lin didn't know about this, and thought his son had a cancer attack, so his face darkened: "What do you know? Nowadays, the promotion of cadres should be young and educated, and the ability and experience should be quantified, to put it nicely? Don't you want to see your degree?
You have a degree, you have the ability, and after two more years of experience, it will be a matter of course for you to be promoted in the future. What's the matter?Do you really want to be a worker at the grassroots level for a lifetime? "

"No~~No~~ If you can be promoted, of course you have to be promoted!" Wen Dalin shook his head quickly.

"This looks like a young person..." Wen Lin's face paled when he heard this, "By the way, how are you reviewing the cultural lessons these days?"

"Cultural class? What cultural class?" Wen Dawei was a little confused.

And Wen Lin didn't say anything, he took out a half-new English textbook from the small cabinet, and threw it in front of Wen Dawei: "Every word in the following vocabulary list is repeated a hundred times, let's see if you dare to sneak away next time! "


Upon hearing this, Wen Dawei beat the eggplant with Shuang, and immediately collapsed...


"Hey~~ What's wrong with you? How ugly is your face!"

Early the next morning, Wen Dawei came to the personnel department of the factory with a letter of introduction, and saw Tang Jianming who had been waiting there before he entered the door.

Compared to Wen Dawei's casual attire as usual, Tang Jianming's attire is decent, coupled with his already tall and well-known and promoted appearance, attracting many big sisters and aunts from the department to watch.

Some bold and aggressive ones even clapped their sweaters and came over to check their household registration and asked Tang Jianming about his age, height, parents' recent situation, etc., which made Tang Jianming very embarrassed.

So when he saw Wen Dawei approaching, he hurried over like seeing a savior, only to find that his brother was haggard and haggard with a pair of dark circles under his eyes.

Wen Dawei said in his heart, let you try to copy the English words in the middle of the night?

But before he could speak, a middle-aged lady from the personnel department stepped forward with a smile: "Yo~~~ This is Dawei, you can tell that you haven't slept all night, do you miss your wife?" ? If you want a daughter-in-law, tell the eldest sister, and the eldest sister will introduce you to you!"

"Dawei is over [-] this year, isn't he?" Before he finished speaking, another aunt with a sweater in his hand also came over, gossiping.

As soon as this remark came out, an older lady from the adjacent department leaned against the door with an enamel jar and replied, "It's over, but that's not the point. The point is that Dawei not only became a regular worker, but also allocated a set of welfare housing, 25 people. The square meter can be used as a wedding room!"

"Oh~~ That's a good relationship, I think the girl from Wang Xiaomei's family is quite suitable..." The eldest sister who spoke first looked at Wen Dawei enthusiastically, as if she was looking at a peerless treasure: "How is it? Daddy Wei, that day I introduced you two to each other?"

"The girl from Xiaomei's family is not suitable for Dawei, but the second daughter of Sister Lin in the machining workshop is suitable for Dawei!" The eldest sister who was leaning on the door drinking water quickly retorted, and then looked at Wen Dawei with a smile:
"Call the second daughter of Sister Lin's family over later. That little girl is very handsome, and she has a good figure. If you, Wen Dawei, marry her, you will definitely not lose money..."

"Sisters, if you have good daughters, you can keep them for yourself first. I am still young, so don't worry~~ don't worry~~~" Seeing that the other girls are also going forward to match the husband like an animal, Wen Dawei hurriedly pulled her away. Tang Jianming sneaked into the personnel department as if fleeing.

There is no way, the big sisters and aunts in the factory are really aggressive, especially when introducing the object, they are completely non-vegetarian.

Wen Dawei couldn't stand it even if he was the second generation.

So when the HR department signed and stamped it, Wen Dawei and Tang Jianming didn't stay for a moment, running as fast as rabbits.

"I thought the people in the factory department would be busier!"

After running to the factory department, the two finally breathed a sigh of relief, and Tang Jianming said something puzzled.

"What's wrong with the factory department, except that it is a little more perfect than the educated youth factory, there is actually no difference!" Wen Dawei smiled wryly and shook his head, Tang Jianming complained that the educated youth factory was idle and exhausted, what happened in the Lidong factory? Not to say so.

The reason why those elder sisters and aunts in the factory department have the time to help others is because they have nothing to do all day long and take this as a way to relieve boredom.

In fact, it's not just these aunts and sisters, but also those who read newspapers, drink tea, and talk about mountains in corners.

Since the wages and benefits are paid on time for more or less work, why make yourself so tired, anyway, the state pays the bill, of course, how comfortable it is!
"Then we can do the same?" Tang Jianming asked puzzled.

Wen Dawei frowned, and was about to answer when he heard a familiar voice coming from the other side of the road: "You, Deng Kai, graduated from a decent university anyway, so you are willing to spend your whole life in this place? Young people should be energetic and Ideal, work hard, chatting, drinking tea, and spanking with those old guys all day long will wear down your will and ideal, my Comrade Deng Kai!"

"But the factory just allocated a room for me, and promoted me to be the deputy chief of the technology department. Are you going with me at this time..."

The young man named Deng Kai was wearing a gray Chinese tunic suit with a pen in his chest, but this mature attire was aged a lot by the freckled baby face, which made him look extraneous and stable .

"Oh, my Comrade Deng Kai, how many times have I told you, not to let you leave the Lidong Factory, but you are still a cadre of the Lidong Factory, and you just focus on the development of civilian products!"

Another man turned his back to Wen Dawei and the others, instead of being a little anxious: "Let me explain to you, Deputy Factory Director Ma is going to integrate the educated youth factory and labor service company to form the civilian product production line of Lidong Factory, which will develop in parallel with military product production, isn't it? Start a new stove!"

"Dawei, doesn't our factory manufacture guns and ammunition?" Just as the man's voice faded away, Tang Jianming looked at Wen Dawei in confusion: "When did we start producing civilian products?"

 Ask for a ticket, a reward or something, thank you

(End of this chapter)

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