Chapter 55
Du Weiguo shook his head with a wry smile. He felt that Wen Lin, who went north with him, was too boring. He would be so happy to meet an acquaintance. Go out, and then yell confidently: "What's wrong with me?"

Is it wrong to emphasize the production of military products?
Look at the nature of the Lidong factory, the third-tier factory has been engaged in military production since birth, that is the foundation!

It's a pity that no one listened to Du Weiguo's words, so he could only sulk with himself, so that in less than half a month, he was seven or eight years old.

In contrast, Wen Lin's condition is much better. Even if he has an uneasy son, he is really pissed off by the task of earning 30 yuan a year after a toss.

But Wen Lin has one thing that is good, that is, he can think about it.

Since you can't change it, then work hard to adapt, do things well, and be ashamed of yourself and your heart!

If it weren't for this open-mindedness, after so many years of ups and downs, he, a man whose wife died, would not have survived with Wen Dawei until now.

So when he went to the factory department to find the current factory leader, and quarreled with Guo Tao, who replaced him, but did not change the fait accompli, Wen Lin completely gave up the idea of ​​withdrawing the application, and instead hoped that Wen Dawei could work hard to fulfill his promise.

It's a pity that the stinky boy has been avoiding himself for the past two days and has no chance to say these words. He didn't find Wen Dawei who was rushing to the toilet until he got in the car. Then Wen Lin followed him with the excuse of urinating, simple and direct After a few words of advice, he boarded the train going north!

So at this moment, Wen Lin was still immersed in the joy of seeing his son, but it didn't take long before he began to worry about Wen Dawei. After all, the revenue of 30 yuan is not a small number, how should this kid earn?

On the train going north to Double Star City, Wen Lin worried about Wen Dawei's future; on the other train going south to the provincial capital, Wen Dawei slept soundly.

Seeing that his father was fine, Wen Dawei let go of his heart. In addition, he has been busy with this trip since last night. When the train started to shake, Wen Dawei felt a little tired. After asking Tang Jianming and Liu Chengzhi to take care of your luggage, Wen Dawei fell asleep amidst the sound of the rumbling train.

After waking up from this sleep, it was almost dawn, Wen Dawei hurriedly let the two people who took turns guarding the luggage take a rest at night, and then he was able to take out biscuits and took a couple of sips with the hot water in the car, and it was like this for about four hours , Did not arrive at the provincial capital railway station until 9:15 in the morning.

After a few people got out of the station, they saw Zhang Mingli who had been waiting here for a long time. Wen Dawei and others immediately went forward to join them, exchanged greetings with Zhang Mingli, and then followed Zhang Mingli by bus to the residence they had contacted in advance.

After revealing his identity and checking the letter of introduction issued by Lidong Factory, Wen Dawei successfully checked into the state-run guest house in the center of the provincial city.

The interior furnishings are not luxurious, but they are quite clean. Wen Dawei is very satisfied with this. At this time, Zhang Mingli came out of the hot water room with a kettle in her hand. Seeing Wen Dawei looking over, she quickly said with a smile: "Go quickly!" Take a rest, the hot water here is available 24 hours a day, I'll fill it up for you first, and then fill it up yourself when you want to use it at night!"

"We rough old men don't need to be so troublesome!"

Speaking of which, Wen Dawei hurried forward, took the kettle from Zhang Mingli's hand, and immediately asked, "Did we get in touch for us to come here so quickly?"

Zhang Mingli's face became a little complicated when she heard this: "It's generally smooth, but some details may be different from what you think!"

"Oh? Be specific!"

Wen Dawei pushed open the door, put the kettle on the small table, and called Tang Jianming and Liu Chengzhi to come over. The four of them formed a small circle around the two beds. Tweaked, he briefly explained the situation.

It turned out that Zhang Mingli had known for a long time that Wen Dawei wanted to contract the heat treatment workshop, and instead of objecting, she supported it.

After all, he has studied in university, so his vision and knowledge are naturally superior to others.

According to Zhang Mingli's words, that is: "You must make a breakthrough when you are young, and live up to this youth!"

So this girl has long wanted to give it a try, but Zhang Mingli has a strong sense of family, and Zhang Dequan is conservative, so it is estimated that father and daughter will not be able to discuss this matter.

Wen Dawei doesn't have this problem, he has been Wen Lin's natural nemesis since he was a child, and he is not afraid of falling out at all.

Therefore, as soon as Wen Dawei expressed her thoughts, Zhang Mingli joined Wen Dawei's team without saying a word. Afterwards, Wen Dawei brought Tang Jianming and Liu Chengzhi in, and added Zheng Dexing, a non-staff member. Grass team.

If you have manpower, you must have a plan. After all, Wen Dawei's goal is to have an annual revenue of 100 million, and the profit must be at least 25. It is not enough to rely on the passion of a few people, and careful planning is needed, otherwise the passion will be high. street.

So after repeated deliberation by several people, the provincial capital and the Lidong factory, one for the market side and one for the production side, planned to advance the two groups at the same time.

Naturally, Wen Dawei was in charge of the Lidong Factory, while Zhang Mingli was in charge of the provincial capital.

The reason for such a division of labor is mainly because Zhang Mingli has to travel frequently to the provincial capital during this period of time, so it is more convenient to do things.

Now there is no problem on the production side, only the key point of getting through the market side, so even if there is no telegram from Zhang Mingli, Wen Dawei will come over in person.

After all, in the face of the complex and unfamiliar product of the market, Zhang Mingli, a simple little girl, still looks a little immature.

The fact seems to be true...

"The thing is like this, the newspaper office agreed with us to publish the propaganda article, but only gave us a square the size of a matchbox in the lower left corner of the fifth page, and the number of words had to be controlled within 50 words, otherwise it would be overstaffed;

The state-run department store in the city center also agrees in principle to our promotion, but it cannot be held at their main entrance, and can only be placed in the warehouse area behind the department store, on the grounds that it will affect their normal business..."

As soon as the voice fell, Zhang Mingli sighed helplessly: "I have already begged my mentor to help me with the project, and it is only this level, so I ask you to come and try it. After all, our product is a new product. If the effect is good, we will give it a try. Get bigger opportunities."

After hearing this, Tang Jianming and Liu Chengzhi nodded quickly, as if they wanted to leave immediately.

Wen Dawei shook his head resolutely: "It is precisely because it is a new product that we have to come up with new ideas. Otherwise, our product is not irreplaceable, and if we can't buy the price, we still have to die at a loss?"

"But newspapers and state-run department stores only have this condition, so what should we do?" Zhang Mingli asked with a frown.

Wen Dawei groped his chin and narrowed his eyes: "Tomorrow I will do it myself!"

(End of this chapter)

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