Great Power Ship

Chapter 8 Problem Solved?

Chapter 8 Problem Solved?
After speaking, Du Weiguo took Wen Lin upstairs.

With the arrival of Du Weiguo, the staff of the Southwest Ordnance Industry Bureau who went back and forth to deal with things immediately changed. They either stepped forward to say "Director Du" kindly, or called "Old Leader" enthusiastically.

The reason for this is that Du Weiguo was the assistant director of the Southwest Ordnance Industry Bureau before he was transferred to Lidong Machinery Factory as the factory director. It is because of this that Du Weiguo has such a face in the Southwest Ordnance Industry Bureau.

But that's all. When it comes to specific issues, the various departments of the Southwest Ordnance Bureau still push and hide, even if Du Weiguo is their old colleague and old leader.

Otherwise, he and Wen Lin have been soaking here for more than a week, why is there no progress at all?Isn't it in response to the old saying that the tea is cold when people go away!
Of course, even so, Du Weiguo is much stronger than Wen Lin. At least Du Weiguo can have face and talk in the Southwest Ordnance Bureau; That's all.

Otherwise, how could Zhou Wei, who was on the same level as him, dare to blatantly release Wen Lin's pigeon?

It's not that he didn't take the deputy director of a subordinate unit seriously.

So don't look at Du Weiguo who has been busy for more than a week, and it's not easy to make himself busy and sick, but if there is no Du Weiguo, Wen Lin alone may not be able to get away from the Southwest Ordnance Industry Bureau.

No, Du Weiguo entered the threshold of the craft department where Wen Lin hadn't entered for two days. Not to mention, after a while, Director Zhou Weizhou who claimed to have no time to go to the meeting also appeared at the right time. In his office, when he saw Du Weiguo who was weak, he immediately stepped forward to hold Du Weiguo's arm, and said in a deep voice, "Oh, old Du, I heard that you are sick and hospitalized. The leaders of the bureau are discussing going to the hospital to visit you today. I didn't expect... oh... sit down, sit down..."

He helped Du Weiguo to sit down, and immediately told the staff nearby: "Hurry up and get some hot water... Oh, Director Du's stomach is not good, don't make it too hot, lukewarm water at [-] to [-] degrees is fine. "

After finishing speaking, he took out a small pillow from his office cabinet, and said to Du Weiguo with a concerned face: "You know, my waist is not very good, so my wife made me such a small pillow. I'm usually fine. It can be more comfortable to rely on, come, I will help you cushion your waist, otherwise the wooden chair is too hard to sit on..."

Zhou Wei's hands and feet were very nimble, and before Du Weiguo could react, he had already stuck the small pillow on the back of the chair, and then asked Du Weiguo to lean on it, not to mention that it was much more comfortable than the hard wooden backrest.

At this time, the staff also brought warm water, Zhou Wei quickly took it in his hand, tried the water temperature himself, frowned and criticized the staff: "Careless!"

Then he got up and poured the water back and forth a few times with the enamel jar, and then handed the suitable warm water to Du Weiguo, continuing the previous greetings.

The whole process made Wen Lin, who was sitting upright, look at his old face twitching.

If you don't know the attitude of Director Zhou in front of you these two days, and just look at the caring performance for Director Du, you will definitely think that the matter of Lidong Factory is a certainty.

But actually?Not even a horoscope!

Fortunately, Director Du is not someone who can be dismissed with a few simple words of cold and warm, and there are still basic principles, so after some unnutritious words of concern, Du Weiguo went straight to the topic: "Old Zhou, you see, I am always like this. Now, I won’t be polite to you, now the 109 torpedo project has encountered some technical difficulties, can you send some people to help us solve the technical problems?”

"This one……"

Seeing Du Weiguo being so straight to the point, the concerned look on Zhou Wei's face was immediately covered by a look of embarrassment, and he sighed: "Old Du, it's not that I won't help you, it's really... really..."

Seeing Zhou Wei's hesitant to speak, Du Weiguo's heart sank a little, but he still encouraged him and said, "If you have anything to say, just tell me, old Zhou, I can handle it!"

Zhou Wei looked at Du Weiguo, and found that the other party's eyes were firm, and he was determined not to give up until he reached his goal. He nodded helplessly: "Forget it, you will have to know about this sooner or later. According to the news, nearly 109% of the production process of our 70 torpedo project is different from the original manufacturer's A-244 'White Head' light electric anti-submarine torpedo!"

When these words came out, it was like a bolt from the blue. You must know that the "difference" mentioned by Zhou Wei is a euphemism, and there are actually nearly 70% mistakes.

There are 70% process errors with the original factory, which is directly equivalent to the death penalty for the 109 torpedo project.

Wen Lin immediately jumped up from the chair: "How is it possible? We all made the process plan step by step according to the information of the original A-244 torpedo factory. Even if there are mistakes, it is impossible to reach the level of nearly 70%."

"We were the same as you at the beginning. We didn't believe it!" Zhou Wei glanced at Wen Lin, his eyes full of sympathy: "However, what we rely on is the information released by the original A-244 torpedo factory, and their real The production process is a unique internal data, and there are obvious discrepancies between the two..."

Wen Lin was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and then slumped down on the chair.

As the saying goes, a small difference is a thousand miles away, especially in industrial production. Often, if the tolerance is a hair, an important part may be completely scrapped, not to mention that nearly 70% of the process has problems. .

"Didn't they say that the technology of developed countries is open? Didn't they keep saying that technology has no borders? How come the public information is different from what they use?"

Wen Lin took a few breaths, closed his eyes and muttered a few words, then opened his eyes, stared at Zhou Wei and said loudly: "How can they deceive the world like this? How can they deceive the world like this?"

"Old Wen!"

Seeing that Wen Lin was about to lose control of his emotions, Du Weiguo stopped Wen Lin with a sip, but this drink seemed to break Wen Lin's spine, making this nearly 1.8-meter-zero man who had struggled for half his life in Lidong Factory The man was completely paralyzed on the back of the chair.

Du Weiguo felt uncomfortable, because he knew better than anyone else what the consequences of 70% of the crafting errors were, so he took a long breath and looked at Zhou Wei encouragingly: "Old Zhou, tell me, how did the superior decide?"

"Um... the superiors meant to give you another half a year, but the leaders in the bureau actively fought for it to be extended to one year!" Zhou Wei mumbled his mouth, hesitated for a few seconds, and said unequivocally. out.

"What about after that year?" Du Weiguo asked.

"If we still can't solve the problem after one year, we will suspend the 109 torpedo project and expand the import of A-244 torpedoes!" Zhou Wei said in a deep voice.

Although I have been mentally prepared, after listening to Zhou Wei's words, whether it is Wen Lin or Du Weiguo's heart is still cold, how can it be possible to solve 70% of the technical problems in one year?

Since it is impossible, the 109 torpedo project is tantamount to the end, and Lidong Machinery Factory, which lost this only military project, will be kicked out of the military industry system at any time. What will happen to the factory in the future?How should the more than 2000 cadres and workers in the whole factory live?
Just when Du Weiguo and Wen Lin were suffering a huge psychological blow because the 109 torpedo project was in a desperate situation, a staff member hurried over, and then whispered a few words into Zhou Wei's ear. His small eyes immediately widened, and he asked in an unbelievable tone: "What did you say? The seawater corrosion resistance problem of Lidong Factory's new aluminum alloy material has been solved?"

(End of this chapter)

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