Great Power Ship

Chapter 56 How far is the Chinese from the high end?

Chapter 56 How far is the Chinese from the high end?

Wen Dawei's words were very uplifting, and his performance was also very domineering, which instantly ignited the blood of several young people, wishing to immediately show the posture of a newborn calf not afraid of tigers, so he went to the newspaper office in the provincial city of Ping to suppress the state-owned department store .

Fortunately, it was getting late and it was inconvenient to move, so these two places escaped unharmed, otherwise the four of them would definitely have raised these two places.

Just like this, with the mood of doing a big job, several people split up to rest, dressed neatly early the next morning, roared towards the goal, and then...then...then came back disappointed.

This is also helpless, the highest position of several people is Zhang Mingli, the deputy chief of the technical department of Lidong Factory, but other than that, these four people are far behind in terms of qualifications and experience.

The leaders of the newspaper office in the provincial capital and the state-owned department store took the time to meet them because Lidong Factory was a large-scale industrial enterprise in the province, and they didn't really care about these young people.

Even if Wen Dawei used his sharp tongue and played cute and cheap by the way, it didn't arouse the interest of the leaders of these two places. On the contrary, Zhang Mingli's few words were more effective.

As you can imagine, the conditions in the two places have basically remained the same. In Liu Chengzhi's words: "It's a waste of time!"

"You can't say that..." Although the effect has not been brought into full play, Wen Dawei is still optimistic: "There are still some changes!"

"I think it's better to keep it unchanged. The layout of the newspaper is fine. The key is the location of the department store. The front of the warehouse is at least close to the mall. Not to mention the people on the back. Across the small square is the government compound. Where are we going to do it?" What if the leader sees it and decides to speculate?"

Liu Chengzhi was a little worried, and even complained in his words.

It's no wonder he is like this, Wen Dawei's domineering posture has not been shown, so be honest, no, you have to mess around in the communication between Zhang Mingli and the two leaders.

Although their previous conditions were not very good, they were barely acceptable.

It's good now, Wen Dawei tormented her beyond recognition, and almost broke the jar.

"Old Liu, what you said is wrong. We don't have a lot of funds. Dawei's doing this at least saved us half of the funds!" Tang Jianming saw his brother being complained, so he hurried out to help.

Liu Chengzhi curled his lips: "Of course, there is no need to pay for places that people don't want. The problem is that we are selling products. We want to sell things. If no one comes, who will we sell them to?"

"Anyway, let's try first. As the saying goes, everything is difficult at the beginning. Originally, we considered it an attempt this time. It's good to succeed. If it doesn't work, we will think of other ways!"

At this time Zhang Mingli opened her mouth, and her words were really good. Liu Chengzhi muttered, as if he wanted to say something, but he didn't say it, obviously resigned to his fate.

Wen Dawei gave Zhang Mingli a grateful look imperceptibly, and Zhang Mingli returned a firm look of "I believe in you".

Wen Dawei sighed slightly, and said in his heart that it seems that this time he really has to fight with his back!


Two days later, in the mall office at the end of the second floor of the state-owned department store, Chen Jiefang, the deputy manager of the mall, walked to the door of his office as usual. He was just about to take out the key to open the door, when he suddenly remembered something, and turned to look at the person in the office next door. Zhou Liben, chief of the marketing department: "Didn't those young people from the Lidong Factory come over today?"

"I didn't come here, I guess I know my weight!" Zhou Liben responded with a smile.

Hearing this, Chen Jiefang breathed a sigh of relief. A few days ago, he was almost annoyed to death by those young people from the Lidong factory. You have products to sell, so follow the procedure.

For light industrial products, go to the Light Industry Bureau to ask for sales targets. The shopping malls purchase according to the targets of the Light Industry Bureau, and then sell them on the shelves. This is how state-owned department stores have come here for so many years.

But those young people are good, what kind of product promotion are they going to do?

Chen Jiefang felt that the Lidong factory was a big factory in the province, and he agreed to let them do it in the warehouse area without looking at the monk's face or the Buddha's face, but he disagreed and insisted on doing it in the shopping mall area.

It’s actually not worth it, and it will cost the mall.

At that time, Chen Jiefang laughed. Are state-owned department stores worried about sales?

Not to mention it is a holiday, even if it is open on weekdays, that person can be regarded as Wuyang Wuyang, and some non-staple food is fine, such as TVs, refrigerators, washing machines, bicycles, etc. If there is no relationship with their shopping malls, you can buy them all. less than.

Every year, the people who come to Chen Jiefang for these short-selling goods are like fish in a river, and there are too many of them to count. Whether it is the mall or himself, is he short of a little money?
It is mainly a matter of principle!
Selling goods in the mall is selling goods. I have never heard of such a saying, so Chen Jiefang didn't give a good face, and immediately said: "If you want to like it on the front of the warehouse, if you don't want it, go to the back of the warehouse. Anyway Choose one of two!"

As a result, a young man couldn't be more angry, so he directly asked the board to back.

Chen Jiefang didn't bother to talk to them and sent them away.

In the next two days, Chen Jiefang went to another place for a meeting. When he came back today, he remembered the incident and asked Zhou Liben who was with him that day.

It turned out that those young people in the Lidong Factory seemed to have really given up.

Can't help inserting the key into the keyhole, shaking his head: "You're still too young!"

After speaking, he turned the key and unlocked the door, and then he did not forget to tell Zhou Liben: "By the way, help me bring the daily and evening papers of the provincial capital for these two days!"

Then he entered the door, came to his desk, poured out the tea from the previous night, fetched a pot of boiling water, refilled the tea, and brewed it with boiling water. At this time, Zhou Liben came over with the daily and evening newspapers from the past two years, Give Chen Liberation.

Chen Jiefang thanked him, then sat down on the office chair, took a sip of tea, put down the cup, adjusted a comfortable sitting posture, unfolded the newspaper, and started his daily "work".

He first read the major policies on the headlines of the daily newspaper, and when he was about to turn to the literature column on the supplement, he suddenly saw that the middle of the newspaper seemed to be different from before.

In the past, there were famous quotes or anecdotes of famous people there. Not only were the words small, but they were not very nutritious. Chen Jiefang basically didn't even read them. But today, there are a few large characters printed on this place from top to bottom. How far are the Chinese from the high end”

Followed by a big question mark.

After seeing it, Chen Jiefang couldn't help asking himself, high-end, what high-end, how far is he from high-end?I have a TV, a washing machine, and a refrigerator at home, and my wife and I have lost our watches and bicycles. This should be considered high-end, right?

It is no wonder that Chen Jiefang is so serious, because this daily newspaper is sponsored by the provincial capital newspaper, and it is extremely authoritative. If such a sentence is asked in such obvious big characters in the middle of such a newspaper, does it have some political meaning? ?

As if to confirm Chen Jiefang's judgment, at this time a burst of noise came in from the direction of the government compound through the pager. Chen Jiefang was stunned for a moment, and immediately heard the sonorous voice from the tweeter: " How far are the Chinese from high-end? Let me tell you today, high-end is by your side..."

(End of this chapter)

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