Great Power Ship

Chapter 33 Experiments

Chapter 33 Experiments
Huang Zhiguo is also an ambitious person, he really wants to make a career in Lidong factory, how can he stand up to such an evaluation.

However, his own level is limited, so he couldn't make Wen Dawei's remarkable technological breakthrough, so he could only be poked in the back and scolded for being incompetent.

Because of this, Huang Zhiguo, who originally supported Ma Jun's civilian product line, embraced Ma Jun completely. He not only helped Ma Jun formulate the development plan for civilian products, but also personally conducted market research and product analysis. The real achievements let those who laugh at him read into the stomach of a dog to see that Huang Zhiguo is better than Wen Dawei.

Huang Zhiguo's ruthlessness seems to be really effective. Not only is the civil product route going smoothly, but the progress is beyond expectations.

In any case, Ma Jun, a cadre parachuted from the Southwest Ordnance Industry Bureau, is still very capable. He just found the root after walking around the educated youth factory and a few supporting labor service companies.

Then a set of big sticks and carrots were brought according to local conditions, which allowed these factories to straighten out their management and revitalize them. Coupled with Ma Jun's connections in the province and the bureau, he quickly got several deals for civilian products. Production list.

On the other hand, Wen Dawei, since he became a regular worker and joined the heat treatment workshop, he seems to have returned to his previous idle state.

Not only was the job training messed up, but he couldn't join the team for independent production for more than half a month; on weekdays, he often got together with his friends in the workshop to drink big wine and chat about gossip.

So much so that the neighbors of Liu Chengzhi's family, where they had gathered for a long time, often went to the factory to complain, saying that they were drunk and crazy in the middle of the night, which made them unable to rest.

It caused a headache for the factory leaders who dealt with related issues.

Of course, Huang Zhiguo, who works in the factory office, is very clear about this, and he didn't express anything on the surface, but he was relieved for a long time in his heart, and at the same time, he gradually regained his original self-confidence.

Mud legs are mud legs, so what if one or two technical problems can be solved?At best, it was a tactical victory.

But he, Huang Zhiguo, is different. He is playing a big game of chess in the strategic direction, and the level of education is reflected in this. He, Huang Zhiguo, has a higher vision and a broader vision than you, which determines the direction of future development. .

And Wen Dawei was just a lucky guy who had a sudden flash of inspiration. He used up all the luck in his body, and he didn't show his true colors, and finally became unknown on the road to death!

But when Huang Zhiguo regained his confidence and performed extremely well in front of his mentor, the name that had become small in his heart suddenly magnified again, shrouding his bright heart under the shadow again.

Under such circumstances, Huang Zhiguo's face can only be damned if he looks good.

However, Huang Zhiguo's ugly face turned around involuntarily when he saw the people who were called out, because Wen Dawei, who gave him a big shadow in his heart, was not there.

Yes, not at the critical moment of the old leader's roll call!

"Where's Wen Dawei?"

Zhang Dingjun also discovered this problem, and he frowned and couldn't help asking.

"Wen Dawei, he..." Although Liu Chengzhi was unrestrained when drinking at home, he would open his mouth for all kinds of dirty jokes and plain jokes, but at a time when the leaders gathered here and all the gods gathered, Liu Chengzhi, who was five big and three rough, was inexplicably a little timid, so Even the words are a little awkward.

"Comrade Wen Dawei is sick!" Seeing Liu Chengzhi, the cheap master, whose calves were trembling with tension, Tang Jianming, who was equally nervous, could only grit his teeth and answer.

"Sick?" Li Xin is not an academic who directs and reads books, but a practical person who has personally participated in the construction of many third-line factories, and even served as the person in charge of several factories.

If it weren't for the fact that he was getting older, and his superiors advocated younger cadres, Li Xin, who responded to the call, voluntarily abdicated and made way to the Advisory Committee of the Southwest Ordnance Bureau, Li Xin's rank would definitely not be low.

Therefore, when he saw Liu Chengzhi and Tang Jianming's appearance, he felt that something was wrong, so he squinted his eyes and asked, "What's wrong?"

"In order to solve the technical problems in the workshop, I worked too hard and got sick!" Tang Jianming came without even thinking about opening his mouth. The others were fine, and Wen Lin, who was standing next to Li Xin, immediately widened his eyes.

Is that brat sick?It's obvious that you two bastards drank alcohol until they vomited, okay?

But Wen Lin couldn't interrupt at this time, so he could only listen to Tang Jianming's serious nonsense: "Because we are using a ceramic fiber coating, which can not only withstand higher temperatures, but also better maintain the temperature. The temperature in the furnace does not overflow, so as to achieve the purpose of saving gas..."

"Wait... What are you talking about? Are you applying ceramic fiber material in the furnace?" Tang Jianming was about to continue, but was suddenly interrupted by Li Xin. Then he looked at Tang Jianming in surprise, and between words He seemed a little excited: "This kind of material is rare, and the domestic production is not much. Generally, it needs to be imported. How did you make it?"

"It mainly depends on Wen Dawei. Although the three of us put forward the opinion together, the key is that Wen Dawei played a key role, especially the choice of the formula. Wen Dawei decided after many failures!"

"Yes, yes, yes, it is Comrade Wen Dawei's countless attempts that lead to the current results. It can be said that without Wen Dawei, there would be no No. 5 furnace today!" At this time, Liu Chengzhi also reflected, and quickly echoed. .

Then he murmured in his heart: "It's not that I passed out countless times, got up countless times, and said this energy-saving method under the test of alcohol!"

At this time, Tang Jianming was getting better and better on the road of nonsense, and his black face was stained with sadness: "Wen Dawei, who was originally in poor health, for solving technical problems in the workshop, behind our backs, he forgot to eat and sleep every day.

He even had to stay up until two or three o'clock in the morning to do an experiment, which caused countless abuse and criticism from his neighbors. So far, many people have gone to the factory to sue him, saying that he is not good at quarreling with others at night. sleep.

But who knew that Wen Dawei was doing an experiment, and the experiment was successful, and the others were also exhausted! "

"That's right, I, an old fireman who has been working for almost 5 years, have to admire Wen Dawei's hard work every day for the test.

Several times I wanted to help Wen Dawei explain, but Wen Dawei always said that his experiments would disturb people, so he had to work harder. It's okay...Leader, such a good person is really..."

As Liu Chengzhi said, tears welled up in a pair of tiger eyes inexplicably, and Tang Jianming next to him was not much better, and he was also not angry and wronged.

There's no way, these days they are almost annoyed by Liu Chengzhi's next-door neighbor's behavior, so why don't they talk about their errands at night?In turn, they even sued them for disturbing the people.

Are we disturbing the people?That's drinking... Bah... It's an experiment, using alcohol as a catalyst, a thought experiment!

(End of this chapter)

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