Great Power Ship

Chapter 44 Talent

Chapter 44 Talent
Although Huang Zhiguo was reluctant, he still nodded reluctantly. Seeing this, Ma Jun smiled more intensely, and squeezed Huang Zhiguo's shoulder: "Go, don't let me down!"

"Don't worry, leader!" Huang Zhiguo nodded heavily, immediately picked up his briefcase, and walked briskly out of Ma Jun's office.


Machine shop, No. 18 station.

Zheng Dexing was looking at the 410A CNC machine matched with the XK213 vertical CNC milling machine with a spotlight flashlight. Pang Kai, the section chief of the machining workshop, saw that Zheng Dexing hadn't responded for a long time, and asked anxiously: "Xiao Zheng, Have you encountered any difficulties?"

Zheng Dexing hesitated for a moment, then shook his head: "The situation is more complicated than imagined, but we are still sure to get it right!"

Hearing this, Pang Kai's old face couldn't help twitching twice, and he said he was sure if he was sure, why did you hesitate?It made my little heart go up and down, and I almost didn't have a heart attack.

But the slander belongs to the slander, but Pang Kai has nothing to do with Zheng Dexing.

Who would let a single seedling like Zheng Dexing play with the 410A CNC machine matched with this XK213 vertical CNC milling machine in such a large machining workshop?

If it was in the past, it would not be considered a lot of ability. After all, the XK410 vertical CNC milling machine is like a mascot. No one wants to use it. Naturally, there is no maintenance, maintenance or even improvement.

But recently, the 109 torpedo project has entered a critical stage, and there are two drive shafts that have never met the design indicators in terms of machining.

Even if the workshop has gathered all the current and retired sixth-level workers, it has not been completely resolved.

There is no way, the design requirements are really too high, if you insist on it regardless of the cost, you can barely do it with the three sixth-level workers in the machining workshop.

The problem is that the 109 torpedo is not a handicraft, and it will be gone after one or two pieces are produced. It is a genuine industrial product and needs to be mass-produced.

Otherwise, the navy will order in batches, and you tell the navy: wait, I can only produce two pieces this year, it's no wonder the navy is so angry that it throws you into the sea.

In addition to this, there is another key element, that is the cost issue, at least it is more cost-effective than imported ones, but now on the issue of the two drive shafts, due to the high scrap rate, the cost is lower than that of imported ones. It's 1.5 times more expensive, which is embarrassing.

When the time comes for the navy, self-made ones will be more expensive than imported ones. What use do I need you for?
That's embarrassing to find embarrassing mother, embarrassing home!
Because of this, the factory gave the machine shop a death order, and the accuracy and yield of the two drive shafts of the 109 torpedo must be resolved before the end of the year.

If it was in the past, the machining workshop would still be a rogue when encountering similar difficulties, and drag it on for a while. After all, the efficiency of the whole factory is just like that, and no one should laugh at anyone.

The problem is that during this period of time, the heat treatment workshop shined so brilliantly that it directly compares with other workshops.

So much so that other workshops couldn't open their mouths when they wanted to find excuses.

Compared with technology, the heat treatment workshop is not outstanding; compared with talents, the heat treatment workshop is also not top-notch; compared with investment, the heat treatment workshop is not superior. It is such a workshop that is almost unfinished, but it has successively solved the technical problems of key projects in the factory. What else can the other workshops say?

If you have nothing to say, you have to show your results honestly!

So the machining workshop simply followed suit, and like the heat treatment workshop, the engine workshop offered advice and suggestions, hoping to find a solution.

Not to mention, someone really proposed a solution, which is to use a CNC machine tool with higher precision to replace manual labor, process the most critical parts of the two drive shafts, and then use ordinary machine tools for subsequent processing.

So the machining workshop used the XK410 vertical CNC milling machine to do the next test, not to mention the effect, it was really good.

But the problem is that the whole process is fine, the key is that the XK410 vertical CNC milling machine is a bit stretched, especially the matching 213A CNC machine, which is not only reliable, but also cumbersome to operate.

More importantly, wrong commands popped up at every turn, resulting in frequent control problems, ranging from scrapped workpieces to serious damage to the XK410 vertical CNC milling machine itself.

If this is not the case, it is impossible for the machining workshop to put a good CNC bed as a mascot in the workshop.

However, at this time, at that time, before without the CNC bed, it can barely produce, but now because of the two 109 torpedo drive shafts, it can’t be done without the CNC bed, so what should I do?
The machining workshop can only continue to mobilize the masses to see who can solve the problem of the XK410 vertical CNC milling machine.

At this time, Zheng Dexing recommended himself, hoping to give it a try.

In the past, apprentices sent by foreign factories like Zheng Dexing would not be qualified to do these things at all, but now it is a critical period, and the whole workshop can't care so much. Let Zheng Dexing try it.

The result surprised everyone in the machining workshop. Zheng Dexing didn't touch any components and cables on the 410A CNC machine that is matched with the XK213 vertical CNC milling machine.

Just connect a line indirectly between the two components. Originally, because the "Complete" command is often unreadable, the phenomenon of multiple or missed reading of multiple commands in the program has been greatly improved.

At this moment, the entire machining workshop was shocked. It really did not expect that such a small apprentice as Zheng Dexing would have such abilities. Immediately, several masters who knew a little about CNC machines asked Zheng Dexing about CNC machines.

Not only did Zheng Dexing answer fluently, but also his views on some key issues were too difficult for those masters to understand.

With such talents, it is natural to use them wisely, not to mention the talents they have trained themselves.

So another character like Wen Dawei was born in the machining workshop, but unlike Wen Dawei's cheerful personality who is not taboo about meat and vegetables and can get along with anyone, Zheng Dexing has an introverted personality who can't get a fart out of three sticks.

In addition to specializing in technical research, and taking care of his wife, it seems that Zheng Dexing is not interested in other things, so that Zheng Dexing is as immature as a primary school student in his life, and he can often turn the world in a word or two. Talk to death.

Fortunately, Zheng Dexing is honest and honest, and the people in the machining workshop are also aware of Zheng Dexing's situation in this regard, so they don't care much about him, otherwise it is really unknown whether Zheng Dexing can be reused.

Let's just say now, if it's someone else, the section chief will help you, so you have to be polite, but Zheng Dexing calmly uses Pang Kai as a small worker, thanks to Pang Kai not caring about these things, otherwise this Human beings are thoroughly offended!

(End of this chapter)

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