Great Power Ship

Chapter 48 The Great Change

Chapter 48 The Great Change
Wen Dawei is not a fool. Today, Chen Jizu, the most senior master in the heat treatment workshop, the only sixth-level worker is not at home to enjoy the blessings. He came to see the transformation of the No. 3 furnace in the cold weather. Wen Dawei knew that this master came here. There is something.

Now that I heard this, I am even more certain that this old master will go to the Three Treasures Palace for nothing.

So without any sloppy eyes, he said straight to the point: "You are a top-notch master in our workshop. If you have anything to say, just tell us straight up. There is no need for us to bother you so much!"

"Haha~~~ I know you Wen Dawei is an open-minded person!" Chen Jizu laughed when he heard the words: "Then I just said it?"

Wen Dawei nodded: "Speak, I'm listening!"

Hearing this, Chen Jizu glanced at the workers who were finishing work on the No. 3 furnace, and saw that they had to wait for a while before coming to you, so he lowered his voice and said, "You also know the current situation in the factory. Every workshop is learning from the horse factory. Over there, let’s do some civilian work to improve the basic life of the cadres and workers in the workshop. The other workshops have some income, but we..."

Speaking of this, Chen Jizu sighed helplessly: "The heat treatment workshop itself can't produce many finished products, so it's hard to get jobs; what's more important is that there are about a hundred young and old men in our workshop. But one is more stupid than the other.

There are few types of products that can be processed, and I don’t know how to do sales work. I see the income of people in other people’s workshops rising slowly. I see it in my eyes and worry about it..."

What Chen Jizu said in the next few words is heartbroken, but the fact is so. Since Ma Jun integrated several fringe factories including the Educated Youth Factory and achieved good economic benefits, the thoughts of other workshops have gradually become active.
The foundry workshop was the first to act. The director of the workshop personally went out, and with the help of Deng Kai, the deputy chief of the technology department, he quickly won a batch of casting orders for parts from the provincial railway bureau and the auto repair shop. A profit of 26 yuan was realized.

The workshop director of the foundry workshop was also unambiguous. He handed over one-third of the profits to the factory, and then used one-third to renovate the cafeteria to improve food. people.

This brought the average salary of the foundry to 160 yuan that month.

Immediately, everyone in the foundry screamed excitedly, and their labor enthusiasm exploded instantly.

With the example of the foundry workshop, other workshops can be said to follow suit. Forging workshops, machining workshops, sheet metal workshops... almost all workshops have moved.

Although there is no clear regulation in the factory, each workshop can contact civilian products in private, but the foundry workshop has proved with its own actions that this crab is not only edible, but also delicious.

That being the case, why not eat it?
Of course, each workshop eats and eats, but they don’t let go. After all, the nature of the Lidong Factory is there, and the 109 torpedo project is still there, so the corresponding production capacity must be reserved for military production.

But this is the case, and several workshops that have tried boldly have also tasted the sweetness. Not only have they doubled the salaries of the workshop employees, but they have also driven the growth of the overall efficiency of the Lidong Factory.

Seeing that other workshops were full of food, the leaders of the heat treatment workshop began to become active, and some of them also prepared to make some civilian production orders to improve the salaries of the workshop cadres and workers.

But these leaders ran out to pull the project with great enthusiasm, but returned like a defeated army. The reason for this is very simple. The customer asked them what the heat treatment workshop does and what products they can sell.

The leaders of the heat treatment workshop will popularize a lot of advanced technical knowledge such as metallography and Aumarite to customers.

The customer is doing business and not here to listen to lectures, so he lost [-]% of his patience immediately, and then heard that the heat treatment workshop can only improve the quality of metal materials, but the cost is that after the cost needs to be increased, the remaining [-]% Patience is gone.

No way, some products these days don’t need such a high standard of metal treatment, and they can sell very well after simple processing, so why make it so high-end?
On the contrary, it increases the cost and reduces its own competitiveness.

So without exception, the leaders of the heat treatment workshop were kicked out.

The leaders of other people's workshops don't say they return with a full load, no matter what, they can get one or two orders for the production of civilian products. The heat treatment workshop is here, and they come back with a big duck egg after going out several times.

One can imagine the mood of the heat treatment workshop. Seeing that other workshops are popular and hot, but my side can only pay for that fixed position salary, which kind of gap should not be too big.

So some minds began to plan for their own future. Since the heat treatment workshop is not useful, they will be transferred to other useful workshops.

In less than half a month, Zhao Dong, the workshop director, received more than 20 transfer applications.

Of course Zhao Dong wants to keep them, but he can't keep most of them because many of them are related to the factory leaders. Get it away, what dare you Zhao Dong do?
Get mad?

That is clearly offending people, what should I do in the future?Do you really dare to make the already bad heat treatment workshop worse?
Because of this, the vast majority of Zhao Dong could only bear with it.

It's just that holding back one's anger can't solve the problem. If the zero breakthrough in the market can't be achieved, the phenomenon of workshop transfers can't be eliminated. Sooner or later, Zhao Dong will have to become a polished commander.

The problem is that Zhao Dong is a good leader in production, but he is a bit confused when he runs to the market and finds a position. Not only him, but almost all the leaders of the heat treatment workshop are like this, so that they are very honest when they meet customers. The result is also terribly sad.

As the master of the heat treatment workshop, Chen Jizu was also very anxious when he saw this situation, so he found Zhao Dong and asked him if he could find Wen Dawei and asked him to help him find a way. After all, Wen Dawei's father was the deputy factory director. There are acquaintances in the Southwest Ordnance Industry Bureau and the provincial capital. If they can help open up this joint, can they pull the heat treatment workshop?

Although the idea is good, it's a pity that Zhao Dong has a thin skin and can't bear to find his subordinates to go through the back door. Chen Jizu had no choice but to take out the shochu from his hometown in Northeast China that has been treasured for 15 years, and this is how today's scene happened!
After Wen Dawei heard it, it suddenly dawned on him that he was not looking for him, but his father for help, which is not a solution, but...

"My dad may not be able to help!" Wen Dawei helped Chen Jizu pick up a piece of white-cut chicken.

Chen Jizu thought that Wen Dawei was evading it on purpose, and immediately said with a smile: "How is it possible, I still know the influence of Director Wen!"

"It won't work at the beginning of next month!" Wen Dawei said as he put down his chopsticks, also sighing: "I just received the news yesterday that my dad will be transferred to the Propaganda Department of the Southwest Ordnance Bureau at the beginning of next month to participate in the party history of the bureau. Editing work..."

Chen Jizu didn't expect such a huge change, he just felt dizzy!
(End of this chapter)

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