Great Power Ship

Chapter 5 Journal

Chapter 5 Journal
"WT62 heat treatment process?"

Qin Yibin couldn't help frowning when he heard the words. He was familiar with the WT6 heat treatment process, let alone the technical section chief of the Lidong Factory, he was familiar with the WT62 heat treatment process. It is estimated that no one in the Technical Department of the Southwest Ordnance Bureau knew about it, so he could only ask: "What's the difference from the WT6 heat treatment process?"

"The difference is that with the WT62 heat treatment process, the final heating part of the WT6 heat treatment process is divided into two steps, that is, after water quenching, the temperature is changed from 120 degrees Celsius for 24 hours to 75 degrees Celsius for 20 hours. In this way, the metallographic structure of the imported new aluminum alloy material will increase several times, and the corrosion resistance of our torpedo shell will be further enhanced. "

Torpedoes, like submarines, have to face the high corrosion of seawater. Unlike submarines, which can use high-strength alloy steel with higher corrosion resistance and a series of corrosion-resistant spraying materials, torpedoes are suitable for The weight requirements are particularly high, otherwise, how could it be possible to catch up with the target in high-density seawater, and then hit the soul in one shot.

Based on this, aluminum alloy materials are considered to be the best materials for torpedoes, especially light-weight electric anti-submarine torpedo shells and internal load-bearing structures. However, the problem is that aluminum alloys are not as corrosion-resistant as alloy steels in seawater. In order to meet the demand, higher requirements are put forward in terms of technology and technology.

Lidong Machinery Factory relies on imported new aluminum alloys in terms of materials, but it can't count on technology. Let alone whether foreign manufacturers are willing to transfer this technology, even if they are willing, Lidong Factory can't afford it. For money, you can only bite the bullet and pay yourself.

Therefore, whether Fang Hua or Qin Yibin looked at each other, they could see a trace of suspicion in each other's eyes, or that sentence, what Wen Dawei did before, was in great contrast to what he said about technology now So much so that a secretary and a chief of the technical section felt a little nervous about how credible what Wen Dawei said.

To put it bluntly, the two still didn't fully trust Wen Dawei, even though Wen Dawei knew the WT6 heat treatment process very well.

This is like a scumbag, even if he can solve a calculus in college, can he solve the following superstring theory problem?
Seeing this, Zhang Mingli, who had been silent all this time, was a little anxious. She knew that this was an opportunity for Wen Dawei to prove herself. In a word, before he could speak, her father, Zhang Dequan, who was sitting next to her, took the first step: "Dawei, don't talk nonsense, what about 62, 63, the technical department in the factory is not as good as yours?"

Before he finished speaking, he turned his head to Fang Hua and Qin Yibin, and said in the tone of apologizing to others that his juniors did something wrong, "Secretary Fang, Section Chief Qin, don't mind, Dawei is a little clever, But in the end, I’m still a child, don’t take what you say or do to your heart, in my opinion, we’ll wait until Deputy Factory Director Wen returns from the Southwest Ordnance Industry Bureau.”

Zhang Dequan spoke very beautifully, he seemed to be defending Wen Dawei, and he also seemed to be very loyal. The old man's child made a mistake, and I, as an uncle, did not hesitate to speak well for you in front of Secretary Fang and Section Chief Qin. This friendship is not bad!
But in fact, there is only one meaning that stands out in Zhang Dequan's words, that is, what this bastard Wen Dawei said is nonsense, nonsense, and deceit, don't believe any of you, just treat it as a child's nonsense and let it go.

Everyone present is not a fool, especially Zhang Mingli, who knows what his father is up to when he hears it. In the past few years since he was in college, Zhang Dequan has talked a lot about cutting himself off from Wen Dawei. If you want to match a dragon, you have to be a tiger at the very least. How can you give it to the old Wen family's little bedbug whose mud can't support the wall?
Zhang Mingli had heard a lot of similar things, but the question was, did her father, Zhang Dequan, know Wen Dawei, or did her childhood sweetheart know Wen Dawei?
It's fine to gossip around at home, but now that her father is actually digging a big hole in front of Secretary Fang and Section Chief Qin to bury Wen Dawei, Zhang Mingli just quit.

"Dad, what are you talking about? Dawei these years..."

"Mingli, Uncle Zhang is also kind to me, that's why he said that. What kind of bad intentions can he have?" Before Zhang Mingli finished speaking, Wen Dawei took over the topic, and immediately gave Zhang Mingli, who was about to go berserk, a "me" Hold the gaze, and immediately looked at Fang Hua and Qin Yibin: "Secretary Fang, Section Chief Qin, to be honest, I was talking about the WT62 heat treatment process on paper, and I accidentally saw the relevant content in the materials..."

"What information?" Qin Yibin asked.

Wen Dawei said unhurriedly: "Journal of Jinling Aeronautical Institute, No. 1982, 10, there is an article about the processing technology of new foreign aluminum alloys. There is a related introduction. Several universities in the provincial capital have this journal. , can be found out!"

As soon as the words came out, Fang Hua and Qin Yibin looked at each other again. The next moment Qin Yibin got up, rushed to the phone of the security department, quickly shook the handle, and then said to the switching station: "Connect to the library of the provincial city university... Comrade Cheng Limin!"

Cheng Limin used to be the secretary of the propaganda office of Lidong Machinery Factory. After several ups and downs, after the reform and opening up, relying on his father-in-law's relationship, he was transferred to the provincial capital university as the deputy director of the provincial capital university library. The relationship is good.

After about two minutes, Cheng Limin's voice came over the telephone line, Qin Yibin immediately looked at Wen Dawei, and Wen Dawei immediately said: "Journal of Jinling Aeronautical Institute, Issue 1982, 10..."

Qin Yibin quickly said to the phone: "Old Cheng, it's me, Qin Yibin, please help me find a piece of information, Jinling Aeronautical Journal, No. 1982, 10, there is an article about the processing technology of new foreign aluminum alloys, please Please let me see if there is any record about the WT62 heat treatment process?"

"What craft?" Cheng Limin on the other end of the phone couldn't hear clearly, Qin Yibin could only slow down and say it again, and then he got a reply after a while.

After waiting for more than 20 minutes, Cheng Limin replied with some uncertainty: "There is this article, but the records about the WT62 heat treatment process are very simple..."

"Then can I trouble you to tell me the specific content?" Qin Yibin begged with a smile.

"Then listen up~~" Cheng Limin on the other end of the phone has a strong accent, so he read slowly: "WT62 heat treatment process is derived from the improvement on the basis of WT6 heat treatment process. The continuous heating process is divided into two steps. According to relevant research, 6 degrees Celsius for 75 hours plus 20 degrees Celsius for 150 hours has the best effect, especially for the corrosion resistance of imported new aluminum alloys. This heat treatment process has an extremely ideal The effect...that's you hear me clearly?"

Of course Qin Yibin heard it clearly, but also because of this, he stood there in a daze as if he had cast a body-holding spell, and immediately looked at Wen Dawei with an incredible gaze.

Be good, is this still the Wen Dawei I know?
 I wish you all the best in the new year, everything is coming soon!

(End of this chapter)

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