Great Power Ship

Chapter 54 Meeting an Acquaintance

Chapter 54 Met an Acquaintance

Qin Ximei is not the kind of lady in the city, and she is still very aggressive on weekdays, so after hearing Wen Dawei's words, instead of being shy, she giggled and said, "Okay, let me borrow your good words, and when I really earn a lot Tang Jianming buried the money alive, I will treat you as a living God of Wealth, from now on I will not believe in God or Buddha, I will believe in you Wen Dawei..."

After speaking, he stood up, brushed off the shavings from his body, and said to Wen Dawei and the others: "I'll go to the kitchen to cook, you guys continue talking!"

Before he finished speaking, he walked away, obviously not paying attention to Wen Dawei's words.

Wen Dawei didn't care either, because there were too many people who didn't take his words to heart, and Qin Ximei was no exception. In comparison, he cared more about his father's situation.

So after Qin Ximei left, Wen Dawei asked Tang Jianming, "How is my father?"

Tang Jianming had a cheerful face at first, but he immediately collapsed after hearing this: "What can I do? I was so angry that I scolded my mother every day. I went to see him in the morning and was scolded by him..."

Saying that, he looked up at Wen Dawei: "Uncle Wen may be going to Double Star City in the next two days, why don't you go see him off?"

Of course Wen Dawei wanted to send it off, but the problem was that if he showed up, with Wen Lin's temper, he might be kidnapped to Double Star City.

In fact, Wen Dawei didn't dare to do much before, not because of his lack of ability, but because he had an old man on his head. Wen Lin was good at everything, but his form was too cautious, even conservative, and very persistent.

If he knew Wen Dawei's true thoughts, needless to say, he would be strangled to death in the cradle.

Therefore, Wen Dawei could only exercise his muscles and bones properly after the great god retreated.

However, Wen Dawei still underestimated Wen Lin's energy, because Wen Lin found Zhou Wei the first time he learned that Wen Dawei applied for the heat treatment workshop, and almost persuaded Zhou Wei to give Wen Dawei's application to Wen Dawei. no.

Guo Tao, who still replaced Wen Lin, disagreed desperately, thinking that this was a reform step that Lidong Factory had taken with great difficulty.

Of course Wen Lin disagreed, so he quarreled with Guo Tao.

Zhou Wei has no other skills, and the ability of Hexi Ni is second-class, so after several rounds of persuasion, he gave a compromise plan. The pace of reform cannot be reversed, so Wen Dawei's application cannot be withdrawn, but the promised business Revenue and profit can be adjusted down as appropriate.

Wen Lin has nothing to say about this. After all, Zhou Wei has given all the face he should have given. If the trouble continues, he is ignorant of the truth. To blame can only be blamed on his stupid son who loves to make troubles, but he was born at this juncture. Submit the application report.

So this fire could only be cast on Wen Dawei's head, which also made Wen Dawei even more afraid to go home.

As for whether to go see my father off...

Just as Wen Dawei was hesitating, Tang Jianming's younger brother Tang Jianqiang rushed in, panting, and said urgently, "Mingli...sister's...telephone...telegram has arrived!"

Wen Dawei got up from the bamboo bed when he heard the words, then took the telegram from Tang Jianqiang, opened it, and there were only two words on it: "Come quickly!"

Immediately, a bright smile appeared on Wen Dawei's face, and he kicked Liu Chengzhi who was still lying on his back on the bamboo bed: "Hurry up and pack your things, let's go to the provincial capital!"


Liu Chengzhi got up when he heard that he was going to the provincial capital, and his big round face looked very excited. He lived for nearly 27 or [-] years, and the farthest he went was to go to Guizhou, and he never went to the provincial capital once. over it.

"If you clean up slowly, it's a fake!" After finishing speaking, he turned his head and looked at Tang Jianming: "Go to the factory department to find Deputy Director Guo, and ask him to help you book three train tickets to the provincial capital. For the 500 yuan, let him write more letters of introduction by the way!"

Tang Jianming had a headache when he heard it: "This... can it work?"

It’s no wonder that Tang Jianming has such an attitude. He is asking for money, booking tickets, and so many letters of introduction. Before the product is settled, he makes so much mess. Will the new deputy factory director Guo Will kick him out of the office.

"Don't worry, we are now the model of reform set up by Deputy Director Guo and Director Zhou. Don't say that we will support it with all our strength, so we can't let this momentum weaken. This is called buying horse bones with thousands of dollars. Anyway, you find Deputy Factory Guo Just do what I tell you to do!"

Tang Jianming didn't quite understand why a thousand dollars bought a horse bone, but he knew what to do next, so he nodded, turned and ran away.

In this way, Wen Dawei's small team worked hard at Qin Ximei's house for two days, and finally got the bus ticket, letter of introduction and 500 yuan allocated on the third day.

So Wen Dawei, Tang Jianming and Liu Chengzhi set off on the same day and rushed to Guizhou.

After traveling all the way, they arrived at Guizhou Railway Station at dusk that day. Wen Dawei and the others got tickets at [-]:[-] pm, so they ate something casually at the state-run restaurant next to the station, and bought some items they needed on the way, before entering stop.

After entering the waiting hall, Wen Dawei suddenly felt urinated, so he told Tang Jianming and Liu Chengzhi to watch things, and hurried into the toilet by himself.

Just when I stood in front of the urinal and unbuttoned my pants and was about to take a dive, a familiar voice suddenly came from beside me: "You don't want to abscond with money, do you?"

In a word, Wen Dawei almost lost his grasp, and shot randomly with a shotgun.

" are you here?"

The person who spoke was none other than Wen Lin. At this moment, he was standing beside Wen Dawei, and he was also pouring water wantonly, but his face did not have the slightest joy of releasing water, but was unusually stern: "This place didn't write your words. name, why can’t I come?”

Wen Dawei didn't know what to say when he said this!
But at this time Wen Lin had already finished, quickly pulled up his pants, and glanced at Wen Dawei in a bad voice: "Go to the provincial capital and be sure, don't embarrass me!"

Then he turned and prepared to go out.

Wen Dawei also hurriedly finished work, put on his pants, and hurried to catch up: "Dad..."

"My car is driving fast!" Wen Lin didn't stop.

Wen Dawei yelled at Wen Lin who had already disappeared into the crowd: "Then take care of yourself!"

Wen Lin still didn't answer, Wen Dawei was a little disappointed, but at the next moment, a long arm suddenly appeared from the crowd, and then the palm changed, giving a thumbs up.

Seeing this, Wen Dawei immediately showed a relieved smile, and walked away quickly in the opposite direction.

"What's the matter, so happy?" Tang Jianming asked curiously when he saw Wen Dawei approaching with a smile on his face.

"Meet an acquaintance!" Wen Dawei didn't dare to say that he saw his father, but just explained euphemistically. At the same time, on the train bound for Double Star City, Du Weiguo also looked at Wen Lin, who finally smiled after a few days, and asked Tang Jianming asked the same question, and Wen Lin's answer was just like his son's: "Meet an acquaintance!"

(End of this chapter)

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