Great Power Ship

Chapter 7 Where Can I Hide

Chapter 7 Where Can I Hide
With a secretary, how could Wen Dawei continue to stay here, so he quickly packed up his things, but when Wen Dawei put his rag bag on his shoulder, he suddenly remembered something, and immediately said to Zhang Dequan: "That's right. , Uncle Zhang, I met Widow Wang from the neighboring village outside the factory in the morning, and she asked me to bring you a message to go to her house for dinner in the evening, just go directly, no need to knock on the door!"

After saying that, he followed Secretary Fang and left.

Only Zhang Dequan was left standing there with a dazed expression on his face, thinking that even if he had contact with Widow Wang, it was impossible for him to entrust a brat to tell him something.

what's the situation?
Just when Zhang Dequan was puzzled, he saw Fang Hua who had opened the car door and was about to get in the car. He glanced at himself unkindly. Zhang Dequan involuntarily shivered.

So I hurriedly took two steps to go up and explain, but before I could even take a step, the gray-green Jingcheng jeep rushed out with a "boom~~~", except for a burst of black smoke, there was no sound. Zhang Dequan leaves no chance of explanation.

It directly made Zhang Dequan stomp his feet in anger.

You must know that Secretary Fang has always been very strict in his life style. If Secretary Fang knew about his affair with Widow Wang from the neighboring village outside the factory, it would be no wonder that Zhang Dequan would be in a good mood.

"Wen Dawei, you bastard..." In desperation, Zhang Dequan could only curse Wen Dawei, other than that, don't do anything else...

And Wen Dawei, who was sitting in the car, would never admit that he intended to take revenge on Zhang Dequan, so he made up an unnecessary "speech", there was no way anyone would let this old thing do things behind his back, intending to separate him and Zhang Mingli.

Although in the interrogation room, Wen Dawei acted harmless to humans and animals, as if he was just a freshman, knew nothing of Zhang Dequan's secret tricks, and was pure and innocent, but in fact Wen Dawei was like a bright mirror in his heart.

That is to say, Zhang Mingli's bad face was too much, otherwise it would not be as simple as Widow Wang's invitation.

However, after getting into the car, Secretary Fang still asked Wen Dawei several questions about this matter.

In front of Secretary Fang, Wen Dawei wanted to maintain his little fresh-faced persona. Zhang Dequan and Widow Wang had such a complicated and mind-boggling relationship. How could he, a pure boy in his early twenties, understand that he just vaguely said that Widow Wang had a crush on Zhang Dequan? Very good, I often deliver meals, vegetables, and mend clothes to Zhang Dequan secretly, but I don't know anything about the others.

But these were enough for Secretary Fang. After secretly making up his mind to start a new round of ideological education activities on this matter, he turned to Wen Dawei: "By the way, where did your professional skills come from?" Learned? And those professional materials, I remember that it is difficult for the educated youth who jump down the queue to get access to it?"

"Eh..." Wen Dawei was mentally prepared for this kind of question, but he was still a little uncomfortable with Secretary Fang's penetrating question, so he pondered for a while, with the shyness and embarrassment unique to young people. Shyly said seriously: "This is all thanks to Comrade Zhang Mingli for caring and taking care of me..."


Double Star City, Southwest Ordnance Bureau...

Wen Lin looked a little anxious today. He sat on the bench outside the office of the Crafts Department of the Southwest Ordnance Bureau, so that he could watch the people who kept coming to work from the stairs from time to time, while raising his arms to look at the piece on his wrist. "Shanghai Brand" watches.

Just two days ago, the director of the factory, Du Weiguo, suddenly fell ill and was rushed to the hospital. After examination, he was diagnosed with gastric ulcer and chronic gastroenteritis, and needed to be admitted to the hospital for treatment.

Wen Lin originally wanted to stay and take care of him, but Du Weiguo refused without hesitation:

"It's an old problem for me. It will be fine after a few injections and some medicine, but things in the factory can't be delayed. The only thing left is the 109 torpedo project. It must be kept, so old Wen , you have to continue guarding the Art and Crafts Department of the Southwest Ordnance Bureau no matter what, if Director Zhou doesn’t let go for a day, we will not move for a day, give me three days, and we will resume shifts when I recover!"

Wen Lin naturally knew the importance of the 109 torpedo project to the Lidong Factory. Although he was worried about Du Weiguo's condition, he still came to guard the Southwest Ordnance Bureau's Crafts Department.

But for two days in a row, Zhou Wei, the director of the craft department, didn't even see a person.

Inquiring about the staff of other crafts divisions, the caliber was surprisingly consistent: Director Zhou went out for a meeting, and he didn't know when he would come back.

Hearing this news, Wen Lin immediately cursed in his heart, what a meeting, it was clearly an excuse to hide from him on purpose.

If Du Weiguo, the factory manager, was fine, he could just squat in front of Director Zhou's house, but now that Du Weiguo was sick and hospitalized, leaving Wen Lin alone, he couldn't support him immediately.

You must know that Director Zhou's home is in the suburb of Double Star, far from it, the road is not easy to walk.

Wen Lin gritted his teeth and could go, but the problem was what if Du Weiguo had something to do in the hospital?
Where can I contact someone who can’t reach the village in front of him or the store in the back?

No matter how poor the Southwest Ordnance Bureau was, there was a telephone in the unit, and it was not far from the hospital. If Du Weiguo had anything to do, he could go there at any time without delay.

Therefore, Wen Lin can only sit here, waiting for Director Zhou to show up on time during working hours.

But it was almost nine o'clock, and it was almost an hour before clocking in for work. Director Zhou didn't even see him. Wen Lin knew that today's work was in vain.

So he raised his head and let out a long sigh, and was about to get up and leave, first go to the hospital to check on Du Weiguo's condition, and then come back at noon to try his luck.

So he picked up his peeling old briefcase and walked towards the stairs. Just as he was about to go down the stairs, he saw a familiar figure staggering up the stairs. Wen Lin pushed the black frame on the bridge of his nose With myopia, I narrowed my eyes to take a closer look, and immediately rushed down the stairs, and then supported the man's arm: "Director, why are you here? Didn't the doctor tell you to rest, why..."

"I know Zhou Wei too well... When I was in the Southwest Ordnance Bureau, I was in the same department as him. This guy is good at everything, but he dare not take responsibility. If I don't come, he can hide from you for the rest of his life. !"

Du Weiguo's face was a little thin, and because of his serious illness and walking and climbing stairs, there was already sweat on his forehead, but his smile was very confident, and he patted Wen Lin's shoulder: "Don't worry, my illness is nothing serious. The so-called long-term illness makes a good doctor, I know what is going on with my disease better than the doctor, and Zhou Wei can't last long. After all, the 109 torpedo project of the Lidong Factory is also a key project of the Southwest Ordnance Bureau. Even if Zhou Wei doesn't want to Then, in the end, I have to bite the bullet and solve the problem for Lao Tzu!"

As he spoke, he raised his head: "Go, I'll see where Director Zhou can hide!"

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(End of this chapter)

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