Great Power Ship

Chapter 35 Ion Nitriding Process

Chapter 35 Ion Nitriding Process
As soon as these words came out, both Zhao Dong and Zhang Dingjun looked at a loss, wondering where did the factory's research mission come from?How do they not know?
But before they could react, Wen Dawei continued: "Didn't the transmission gear components produced on the basis of imported new alloy steel in the 109 torpedo project always fail to meet the design standards? Comrade Zhang Mingli from the department, through horizontal comparison and metallographic analysis, found that the performance of this small gear component was not up to standard due to the durability problem. Therefore, we proposed an ion nitriding process aimed at increasing the wear resistance and durability of the gear component. ..."

"Wait... What did you just say? Ion nitriding process?" But before Wen Dawei finished speaking, Li Xin suddenly interrupted the next sentence, and then squinted at Wen Dawei: "This thing is very Cutting-edge, there is no related complete set of equipment in China, how do you solve it?"

What Li Xin said is correct. As a high-end technology that can add a desalination coating to alloy steel, thereby improving the service life and durability of marine components, the ion nitriding process can be regarded as the core technology in the field of marine engineering equipment manufacturing.

Also because of this, the production of technology and equipment related to the process is only in the hands of a few industrial manufacturers in developed countries.

Of course, the United States is the most advanced, followed by West Germany, but these two countries have strict controls on this technology, and generally such equipment is prohibited from exporting technology.

RB, which also masters this kind of technology, does not have the strict export ban of the United States and West Germany, but the price is ridiculously high. No matter whether it is equipment or technology, the user can only use and use it under the supervision of the RB manufacturer. Production, to avoid related processes and equipment can only be used in the field of civilian production rather than military research and development manufacturers.

Leaving aside the harsh condition of the latter, nearly 99% of domestic enterprises cannot afford the former.

You must know that the price of the plasma nitriding furnace of RB Kawasaki Heavy Industries alone is 180 million US dollars, and the freight and installation are not included.

But this is not the most critical, because the whole equipment is manufactured according to RB standard, so the concentration of cooling water, energy fuel, and even nitrogen raw materials are different from the domestic commonly used standards, so once the relevant modification costs and raw materials are installed The cost of imports even exceeds the price of plasma nitriding furnaces.

It was uncomfortable to be stuck at the source of the equipment, but it turned out to be stuck in raw materials and standards. The degree of discomfort is not as simple as +2, it is simply suffocating.

Coupled with the high cost, it basically persuaded domestic companies to quit directly.

Of course, there are also those who do not believe in evil, such as Li Xin. After all, this technology has an extremely obvious improvement effect on many fields such as marine engineering manufacturing, vehicle manufacturing, and weapon manufacturing.

Otherwise, although the same transmission gears have the same shape and even the same material, the domestically produced ones have only one-half or even one-third of the imported ones.

Not only affects the use of users, but also pushes up the overall cost of use.

Because of this, at the end of last year and the beginning of this year, I went to RB to investigate the plasma nitriding furnace. As you can imagine, in the face of a series of harsh conditions and uncompromising prices from the Japanese side, Li Xin could only retreat.

Originally, Li Xin thought about looking for some domestic research institutions to see if he could tackle the problem by himself, but he didn't expect to hear a young man talking about the plasma desalination process very calmly in the Lidong factory in a remote mountain valley. matter.

Li Xin's first feeling was that it was unreal, and even then he felt a little ridiculous, so many factories in China that are stronger than Lidong factory dare not do this, you, a young man who hasn't grown up enough, can do it?

Could it be that he was humming a melodious voice before, and suddenly saw so many people here, and used this as an excuse to divert the attention of everyone in the field?

After all, Li Xin has also been at the grassroots level. He has seen a lot of this kind of high-profile tricks to shift the focus. Because of this, Li Xin's question is not only direct, but also sharp!

"Who is this?"

Wen Dawei looked at Li Xin in surprise when he heard the words, because he seemed a little stiff in the face, Zhao Dong on the side quickly introduced: "This is an old engineer from the Southwest Ordnance Industry Bureau, Li Xin, who is currently a standing member of the Bureau's Advisory Committee Our Lidong factory has done technical guidance, and he is the old leader of our factory!"

"It turns out to be the old leader... I really didn't expect that I could meet you today, the old leader. It's really..."

Before Zhao Dong finished speaking, Wen Dawei's face was immediately filled with inexplicable excitement, as if a little fan couldn't even speak smoothly when he saw a big star.

Li Xin couldn't help frowning: "You know me?"

"I am very impressed by your deeds and stories, and I am deeply educated, especially knowing that you have been to RB to inspect the plasma nitriding furnace this year. I would like to write to you. Furnace provides guidance and assistance!"

When he said this, Wen Dawei's face that was thicker than the city wall lost no time to show the shyness and shyness unique to young people: "You also know that although we young people are aggressive and courageous, we lack The necessary experience, at present, we consider two options.


The second is also based on the above chemical equation, but you can only change the ratio of nitrogen according to your needs, so the ratio of nitrogen and hydrogen is in an interval. According to our calculation, the approximate range of nitrogen is 20% to 80%, and that of hydrogen The approximate range is 80% to 20%.

It’s just that iron-containing nitrides or carbides will appear in these two solutions. We have no idea how to solve it, so I really want to write to the old leader to ask you, but we are afraid that the old leader is too busy and disturbs you. , so I have been hesitating..."

"What is there to hesitate? Old man, what can I do on the advisory committee? I can write as soon as I should. What are you afraid of? It's all come to this point. I wish I could personally guide you to complete the follow-up research. How can I be afraid of your interruption? I don't know what you are afraid of, I, Li Xin, can eat you, can I?"

As soon as these words came out, whether it was Wen Lin, Zhao Dong, Zheng Yong, or Huang Zhiguo, their jaws almost didn't drop, because Li Xin's words seemed to be very harsh, but in fact, the tone was against the teacher. The disciples I admire very much are like giving the most selfless care, and those who are spoiled are enviable.

Wen Dawei is not stupid, of course he knows the way to do this, he immediately blushed and said shyly: "I am just an educated youth who has just returned to the city, and I haven't been to a regular university for a day, so I do these things rashly, afraid that people will say I played tricks in front of your old man, and was laughed at..."

"What's a joke? Who dares to make a joke?" Before Wen Dawei could finish his sentence, Li Xin raised his brows and announced domineeringly: "From today onwards, you are my student, if you want to make a joke, let them laugh at me! "

(End of this chapter)

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