Great Power Ship

Chapter 31 The key still depends on the curative effect

Chapter 31 The key still depends on the curative effect
Not only Li Xin was not calm anymore, but Wen Lin and others also stared at Zhang Dingjun in disbelief, as if they were looking at an alien, full of incomprehension and confusion.

Only Zheng Yong, who came from an economic background, looked blank. He didn't know why Li Xin and others were like this, but he couldn't ask questions, so he could only glance at his students from the corner of his eye.

Naturally, Huang Zhiguo quickly explained in a low voice: "Usually, it takes at least two hours for an industrial furnace like No. 5 furnace to heat up to a constant temperature, but now it only takes half the time before, so..."

Huang Zhiguo didn't finish his sentence, but the meaning he expressed was very clear. The gas pipeline in the heat treatment workshop has not changed, which means that the gas supply volume is the same as the original one. In this case, the heating time is only half of the original one. Explain what?
Of course, the gas consumption in the heating stage is also half of the original.

Zheng Yong can be the deputy dean of the economics researcher. He has nothing to say in terms of IQ. Of course he can understand the implication of his students, but because of this, Zheng Yong's old face has become extremely ugly. The boundary of Lidong Factory is very strong.

No way, for an economist who has read Western classic economics and the most popular liberal economics nowadays, industrial enterprises such as Lidong Factory established by the state in the era of planned economy are simply scourges.

Because such enterprises do not conform to the general economic laws advocated by Western economics. Because of this, Zheng Yong strongly advocates that the state should withdraw from the economic field, let the market be the leading force in the economy, encourage private enterprises, and stimulate the vitality of private commerce.

To sum it up in one sentence, that is the advancement of the people and the retreat of the country!

Therefore, for third-tier enterprises like Lidong Factory, Zheng Yong's proposition is just one sentence, early death and early rebirth.

Not only can the country not invest another penny, but it is better to sell it while it is still valuable, so as to obtain objective cash income.

Based on this, when he heard that the Lidong Factory hoped that the provincial government and superiors would allocate funds to help him transform the heat treatment workshop that he was not good at, Zheng Yong's attitude can be imagined, not to mention objecting, but it was not so good where to go.

Fortunately, the higher-ups are still clear about it, and feel that the complete set of industries that the country spent so much effort to build in the past, just ignore the money invested by the country, so the request to the Lidong Factory is still based on the principle of helping. in principle.

But this is completely contrary to the principles that Zheng Yong has always insisted on, but you are still far behind.

Because of this, when Zheng Yong came to Lidong Factory, he could be said to be picky, as if he was a teacher sent by his superiors. A lot of economic theories from the West were thrown over him, which directly confused Lidong Factory.

Then Lidong Factory was given a big label of ignorance of the economy and blind advances, which led to the loss of state-owned assets. The matter of Lidong Factory's application for funds to transform the heat treatment workshop was completely overwhelmed.

Everything went smoothly at first, especially with the blessing of Huang Zhiguo, a capable disciple, Zheng Yong almost dismantled the Lidong Factory with the attitude of cutting a ding to solve a cow.

He was about to come to a final conclusion and completely reject Lidong Factory's proposal, but he did not expect that the heat treatment workshop of Lidong Factory actually came up with a new energy-saving technology for industrial furnaces by virtue of its own ability.

In Zheng Yong's view, this is simply an unreasonable event that violates the general laws of economics.

How can Lidong Factory produce energy-saving technology?Do they have such inner motivation?
Not only no, but extremely scarce, because the entire Lidong factory is a product of the planned economy, not driven by endogenous market effects. In this case, how could they come up with new technologies by themselves?
So Zheng Yong looked at Huang Zhiguo at the side, the meaning was obvious, and he needed an explanation.

How did Huang Zhiguo explain it clearly? It stands to reason that the matter in the heat treatment workshop is completely unsolvable. This is not a secret at all in the Lidong factory.

Otherwise, why would the superiors send Ma Jun over to focus on civil reform?
Didn't they realize that the Lidong Factory has hindered its development due to various reasons and had to undergo transformation and adjustment, which is why such an arrangement was made.

It's just that the arrangement belongs to the arrangement, and the appropriation in the superior's plan is limited. If there is more military production for Lidong Factory, less civilian products will naturally be given.

And Ma Jun is preparing to integrate some of the mess under the Lidong Factory as the foundation of civilian product production. After that, he will import production lines from abroad, and he needs financial support everywhere. Naturally, he does not want to see limited funds being spent on a heat treatment workshop. Edge workshop for emergency production.

Therefore, Huang Zhiguo and his teacher Zheng Yong had the same ideas. It would be great to get rid of the renovation project of the heat treatment workshop. As for whether there would be any accidents, Huang Zhiguo didn't even think about it.

The heat treatment workshop is such a place where big bosses gather, and the most educated people are only junior high school graduates. Huang Zhiguo, whose hormones are on the rise, may not be surprised. With pure technology and brains, Huang Zhiguo is confident that he can match all the heat treatment workshops by himself. .

Because of this, Huang Zhiguo has no reservations about Zheng Yong. Otherwise, how could Zheng Yong have such confidence in the one-acre and three-point land of Lidong Factory, so he can control the style of the teacher to death!

As a result, the heat treatment workshop not only really played with its brains, but also made a breakthrough in energy-saving technology!
To be honest, Huang Zhiguo was more confused than Zheng Yong when he heard that the heating time of the No. 5 furnace after the transformation was less than half of that before the transformation. , Absolutely unscientific, how can a small heat treatment workshop do things that can't be done even in the factory, bureau or even the province?

"It's almost time!"

Just when Zheng Yong and Huang Zhiguo had difficulty understanding the breakthrough in energy-saving technology in the heat treatment workshop and fell into a state of inextricability, Zhang Dingjun looked at his watch and said something in a deep voice.

On the other hand, Li Xin said in surprise, "It's only been 105 minutes, is that enough?"

Zhang Dingjun nodded: "Compared to the previous 145-minute constant temperature time, the modified annealing furnace has been reduced by half an hour. If the entire furnace has not been modified and many defects have been left, the energy-saving effect will be more obvious."

Li Xin looked a little excited, the heating time was reduced by more than one hour, and the constant temperature time was reduced by half an hour, which achieved an excellent energy-saving effect in terms of timeliness alone. However, although Li Xin was excited, he forcibly held down his beaming posture because There is still an important indicator that has not been determined, so I asked again: "How about the quality?"

Zhang Dingjun laughed when he heard the words: "We workers can't speak beautiful words, and it's impossible to speak beautiful words. It's like taking medicine when you are sick. You can't listen to others. It's okay to beep. The key is to see the curative effect...Old leader Let’s go over and see if we can find out!”

 Ask for rewards and various tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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