Great Power Ship

Chapter 4 WT62 Heat Treatment Process

Chapter 4 WT62 Heat Treatment Process

In fact, not only Qin Yibin was surprised, but Fang Hua on the side was also very surprised, because the WT6 heat treatment process mentioned by Wen Dawei is not a domestically applied process system in the traditional sense, but derived from the ASTM system, that is, the American National Standard System. A heat treatment process in the aluminum alloy heat treatment process specification.

The detailed template of the whole process was translated and sorted out by the Intelligence Department of the Southwest Ordnance Bureau and provided to the Lidong Machinery Factory half a year ago. Immediately, the Lidong Factory organized technical backbones to study. Now that half a year has passed, the number of people who have really mastered this heat treatment process There are no more than 10 Bianlidong factories.

Not to mention such an awkward name, even the master craftsman in the heat treatment workshop probably couldn't tell what this process is called, let alone an outsider.

As a result, Wen Dawei, who is not in good shape, knew about this day of fooling around.

That sense of absurdity is like catching a hooligan on the street, but it turns out to be an emperor in a micro-service private visit. It always feels unreal to people.

However, Wen Dawei didn't give Qin Yibin and Fang Lin time to adapt, but continued with a straight face: "The WT6 heat treatment process is actually not complicated. The core is three key points. First, heat the new aluminum alloy to 460 degrees Celsius in a heating furnace. For this purpose, it took 40 minutes; the second was quenched with water as the medium; the third was sent to the heating furnace to be heated to 120 degrees Celsius and maintained for 24 hours to completely harden the crystal..."

After a pause, Wen Dawei looked at Fang Lin and Qin Yibin, who were speechless in shock, and a little reasonable nervousness appeared on the immature faces that belonged to young people, and then asked: " I... I... I said... right?"


Of course you are right, not only right, but also summed up quite well.

Regardless of the nearly 6-word WT[-] heat treatment process text translated by the Intelligence Department of the Southwest Ordnance Bureau, it can be condensed into the three main points Wen Dawei said.

The rest are just chatter around these three main points.

This is the national standard of the United States. If it is replaced by domestic ones, everyone in the Lidong factory has long scolded their mothers, writing so much dry hair?Don't you know it's a waste of time to read?
But they are authentic original American products. This is not a waste of time, but a kind of carefulness in details. Otherwise, why is he a leader in developed countries? Isn't it because of his meticulous work?

So even if it's a car wheel talk, you have to hold your nose and read it.

But because of this, there are not many people who have summed up these three points in Lidong Factory, and Fang Lin and Qin Yibin are among them. There are three key points, and I dare not publicly say that the model of the American National Standard is very watery.

Still the same sentence, who told you that it is an authentic American product, the standard of the world, and absolute authority. You, a small third-tier factory in Southwest China, dare to question it?
Is it good enough?
However, not daring to express their views publicly does not mean that the doubts in their hearts will disappear. On the contrary, during the half-year-long research, they have become more and more firm in their ideas. be surprised.


Seeing that Secretary Fang and Section Chief Qin heard the words of that stinky boy Wen Dawei, Zhang Dequan, who was sitting beside him, felt his heart skip a beat. To be honest, he was surprised when he saw the secretary and technical section chief coming with his daughter, but he did not panic. , even more joyful.

After being favored by these two bosses in the factory, the worst thing I can do is to be a deputy factory director in the future. The deputy factory director of Lidong Factory is equivalent to the county-level leaders in Guizhou. I can imagine seeing their old Zhang. The future of the family is brilliant.

And the more outstanding Zhang Mingli is, the more Zhang Dequan looks down on Wen Dawei in the interrogation room, wishing that his precious daughter would bring Secretary Fang and Section Chief Qin to take a good look at the nature of Wen Dawei, a scumbag, so as to get rid of his impractical girl Nian Xianger.

Unexpectedly, after a few people sat down, Wen Dawei actually said one, two, three.

Not only that, looking at the changes in the expressions of Secretary Fang and Section Chief Qin, this kid seems to be quite right. Zhang Dequan has nothing on his face, but he is very anxious, because what Wen Dawei said just now is like listening to the scriptures. He didn't understand the words, so he could only ask Zhang Mingli beside him in a low voice.

Although Zhang Mingli kept her face tense in front of the leader, the imperceptible gratification and pride in her eyes showed the joy in Zhang Mingli's heart at the moment, so she replied in a low voice: "I told you, Dawei has been very happy these two years. Progressive!"

These two years?Motivated?

What do you mean?
A few sensitive words immediately stirred Zhang Dequan's throbbing nerves, and seeing the slightly shy blush on his daughter's face, Zhang Dequan felt that the glass heart that had loved his daughter for most of his life cracked with a crack, accompanied by "devils entering the village" The BGM of " and the rhetoric of "I, Hu Hansan, are back~~" completely split apart~~~~
"You are right, the main point of the WT6 heat treatment process is indeed the same, but why do you say that this process is not applicable?"

Whether Zhang Dequan's glass heart is broken or not, no one really cares about the people present, especially Fang Lin and Qin Yibin. If they thought that Wen Dawei was playing a prank just now, they have already believed six points now, so they didn't wait for Qin Yibin. After opening his mouth, Fang Lin leaned down, looked at Wen Dawei who was sitting upright, and really wanted to be interrogated again, and asked the most important question.

Yes, why not apply?
You must know that the foreign parent model of the 109 torpedo uses the WT6 heat treatment process in this ASTW system. Based on this, the light electric anti-submarine torpedoes produced are sold in more than ten countries in Europe and Asia, and have achieved good results.

Because of this, when the country decides to imitate, it refers to the information published by the original enterprise of the country of origin, purchases raw materials, formulates process planning, and strives to complete the autonomy of domestic light electric anti-submarine torpedoes.

But just copying word by word, the finished product is not a bit worse than the original product.

If the underwater acoustic detection equipment is not good, the ordnance system will recognize it. After all, the current domestic experience in this area is insufficient, and the technology is really backward. The key is that the corrosion resistance of the finished product is too poor, and it has not yet entered the sea. After being exposed to the sun for three or four days by the sea, the surface will be peeled off due to the high salt and high humidity in the sea breeze.

How to use such a torpedo?
Naturally, Li Dongchang was stunned, because this kind of manufacturing problem does not tolerate cheating.

Therefore, the Lidong factory is naturally trying its best to find the cause. During the period, no one has questioned whether there is a problem with heat treatment, but it is one thing to raise it, and another thing to solve it. The new aluminum alloy imported from abroad uses the original national standard of the United States. Which one is the most cutting-edge representative of the Lidong Factory at present.

The factory manager and the secretary really have this idea, but the problem is that they don't have the ability. After all, the Lidong factory has been tossing too much during the special period, and the talent gap is too serious. With no successors like this, the Lidong Factory will be really doomed.

Wen Dawei didn't know there were so many twists and turns, he just secretly gave Zhang Mingli a reassuring look from an old girl, and then replied solemnly: "Because our production task this time uses imported new aluminum alloys. , the ratio of the three main elements of aluminum, zinc, and magnesium is quite different from that of similar domestic products, so the traditional WT6 heat treatment technology cannot improve the corrosion resistance of this new type of aluminum alloy.”

"Then what heat treatment process should be used?" Fang Lin asked.

Wen Dawei replied loudly: "WT62 heat treatment process!"

 New Year's Eve, Yuzu wishes you all a happy new year, and by the way, I would like to ask you for a reward, such as monthly tickets, recommendation tickets, tips, etc. Youzi is not picky about food, by the way, don't forget to collect it!
(End of this chapter)

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