Chapter 49
No way, the reason why Chen Jizu asked Wen Dawei, a young man, to drink was because of Wen Lin's position as the deputy director of the Lidong Factory, and it was precisely because of this that Wen Lin had a certain influence in the Southwest Ordnance Industry Bureau and the province.

After all, the dignified deputy cadre of the Lidong factory still has a lot of face to go there.

But without the title of deputy director of Lidong Factory, who would know who you, Wen Lin, are?
As the saying goes, even if you are promoted to the Southwest Military Industry Bureau, as long as you are not the leader of a key department, you really have no influence.

The problem is that it doesn't matter whether Wen Lin has influence or not, what should the heat treatment workshop do?
It is obvious that relying on oneself is not enough to rely on, relying on the leadership above, Fang Hua was transferred away, Du Weiguo could not protect himself, Ma Jun was in charge of the civilian product line and had no time to take care of others, leaving a deputy factory director in charge of logistics and a deputy factory director in charge of administration They are all elderly people who are almost 60 years old. Adhering to the principle that more things are worse than less things, they are waiting for retirement. Naturally, they don't like to participate in the following things that are unclear.

Therefore, only Wen Lin can be counted on, and in the end...

"I can't help it. My dad is more or less burdened by Director Du, but his old man can take it easy and doesn't think much of it. On the contrary, he thinks it's good. At least he doesn't have to be so tired. He is just a little worried about me and afraid of me. One person can't do it in the Lidong factory.

But at this point, my old man underestimated me, look at the brothers over there, who didn't scream after me?And you always feel at ease, our heat treatment workshop is definitely promising, don’t be afraid to slow down now, as the saying goes, sharpening knives does not miss firewood chopping, and when the time is right, we will guarantee ten times and a hundred times of earnings..."

Seeing Chen Jizu's old face getting more and more ugly, Wen Dawei hurriedly consoled him, and these words were indeed heartfelt.

After Wen Lin received the news that he was transferred away, he really didn't feel sad, on the contrary, he felt a little relieved. What others saw was that he went to the Southwest Ordnance Bureau to take charge of the compilation of party history to sit on the bench.

But what Wen Lin saw was the advantage of this position in Double Star City.

Where is Double Star? It is the center of the entire Southwest. Although it is not as prosperous as Shanghai, it is better than places like Guizhou. Because of this, Wen Lin has more choices when going to Double Star City.

The most obvious thing is to be able to leave a way out for his precious son.

As long as the TV University recommended by Wen Dawei successfully graduates and gets a bachelor's degree, Wen Lin can justifiably transfer Wen Dawei to Double Star.

Of course, the premise is that Wen Dawei didn't do well in the Lidong factory, and it would be a different matter if he did well.

Based on this, Wen Lin was not as frowning and depressed as Du Weiguo and others were.

Yes, besides Wen Lin, Du Weiguo, Qin Yibin, He Youfu and other leaders of the Lidong factory were all replaced collectively this time. Among them, Du Weiguo was transferred to the trading company under the Southwest Military Industry Bureau as the general manager; Ningxin Metallurgical Factory in the western suburbs of the city served as the deputy director; He Youfu was assigned by the Southwest Ordnance Bureau to work in the Tibet Aid Team, and will work in the snow-covered plateau early next year.

All in all, there are as many as eight leaders in the Lidong factory's job transfer this time, which can be said to be a major change for the leadership team of the Lidong factory.

It can be seen from this that the Southwest Ordnance Industry Bureau is very determined and courageous in its determination to reform. It can change people without changing ideas, without any discussion!

Wen Dawei had sensed such a strong signal a long time ago, the reason why he didn't go directly to fight was just like what Wen Dawei told Chen Jizu that the time hadn't come yet.

At the very least, we have to wait until the energy-saving transformation of the heat treatment workshop is completed. Otherwise, if we let the heat treatment workshop produce now, we don't have the capacity to pick it up.

What's more, Wen Dawei's prestige in the heat treatment workshop has not yet been established, and what he says and what he does are not yet convincing.

Not to mention anything else, Wen Dawei tried his best to persuade him, but what he got in return was not Chen Jizu's willing acceptance, but drinking one cup after another.

Yes, Chen Jizu didn't listen to Wen Dawei's words at all.

From his point of view, Wen Dawei is just a consolation, the rest is useless, but he still feels that this kid is a bit hypocritical.

Your father went to Double Star City, so you still have to go with him in the future?You even said that staying here makes your father worry, what are you afraid you won't be able to do?

I bah~~~
The Lidong factory is the stepping stone for your kid, is it necessary to use it or not?
As for the yelling, relax, there is a lot to do, but it’s just a bunch of official phrases, just listen to it for fun, if you really believe it, then Chen Jizu’s 60 years of work will be considered in vain.

Wen Dawei is not the kind of person who has no eyesight, and Chen Jizu's attitude can't be seen. Apart from sighing inwardly, he just pretended to be nonchalant and greeted the workers who came one after another to sit down quickly, and then filled their wine glasses one by one. , turned on the daily mode.

In this way, a meal ended in a seemingly happy atmosphere.

Chen Jizu, the old master who had finally eaten with the workers, was overwhelmed by the young men who were toasting in turn. Wen Dawei was still blushing from drinking, and arranged for someone to send Chen Jizu back, and then gave it to each of the workers present who were about to work overtime. A pack of Hongtashan.

Then he told some nasty jokes and cold jokes with these rough old men, and let them start working.

After all the people around had left, Wen Dawei looked at the No. 3 stove which was already busy, and his face which was full of laughter just now gradually sank, then he put the cigarette roll in his hand to his mouth, and took it down helplessly .

He doesn't know how to smoke, and he doesn't have a match in his hand, so he can't light it naturally.

Just when Wen Dawei laughed at himself, when he was so sentimental that he wanted to smoke by himself, the sound of a match being struck came from the side, and immediately a flaming match suddenly appeared in Wen Dawei's room. before.

"If you are upset, just smoke one, it will make you feel better!" Tang Jianming held up a match and signaled Wen Dawei that you are welcome.

Subconsciously, Wen Dawei was going to lean over, but when he was done, he stuffed the cigarette into Tang Jianming's hand: "Forget it, I really want to smoke, Zhang Mingli won't have any good fruit from me!"

"Why don't you just smoke a cigarette? Are you really not allowed to kiss?" Tang Jianming curled his lips, thinking that intellectuals have too many rules. Look at Qin Ximei from his family. The heavier the smell of cigarettes, the more he likes them. It's the smell of a man.

Wen Dawei ignored this bad friend: "Fuck you, why are you here? Just leave Lao Liu alone, so you won't be afraid that the people below will do tricks?"

"One package of Hongta Mountain per person is guaranteed to exceed the quota!" Tang Jianming smiled nonchalantly, and then sat down next to Wen Dawei: "It's you, did Master Chen say something?"

Wen Dawei nodded, and immediately said what Master Chen had said before they came over. Tang Jianming couldn't help but nodded solemnly after hearing this: "Master Chen's worries are not unreasonable. It's really going to collapse, not to mention anything else, even Lao Liu's parents let Lao Liu go to another workshop, as for the brothers who work, they also said that they will leave when they can after the workshop is completed... "

"What about you?" Wen Dawei asked.

"Me?" Tang Jianming straightened up immediately: "Of course I believe you. The problem is that I'm useless alone. The main thing is you. When will I have to wait?"

These words were the most heart-warming words Wen Dawei heard recently. Immediately, the haze in his heart dissipated, and he reached out and patted Tang Jianming's generous shoulder: "Don't worry, hurry up!"

(End of this chapter)

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