Chapter 29
This is indeed the case. When the Lidong Factory was first established, the process of heat treatment was not the key point. This was because the Lidong Factory at that time produced war-ready torpedoes, depth charges, torpedo tubes, and some turbine components.

It belongs to the producer of the product and is not responsible for the initial processing of the material. After all, it is something that has been processed by the metal smelter when it leaves the factory.

Therefore, the heat treatment workshop of Lidong Plant is more of a backup facility for emergencies.

That is, in the case of force majeure, if the metal smelter supplying upstream has problems and cannot provide raw materials that meet the standards, the Lidong plant can also carry out corresponding heat treatment production according to the process flow, so that it will not be lost due to the interruption of a certain process. lead to the shutdown of the entire industrial chain.

Therefore, the Lidong Plant has heat treatment, but it is not strong. It is just an emergency package. The technology and production capacity are just passable, and there is no need to pursue any quality.

But the problem is that this method can still be played during the construction of the third line back then, but now it is a bit unsatisfactory to undertake the 109 torpedo imitation project.

Because new metal materials such as new aluminum alloys cannot be produced in China at all, and can only be imported from abroad.

However, the quotations of foreign high-end metal material manufacturers are not as realistic as those in China. The prices of metal materials processed by different processes vary greatly, and can even reach sky-high prices.

Lidong Factory and its superior unit, the Southwest Ordnance Industry Bureau, do not have so much funds to undertake the complete processing of high-end metal materials, so they can only buy relatively cheap mid-to-low-end products.

It's just that this involves secondary processing in the process, so the importance of the heat treatment workshop in Lidong Factory, which is only used for emergency backup, is highlighted.

So the factory decided to expand the scale of the heat treatment workshop and install several sets of advanced heat treatment process equipment to further strengthen the technical level of the Lidong factory in this area.

However, the leaders in the factory had a good idea, but the problem was that the plan when the factory was built was very unfriendly to the heat treatment factory.

The entire heat treatment workshop uses the natural gas produced by the adjacent oil and gas fields to provide fuel. For this reason, a gas pipeline and a pumping station for gas supply were specially built when the plant was built.

Due to the limitations of the technical conditions at that time, the power of the pumping station was not large, and it could barely be used by the processing workshop, but even so, it cost a lot of money to build it.

Nowadays, if you want to expand the heat treatment workshop, the equipment is second, and the key is how to solve the energy consumption?

If you want to increase the power of the pumping station, you have to use gas turbines. There are no high-stability gas turbines in China, and the Lidong factory cannot afford the price of imports.

As for electricity...

The two hydropower stations supporting the Lidong factory were already at full capacity. If the power was increased, the entire factory would be dragged down.

All in all, a series of shackles brought about by site selection, planning and development have basically locked the expansion of the heat treatment workshop.

It's just that the factory leaders were really unwilling, so they called in an expert group to help evaluate, evaluate, plan, plan, and see if it was possible to renovate the heat treatment workshop.

The result is of course unsatisfactory.

"Old leader, you also know that we are now at a critical stage of the 109 torpedo project. If the problem in the heat treatment workshop is not resolved, the bureau..."

Although he was aware of the problems in the heat treatment workshop, Wen Lin did not give up, but expressed his thoughts to Li Xin, who led the team. The labor bureau can come forward to help solve the plight of the Xialidong factory's energy shortage.

But the question is, does the Southwest Ordnance Bureau have any money?
Also no money, okay?
So Li Xin pondered for a while, and prepared to prevaricate first.

But before he could think of what to say, Zheng Yong on the other side opened his mouth first: "Director Wen, your place is a problem left over from history. There was a big mistake in the planning back then. I'm not against it." You expanded the heat treatment workshop, the key is, have you calculated the economic account inside?"

Wen Lin didn't speak, and of course Zheng Yong didn't expect Wen Lin to say anything, but stretched out his hand and continued with his fingers: "First of all, your power supply is already very tight, and it is obviously unrealistic to expand the power.

Secondly, the natural gas field is not far from your place, but the problem is that the relative height difference between the two places is nearly 500 meters, and the current three pump stations at full capacity cannot provide much oil and gas resources.

But if you want to push it all over again, you will need almost [-] million in funds for the three pumping stations. If you add the cost of replacing the pipelines, you can't get it without [-] to [-] million. How can you solve this money at Lidong Factory? "

Yes, how to solve it?

When the factory was built back then, everything was funded by the state. Now that the state policy has been adjusted, it can only develop by itself. If the Lidong factory is not short of money, it is fine. The key is that I don’t have a lot of big money in my pocket.

"So, I still think that your factory is more down-to-earth, and you can do as much work as you can. Don't toss, otherwise the more you toss, the more miserable life will be!"

In the end, Zheng Yong's conclusions were so shocking that Huang Zhiguo and some of the company's accompanying staff all nodded secretly.

No way, the upper limit of third-tier factories like Lidong factory is there. It’s okay to be safe and stable. Once you want to do something else, transportation, energy, production capacity, experience, talents...

Numerous constraints follow one after another, and a good factory can be firmly locked up directly.

Of course, the people in Lidong factory are well aware of this, otherwise it would be impossible for so many people to want to return to their origins in the coastal areas of East China.

Not to mention others, even Wen Lin, who was accompanying the expert group at this time, had thought about it.

But at this moment, at that moment, seeing that the 109 torpedo project was progressing well, Wen Lin also wanted to add a brilliant resume to his career, so he pondered and organized his words.

But before he could speak, Li Xin passed him, looked at the extension of the workshop, and then pointed to the group of people who were busy: "I remember that the industrial furnace over there was reported damaged, are they repairing it?"

Hearing this, Wen Lin hurriedly looked over. Indeed, a lot of people gathered in front of the No. 5 furnace that was reported damaged. Some even got into the furnace with tools. It seemed that they were really repairing, so he hurriedly looked at the furnace that was with him. The workshop director Zhao Dong who came over said, "What's going on over there?"

Zhao Dong looked up, and then explained with a smile: "It's like this, isn't the No. 5 furnace reported damaged, so let's take this opportunity to organize people to renovate this furnace to see if we can reduce the fuel consumption. As the saying goes, increase revenue and reduce expenditure, our workshop has to figure out a way, isn't it..."

"Playing the piano randomly! Does your workshop have the technical capabilities? This is a stove worth 10,000+. If it is destroyed, can you afford it?"

Before Zhao Dong finished speaking, Zheng Yong interrupted him angrily. As a result, before the upright old dean continued, Zhang Dingjun, the leader of the stoker team, came trotting all the way. While running, he shouted excitedly: "Director Zhao, it's done... we're done..."

 I went to the countryside to attend a banquet today, and I came back late, everyone forgive me
(End of this chapter)

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