Great Power Ship

Chapter 28 Transformation

Chapter 28 Transformation

As soon as these words came out, Liu Chengzhi and Tang Jianming were stunned for a moment, and then they looked at each other, but the next moment they burst into laughter.

Liu Chengzhi even patted Wen Dawei on the shoulder and joked: "I said Xiao Wen, when did you figure out the 32 pressure gauges of industrial furnaces, and when are you bragging about us~~~ Or don't raise fish, Dry up this half bottle of old soju!"

"That's right~~~ I guessed it wrong, I guessed it right, your pressure gauge is not as good as I am, the kind that drinks and punishes yourself three times!" Tang Jianming also booed from the side.

It's no wonder that these two things are like this, it's because Wen Dawei is too offensive to the traditional pointer instruments, it's okay to remember three or four, but when there are too many, his head will buzz.

No way, in that era decades later, many pointer instruments were completely replaced by computers, and the computer control system would automatically give a prompt when the value of the indicator was not reached, and the on-site staff only needed to follow the programming procedure of the process. .

But now, all of these require not only human brainpower to forcefully memorize, but also physical cooperation, so they rely more on experience and qualifications.

This is also the reason why, although Chen Jizu, the old section chief, has retired, he comes to the workshop every now and then, because such a master has worked for most of his life and has rich relevant experience.

Even without looking at the instrument, just by looking at the color of the furnace, you can estimate the temperature, pressure, and fuel consumption very closely.

In contrast, someone like Wen Dawei who can't even remember the value of the instrument is simply not on the stage.

No wonder Liu Chengzhi and Tang Jianming made fun of it.

If this is normal, being ridiculed by these two guys would be ridiculed. The skills are not as good as people and deserve to be ridiculed. Unhappy, bang~~ he patted the small square table in front of him: "Why am I bragging? Ah~~~ I have a theoretical basis!"

"Then tell me about your theoretical basis. If it makes sense, we'll drink this wine for you. If it doesn't make sense..." Liu Chengzhi squatted half a bottle of old soju in front of Wen Dawei with a bang: "Don't leave the rest alone. Find another reason!"

Wen Dawei, who is already at the top, is afraid of this?Immediately glanced at her mouth: "Then listen carefully..."

Immediately, one, two, three, four, five, not only explained the reasons for the shutdown of the No. [-] furnace for such a long time, but also roughly explained the solutions.

Liu Chengzhi frowned after hearing this, and then turned his head to look at Tang Jianming, "Little Tang, do you understand?"

Tang Jianming shook his black head like a rattle: "The more you listen, the more confused you become!"

"That's bragging, come on~~~ You can continue to drink it for me!" Before the words finished, Liu Chengzhi took the wine and poured it into Wen Dawei's mouth. Wen Dawei wanted to struggle, but Tang Jianming held him down. Wen Dawei only felt that the shaking of the wooden bed next door was getting weaker and weaker, until everything was completely silent...


"Uh... water... water..."

I don't know how long it took before Wen Dawei regained consciousness. He only felt dizzy and his mouth was dry, but the next moment a straw was inserted in his mouth.

Wen Dawei took a deep breath, and a gust of warm water poured into his throat. The comfortable Wen Dawei let out a snort, and then he opened his eyes, and saw a beautiful woman with a frosty face sitting beside the bed, holding a large enamel jar to drink water. Feed yourself water.

"Oh, why are you here?"

Seeing that it was Zhang Mingli, Wen Dawei subconsciously seemed to wake up, but when he moved his head, it was as if his head was split open, and he fell heavily on the bed again.

"If I don't come, who cares about you?"

Zhang Mingli and her husband's daughter-in-law, who just woke up from a hangover, complained with a cold face while helping Wen Dawei tuck up the quilt: "Don't think I'm kind, if it wasn't for Uncle Wen, it would be really difficult for him to deal with the expert team during this time." If I don't leave, I don't have time to take care of you, so I won't come here."

"Then thank you..."

"Thank you, thank you for your blessing and life, you didn't drink yourself to death after drinking so much!" Wen Dawei just opened his mouth, but Zhang Mingli slammed him back.

Wen Dawei on the bed smiled awkwardly: "I won't dare next time!"

"Next time, and next time?" Zhang Mingli stared at Wen Dawei.

"It's gone, it's gone~~~" Wen Dawei quickly waved his hands: "I will never drink alcohol in the future, I will never drink alcohol at all!"

"That's about the same..." Zhang Mingli snorted, "Let me tell you, education is very important, so don't spend all day in the wine tank, picking up sesame seeds and losing watermelon!"

"Don't worry, my Comrade Mingli, you are my big watermelon, I will hold on to you forever!"

"Fuck you, let me tell you, your heat treatment workshop may be undergoing renovation during this period, and production is estimated to be suspended for a period of time. You just use this spare time to make up for cultural lessons!" Zhang Mingli was made to fake blush by Wen Dawei's witty words , but then changed the subject.

Wen Dawei was a little surprised when he heard the words: "Okay, why is the production stopped? 109 torpedoes are not going to be produced?"

Zhang Mingli sighed: "It's not because of your No. 5 furnace..."


Wen Dawei was drunk and broke down, so he had to take sick leave to recuperate at home. Taking this opportunity, Wen Dawei would of course want to have a good time with Zhang Mingli. The heat treatment was also undergoing profound changes during his recuperation period.

On this day, a technical assessment expert group composed of experts from the Southwest Ordnance Industry Bureau, Provincial University, and Provincial University of Technology is carefully checking the layout of the workshop and the configuration of equipment in the heat treatment workshop.

About an hour later, Li Xin, deputy director of the Technical Advisory Committee of the Southwest Ordnance Bureau and former engineer of the Southwest Ordnance Industry Bureau, who led the team this time, asked Zheng Yong, the deputy director of the Economic Research Institute of the Provincial City University, helplessly: "Dean Zheng, is there really no other way?"

Zheng Yong didn't answer, but beckoned to Huang Zhiguo who was standing on the side: "He is my student and has been working in Lidong Factory for almost a year. Ask him, is there any help for this heat treatment workshop?" ?”

Li Xin looked at Huang Zhiguo in a blink of an eye, and Huang Zhiguo reported to the old leader of the Southwest Ordnance Bureau with seven points of regret and three points of helplessness:
"When the construction was planned, the natural gas consumption of this heat treatment workshop was only enough for the annual production of 12 tons of ordinary alloy steel. Because the selected site was located on a high terrain and the natural gas transmission volume in the pipeline was limited, the production capacity was restricted.

Now, we have launched the 109 torpedo project. In addition to ordinary alloy steel, a considerable part of the heat treatment process of new aluminum alloy and high-strength alloy steel is required, which leads to insufficient energy supply.

Therefore, as far as the current heat treatment workshop is concerned, it is necessary to install new imported equipment or re-lay natural gas pipelines to increase energy supply. Otherwise, the current level alone cannot support the follow-up production of the 109 torpedo project. "

Hearing this, Li Xin looked up at Wen Lin who was beside him. Wen Lin didn't answer but nodded in pain, saying that Huang Zhiguo's words were correct!
(End of this chapter)

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