Great Power Ship

Chapter 57 "High-End" Cards

Chapter 57 "High-End" Cards
Hearing these words, Chen Jiefang hurriedly looked out the window, but unfortunately the distance and the angle made it impossible to see clearly.

But the next moment, Chen Jiefang couldn't care less about looking out of the window, because he realized a problem. Today is the weekend, a day off. He tried his best to squeeze in, but today he walked in swaggeringly.

Thinking of this, Chen Jiefang hurried out of the office and found Zhou Liben next door: "Why are there so few people in the mall today?"

Zhou Liben was listening to a sample play with a semiconductor in his hand, and he was a little dazed when asked by Chen Jiefang.

It’s not good to have fewer people. If there are too many, the salespersons below will be overwhelmed. They, who are leaders, have to go down to the top. It’s okay to pay more wages. The problem is that they do more and less.
But Chen Jiefang was his immediate boss, and he had to answer, so he shook his head honestly: "I don't know!"

With him as the leader taking the lead in reading the newspaper and drinking tea, one can imagine the virtues of his subordinates. Chen Jiefang was also helpless, so he could only glance at the other people in the office: "Who knows?"

As a result, seven or eight shopping mall workers in the office shook their heads like rattles, and only a small salesperson who came up with a thermos bottle to fetch hot water said weakly: "I heard from some customers in the morning that they want Go to the small square opposite the government compound to see how far the Chinese are from the high end?"

"Yes, yes, yes, the guy from my family went with the child today, and the headlines like this have been printed in the middle of the daily and evening newspapers for the past two days. The guy from my family said that we can do this at the gate of the government compound. It's definitely not simple, and I'm afraid there are some new policies, so I rushed there early in the morning!"

At this time, an elderly lady at the back of the office suddenly remembered and quickly agreed.

Chen Jiefang was a little familiar with the word "high-end" when he saw it in the newspaper before. He seemed to have heard it somewhere but couldn't remember it. Now that two people repeatedly said "high-end" and "high-end", Chen Jiefang seemed to be familiar with it. With a vague impression, he hurriedly asked Zhou Liben: "What's the brand name of the product that those young people in Lidong factory introduced to us last time?"

"Uh..." Zhou Liben pondered for a while, then patted his forehead: "It seems to be called 'high-end' brand!"

For a while, the entrance of the government compound, the effect of daily newspapers and evening newspapers, and the words on the tweeter just now...

The fierce collision in Chen Jiefang's brain made him dizzy for a while. He really didn't expect these young people to be so courageous. They really dared to promote products at the gate of the government compound, and they actually gathered There are so many people, if this is not done well, and a certain leader in the government is not used to checking it out, can Chen Jiefang have a good one?

Thinking of this, Chen Jiefang didn't care about anything else, and shouted to Zhou Liben and other male employees in the office: "You, you, you, and you, come with me, and give the guys who shouted to you just now!" I drive away!"

The employees who were called were very conflicted and didn't want to go. Chen Jiefang became angry immediately when he saw this: "No, the bonus will be withheld this month and the labor insurance will be cancelled!"

Seeing that their own interests were being cut, several people reluctantly went downstairs and followed Chen Jiefangwan to the small square behind the shopping mall.

When Chen Jiefang rushed over to take a look, he was so frightened that his calves trembled.

I saw thousands of citizens densely gathered in the small square between the entrance of the government compound and the back wall of the storehouse. Putting on a makeshift air, the young man who was angry with himself last time was holding a microphone and said loudly with a smile:
"The old man said it well just now. What is high-end? High-end is a quality of life, an attitude towards life... Yes, what the old man said is our well-off life.

Just like the famous British poet Shakespeare once said, if you have not experienced a high-end life, you are not qualified to say that your life is complete! "

"You're wrong, Shakespeare didn't say that line!"

As soon as Wen Dawei finished speaking, there was a young literary and artistic youth with thick glasses and neat parted hair, who immediately made Wen Dawei's mistakes.

Wen Dawei didn't feel nervous at all, looking at the arrogant literary youth: "You are very good, it seems that you are a loyal reader of Shakespeare!"

"Yes, I have read all his poems!" The literary youth responded proudly without being pretentious.

"Are you sure?"

However, before the literary youth could react, Wen Dawei pulled out a sentence in English, which stunned the literary youth: "What are you talking about?"

"Comrade, your English is not good enough. All you read are Shakespeare's translations, but I read the original English version!" Wen Dawei looked at the literary youth gently, and then recited a section of Shakespeare's poems in English affectionately. A short poem, and then I said "If you haven't experienced a high-end life, you are not qualified to say that your life is complete!" This passage was said in English again.

Finally, I looked at the literary youth: "This sentence comes from an untitled sonnet by Shakespeare. There is no translation in China. If your English is not very good, you can wait a little longer. I guess you can use It won't be long before the Chinese translation will come out!"

As soon as this remark came out, the surrounding citizens immediately applauded. Not everyone knows English these days, even if they know it, it is a thing for exams. They can speak English so fluently, and the export is very important English poetry. It can be seen that Taiwan The young man on the board is very knowledgeable.

Then the products he introduced should be good things. Otherwise, he can go to the government to do translation with his fluent English. Why suffer this crime in the cold wind?
Seeing that the emotions of the people below began to change towards the positive side, Wen Dawei immediately raised his voice: "Maybe someone will ask, how can I read translations that are not available in China? And why is my English so good?"

As soon as this remark came out, the people below nodded one after another, especially the literary youth who questioned Wen Dawei just now looked at you, Wen Dawei, with twinkling stars in his eyes.

Wen Dawei's smile became brighter and brighter: "It's actually very simple, because I have seen a lot, seen a lot, and naturally mastered more, the reason for this is that there is no other..."

As he said that, Wen Dawei turned around and pointed to the banner above his head: "Accredited by the Science and Development Foundation of 'Harvard' University in the United States, known as an epoch-making high-end product", and continued loudly: "Everything is for him, for us The Chinese have made zero breakthroughs in this field. In order to change the traditional habits that have been fixed in the world for nearly a hundred years, so I forced myself to learn English, so I forced myself to understand technology, so I dare to speak loudly here It is announced that citizens of the province and city can enjoy this high-end quality product ahead of the world..."

"He is..." Before finishing speaking, Wen Dawei took out two T-shaped objects from his trousers pocket, and immediately said into the microphone in a deep voice: "'High-end' brand razor!"

 Ask for collection, ask for tickets~~~
(End of this chapter)

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