Great Power Ship

Chapter 6 I Want This Person

Chapter 6 I Want This Person
"How about it?"

Seeing Qin Yibin's sluggish face, the anxious Fang Hua asked directly, and Qin Yibin came to his senses and nodded quickly: "Everything Wen Dawei said is right!"

"Everything is right? Who is Wen Dawei?" At this time, Cheng Limin's non-standard Mandarin came from the receiver in Qin Yibin's hand, and Qin Yibin realized that he was still talking with him, and said apologetically : "It's okay, it's okay, thank you, Lao Cheng, when I have time to go to the provincial capital, I will help you bring my wife's bacon~~"

"Then I invite you to drink the local wine here!" Cheng Limin responded immediately with a smile.

"Then it's settled!"


After finishing speaking, he hung up the phone, Qin Yibin immediately turned around to the excited Fanghua and said: "That's right, Wen Dawei said it verbatim, although the information did not give too many details, it clearly explained the WT62 heat treatment process Indeed, it plays an outstanding role in the corrosion resistance of new aluminum alloy materials!"

As soon as these words came out, Fang Huateng stood up from his chair: "Is there any experimental data to support it?"

Qin Yibin shook his head: "No!"

Fang Hua couldn't help frowning when he heard the words. Without the support of test data, it would be difficult to do it, because the heat treatment process can't be changed just by changing it, and without practical test results as a basis, it is easy to cause heavy losses. .

After all, the price of imported new aluminum alloys is not a small number. If it really breaks down, the loss will be huge!

As for independent experiments, Fang Hua also hesitated to be honest. After all, the fuel for the heating furnace, electricity, water in the quenching pool, and the crucial imported new aluminum alloy are all money.

Naturally, there is nothing to say. If this fails, what about the loss?
We must know that today's Lidong Machinery Factory is not as good as it was in the 70s and [-]s.

At that time, there were a lot of orders and sufficient production capacity. In the era when you could only watch a bit of meat during the Chinese New Year in the surrounding towns, Lidong Machinery Factory could kill fat pigs every year, divide the fish and shrimp to death, and even the female employees paid for it every month. All the necessary hygiene products are provided by the factory, which is really the envy of the ten miles and eight towns of Guizhou.

But now with the reduction of military product orders, the life of Lidong Factory is getting worse day by day, otherwise there will be no sound of transformation in the factory, because it is impossible to support the huge Lidong Factory if it keeps relying on military products. .

It is also because of this that the Lidong Factory is cautious about the production of the No. 109 torpedo. If it can use mature technology, it will use mature technology, and if it can use ready-made equipment, it will use off-the-shelf equipment. It's not too thick, and it can't stand the toss of opening and closing.

Now, although the WT62 heat treatment technology proposed by Wen Dawei has been recognized by the Journal of Jinling Aeronautical Institute, it is only a school journal of a university, not an authoritative domestic publication, and the content is extremely short, obviously lacking in credibility. Fang Hua had a hard time making a choice.

To tell the truth, Qin Yibin really wanted to try it. After all, craftsmanship is not something that comes naturally. It is the result of many experiments and even the unremitting efforts of several generations.

Even the American National Standards, which are worshiped as gods all over the world, are the summaries of nearly a hundred years of experience in the American industry. Otherwise, we will talk about technological iteration and industrial development.

But the problem is, this kind of experiment is the most expensive thing.

Once the high-temperature furnace is turned on, the photoelectric cost will cost thousands of yuan a day, plus the loss of materials, labor and equipment, and the cost of tens of thousands of yuan will be thrown in so directly.

It’s okay to say once or twice, and you can survive it by gritting your teeth. What if it’s dozens or even hundreds of times?
How could the Lidong factory have so much money to spend on it?
Not to mention the Lidong Factory, even the Southwest Ordnance Industry Bureau, no, even the entire ordnance industry system, and even the country can't consume it like this.

If this were not the case, there would not be such a huge technological gap between developed and developing countries.

The fundamental reason is that developed countries have a strong foundation and are capable of rapid iteration of technology; while developing countries have a weak foundation and cannot even promote the accumulation of technology. In the long run, it is no wonder that the gap is not big.

The problem is, some things...

"That's it, three times, only three times! Regardless of success or failure, I, Fang Hua, will bear it alone!"

Just when Qin Yibin was going to bite the bullet and suggested that Secretary Fang do an experiment to see the situation, Fang Hua, who was frowning and wandering in the interrogation room, suddenly stopped and said something that surprised Qin Yibin.

Three times, if they all fail, the total loss will exceed 10.

The 1983 yuan in 10 is definitely an astronomical figure, and Secretary Fang will have to bear a lot of responsibilities if he fails, so Qin Yibin hurried forward and persuaded: "Secretary Fang, once is enough, three times... really It's a little too much!"

But in the end, Fang Hua made Qin Yibin not know what to say: "If you only do it once, what if it doesn't work?"

Yes, if you only do it once, it means too much gambling. Of course, doing it three times also has the cost of gambling, but the probability of winning is correspondingly much higher.

At this time, Fang Hua didn't give Qin Yibin a chance to speak again, but started to make work arrangements: "Our technological experiment has a lot to do with it, Comrade Xiao Zhang, please immediately notify the comrades in the technical department and the technological department to prepare for the experiment. In the past few days, we have made every effort to ensure the operation of the heat treatment workshop technically."

"Okay!" Zhang Mingli nodded, and hurriedly slung the army green schoolbag over her shoulder, and left the security department in a hurry without even looking at Zhang Dequan.

Fang Hua immediately looked at Qin Yibin: "You go to Gao Kai in the heat treatment workshop and ask him to organize the best workers in their workshop to participate in this experiment."

"Okay, I'm going to find Lao Gao right now!" Qin Yibin nodded, turned around and was about to leave, but Fang Hua stopped him before he went out: "By the way, remember to call Master Chen, the whole factory is in water quenching In the link, only he can control the temperature and speed well, and with him, the failure rate of the test can be reduced a lot."

"Secretary Fang, don't worry. Once I told Master Chen about this matter, he would definitely come. Since I gave the position to his son to retire early, Master Chen has approached me several times and asked if there is any other work in the factory for him to do. I really can't stay idle!" Qin Yibin said with a smile.

"Then inform him as soon as possible, and tell him that this experiment depends on his old Chen's ability!" Fang Hua also showed a gratified smile on his face.

Qin Yibin nodded: "Don't worry, I'll implement it right away!"

After speaking, he opened the door and left quickly.

Seeing Qin Yibin leave, Fang Hua put on his coat, then glanced at Wen Dawei: "Wen Dawei, come with me!"

Upon hearing this, Zhang Dequan's old face immediately became ugly, and then he whispered to Fang Hua: "Secretary Fang, Deputy Director Ma is watching this matter, so..."

"Then tell Ma Jun, I want Wen Dawei!" After speaking, he shook his head at Wen Dawei: "Come on, let's go directly to the workshop!"

(End of this chapter)

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