Great Power Ship

Chapter 32 No Contrast No Harm

Chapter 32 No Contrast No Harm

As the saying goes, the speaker has no intention, and the listener has the heart.

Zhang Dingjun's words really didn't have anything specific to say, but Zheng Yong and Huang Zhiguo just took their seats.

Especially Zheng Yong, his old face was twitching even more. There is no way that he, who is engaged in economics, can speak beautiful words, and he is also the type of Zhang Dingjun who says he has nothing to do.

Do you think Zheng Yong can't be angry?

However, Zheng Yong is not angry, and Li Xin is not in the mood to care about it. He is thinking about one thing now, that is, whether the modified No. 5 furnace can produce qualified products, so he went directly to No. go.

Metallographic professionals related to the factory's technical department and craft department are conducting preliminary inspection and testing on the released marine gear components.

Soon the preliminary results came out, and Li Xin couldn't wait to hold the two comparison reports before and after the transformation, finally showing a relieved smile on his tense face:

"Yes, it's really good. The test results are basically the same as the level before the transformation. This shows that the technology of your factory has succeeded!"

After speaking, he handed the test report to Wen Lin: "I heard that your factory independently solved two problems in the production of 109 torpedoes. I didn't believe it at first. After all, I also worked hard when the Lidong factory was built... ..."

Li Xin said these words with a lot of emotion. I think this place was a deserted valley back then. A group of technicians including Li Xin were transferred from all over the country by their superiors to carry out inspections on a group of third-line factories such as Lidong Factory. Planning and construction, since then Li Xin has formed an indissoluble bond with this Lidong factory.

Therefore, he knows better than anyone else where the upper limit of the Lidong factory is, but because of this, Li Xin has been calling for the third-tier factories including the Lidong factory, hoping that the higher-ups can support the third-tier factories to break through the shackles of development.

It's just that this road is extremely difficult. It's useless to talk about it. The key depends on practice. This is the so-called crossing the river by feeling the stones.

There is no way, ancient and modern, Chinese and foreign, there is no precedent for how to transform, develop and realize reforms for enterprises such as third-tier factories established on the basis of the planned economy, and there is no other way but to explore by themselves.

So Li Xin is also taking one step at a time, there is no good shortcut to take.

But now in the Lidong factory here and now, Li Xin seems to have seen a little untraceable way to break the situation, but because of certain limitations, it is a bit fuzzy, but no matter what, Li Xin feels that the Lidong factory should continue Go on, there will always be a day when you understand.

It is precisely because of this that Li Xin's words are very sincere: "So I know the situation in the factory very well, and I know that there are huge difficulties in the Lidong factory.

But the good thing is that the Lidong factory has always maintained the entrepreneurial spirit of not being afraid of difficulties and facing up to difficulties when the factory was just established, and continued to carry forward the practical experience of the great creativity of the people. Based on sufficient practice and rich experience, it has finally completed various Few people regard it as an impossible miracle! "

"Old leader, you are absurd!"

Wen Lin quickly picked up Li Xin's words: "We are also practicing the spirit of reform and practice in the bureau, and we can solve it ourselves.

After all, the 109 torpedo is an unprecedented project. Many key technical problems are not only the technical gaps of our factory, but also the technical gaps of the bureau and even the whole country. If we rely on waiting, asking, and taking, we don’t know when To take out 109 torpedoes.

The problem is that we can afford to wait, but the army cannot afford to wait, and the country's seas and seas cannot afford to wait, so we must overcome the difficulties, even if the difficulties are beyond imagination, we must use the spirit of the foolish old man to move mountains. Break it bit by bit, no matter how hard or tired you are for this..."

What Wen Lin said was so logical that he was very excited. Fortunately, Wen Dawei was not here at the moment, otherwise his jaw would drop if he thought he was right. This is still a serious father who only speaks the truth on weekdays?
This level of singing high-profile, shouting slogans, and invisible flattery is also quite difficult!

Sure enough, if you can be the leader of the factory, you can't just look at the surface!
Of course, it is inevitable for Li Xin to be happy and happy, but the old leader is an old leader after all, and it is impossible to be confused because of Wen Lin's few words. Instead, he laughed and said:

"I didn't expect that your unsmiling Wen Lin could say such a thing. Yes, it can be regarded as progress, but no matter what, the creativity of the people should not be underestimated..."

As he spoke, he looked at Zhao Dong and Zhang Dingjun: "You just said that the method of transforming the No. 5 furnace was proposed by the workers in your workshop. Can you let me know who it is?"

"Liu Chengzhi, Tang Jianming, Wen Dawei!"

Hearing this, Zhang Dingjun called out three names to a group of cadres and workers in the heat treatment workshop around the No. 5 furnace. However, when they heard the word "Wen Dawei", the faces of the two of them involuntarily became very exciting.

One is of course Wen Dawei's biological father, Wen Lin, why is his precious son involved again?

Is it false to ask for sick leave these days?
It's impossible, this week Wen Dawei ate and slept at home, he ate and ate, he wished he could poop and pee without getting out of bed, he had gained a lot of weight, how could he work hard behind the scenes to make technological breakthroughs?
To think about fat pigs and cabbage all day long is almost like Zhang Mingli piercing the window paper.

And the other one is Huang Zhiguo.

The three words Wen Dawei were like three thorns, and Huang Zhiguo's facial nerves twitched involuntarily.

The matter of robbing the house was secondary. After all, the factory made up for him after the incident. The key point is that the blow to his reputation was too great.

The three college students recruited by the factory, Zhang Mingli and Deng Kai, are both majors in science and engineering. One is in the technical department and the other is in the technical department. Under the circumstances of their professional counterparts, they will soon be able to work like a fish in water, and there is no breakthrough in the major technical problems. A few, but a lot of small technical improvements have been made, which made everyone in the factory praise, bluntly saying that the university of the two was not in vain.

It doesn’t matter that Huang Zhiguo has a college degree, the most important thing is that his major is liberal arts economics. Although he has the idea of ​​learning mathematics, physics and chemistry all over the world, he has taught himself mechanical related subjects and obtained relevant qualifications. Post-secondary degree certificate.

But there is a difference between professional learning and self-study.

In terms of work, Zhang Mingli and Deng Kai achieved remarkable results, but Huang Zhiguo bumped into obstacles everywhere, and even almost caused expensive equipment to malfunction and be scrapped several times.

Because of this, Huang Zhiguo finally found his position after being transferred to the factory office after going around in the technical department, craft department, and workshop craft room.

It was nothing until now, and the golden signboard of college students was still very bluffing, but Wen Dawei suddenly appeared at this time, and solved two technical problems encountered in the production of 109 torpedoes one after another.

Not only has it achieved good economic benefits, but it has also been highly recognized by the bureau.

As the saying goes, there is no harm if there is no comparison. An educated youth returning to the city without a college education background, who was annoyed by everyone in the factory when he was a teenager, and the factory boy who was disgusted by everyone, actually helped the factory overcome difficulties and solve major problems at the critical moment. question.

However, a college student who has graduated from a serious university and wears the aura of the proud son of heaven can only beep, beep, talk, and can only stare when he encounters real problems. Even if such a person is a college student, he can read the book to the stomach go!

(End of this chapter)

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