Chapter 43
Hearing this, Tang Jianming couldn't help looking at Wen Dawei in surprise. He is no longer a rookie who just entered the factory. Naturally, he understood the meaning of Wen Dawei's words, so he quickly asked, "Do you want to do it alone?"

What Tang Jianming refers to doing alone is not to break away from the Lidong factory to branch out on his own, but to solicit the production of civilian processing projects within the Lidong factory, so as to obtain a profit share.

Similar to the contracting that became popular a few years later.

This is a new measure promulgated by the Southwest Ordnance Industry Bureau in recent days to promote reforms. However, apart from Deng Kai, who has just been promoted to the deputy chief of the technology department, Lidong factory volunteered to lead a research team to contract a batch of civilian products. Except for the orders, the cadres and workers in other factories did not try rashly.

But now that Tang Jianming heard what Wen Dawei said, he felt that his good brother seemed to have the same thoughts.

But to Tang Jianming's surprise, Wen Dawei shook his head: "There is such a plan, but now is not the time!"

Tang Jianming was confused now. According to him, if he has an idea, he should go directly to it. When are we waiting?
Of course, Wen Dawei knew that Tang Jianming couldn’t figure it out, so he explained it roughly, and then Tang Jianming came to a sudden: “You mean, wait until the new leadership of the factory takes office? But the question is, how long will it take?”

"It probably won't be long!" Wen Dawei sighed leisurely!

Wen Dawei's judgment was not wrong. Just half a month later, the Southwest Ordnance Bureau transferred Dang Gao Guanhua from the Lidong factory, and was immediately assigned to Wufang Chemical Factory in Lin Province as the factory director.

As soon as the news came out, there was an uproar in the Lidong Factory. There was no way that Fang Hua's transfer was so sudden that many people with sharp thinking smelled something intriguing.

But more importantly, Fang Hua left the Lidong factory, but no one came to fill the vacancy of a senior party official.

It stands to reason that the most suitable candidate should be Du Weiguo, the factory director. After all, the factory director responsibility system is implemented now, and many factories are already controlled by the factory director and secretary alone, so it is reasonable for Du Weiguo to also serve as a senior party official.

But the Southwest Ordnance Bureau, as the superior, seems to have no intention of this. This attitude is not as simple as intriguing, so rumors about Du Weiguo in the Lidong factory suddenly spread...

In the factory department, the office of the executive deputy director, Ma Jun, a burly man with a bald head and a gray Chinese tunic suit, put down the phone, then took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, lit a match, lit the cigarette, and smoked for a long time. After taking a sip, he looked at Huang Zhiguo on the opposite side through the dense smoke:
"Du Weiguo won't be staying in the Lidong factory for long, and the new factory leader will spare no effort to support us!"

"That's great..."

When Huang Zhiguo heard the words, a blush of excitement flashed across his fair face. You must know that Du Weiguo is the biggest obstacle to the development of civil goods.

The factory director's obsession with military products is simply outrageous.

It was good at first, relying on the review and examination of the arduous construction of the third-line factory, it did gather a large number of supporters, but as Ma Jun integrated the production line of civilian products, and the subsequent high performance, Du Weiguo's persistence became a challenge. joke.

But at this time, Du Weiguo is still on the way of military products. If it was in the past, the Southwest Ordnance Industry Bureau really had no good solution, but now the production of civilian products has achieved remarkable results in a short period of time. How to choose the Southwest Ordnance Industry Bureau? It is clear.

At this time, Du Weiguo was still sticking to the old path, which somewhat affected the overall situation of the reform.

As the saying goes, if you don't change your mind, you can change people. In terms of reform, the Southwest Ordnance Industry Bureau is still very courageous.

So Du Weiguo's departure is almost a certainty!
It's just that Huang Zhiguo didn't expect that this day would come so soon. According to the original estimate, the transfer from Du Weiguo would have to be delayed after the next year, but the Southwest Ordnance Industry Bureau was even more anxious than his side.

However, after being surprised, Huang Zhiguo suddenly realized a problem, and quickly looked at Ma Jun behind the desk: "Why aren't you the next one?"

Hearing this, Ma Jun put the cigarette in the ashtray and flicked the ashes, and said with a nonchalant smile: "The superior thinks that I am fighting Du Weiguo too hard and I am not very prudent, so I hope I will wait and be steady first!"

Huang Zhiguo was very angry when he heard the words: "How can the superior think about the problem like this? If the Lidong Factory didn't lead you, you are still drinking the northwest wind in the poor mountain ditch. Every day you talk about reforms that require boldness, but it turns out to be serious. Sometimes, the truly courageous people are put on the shelf by them..."

"Hey~~~Xiao are talking about the superior's policy indiscriminately, which is not necessary!" Ma Jun stopped Huang Zhiguo's words in a timely manner, although he criticized on his mouth, but his face was full of relief: "But It doesn’t matter if I go up later, not to mention that the civilian products in the factory have just woken up, and I need to do more work in this area, or the same sentence, everything is for the factory, everything is for the country!”

"But I just feel that the leader is too wronged..."

"Xiao Huang, you can't have such a mentality..." Huang Zhiguo wanted to say something, but was stopped by Ma Jun again: "We are shouldering the jobs of more than 2000 people in the whole factory. What is the next person’s gains and losses? As long as the wages of the cadres and workers of the whole factory are doubled, and there is fish and meat on the table every day, I will be happy to be the deputy factory manager for a lifetime!"

As soon as these words came out, Huang Zhiguo was so moved that tears rolled in his eyes, he immediately stood up from his seat: "Leader, just tell me, let me, Huang Zhiguo, do what you want!"

Ma Jun nodded in satisfaction, then snuffed out the cigarette butt in his hand in the ashtray, and stood up: "I really have something to trouble you!"

"Leader, tell me!"

"I heard that there is a man named Zheng Dexing in the machining workshop. Recently, the old CNC machine tool in the tinkering factory has made some tricks. You also know that we are going to introduce a TV production line soon, and there may be organic processing. Therefore, there is a shortage of professional workers like Zheng Dexing who understand CNC machine tools, you should take the time to talk to him and get him here!"

Huang Zhiguo thought it was important. It turned out that he was just looking for people, so he nodded immediately without thinking: "Don't worry, leader, I'll be there later. I've heard of Zheng Dexing, who was sent by another factory." Apprentice, as long as you give him a formal establishment, he will definitely be devoted to it!"

"Not necessarily, isn't that man named Wen Dawei unmoved?" Ma Jun replied with a smile.

Huang Zhiguo's fair face immediately showed an expression called embarrassment, but Ma Jun's smile was more gentle: "I know you have conflicts with Wen Dawei, but sometimes you have to be more open-minded, we are moving forward on the broad road of reform , as long as it is beneficial to our development, anyone and anything can be put aside..."

With that said, Ma Jun patted Huang Zhiguo on the shoulder meaningfully:


(End of this chapter)

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