Great Power Ship

Chapter 58 188, high-end quality belt chapter home

Chapter 58 188, high-end quality brought home
Looking at the stage with a microphone in one hand and clenched fist in the other hand, three T-shaped "high-end" brand razors protruding from the gap between the fingers, the citizens present were suddenly at a loss.

After talking about so many high-end things, just show them this at the end?
Who doesn't have a razor?Even if not, the masters in the current state-owned barbershops also provide shaving services, no matter in terms of craftsmanship or ability, why use your "high-end" brand razors?

However, besides being dazed, there is endless curiosity, especially when seeing the huge words behind Wen Dawei, "Accredited by the Science and Development Foundation of Harvard University in the United States, known as an epoch-making high-end product", this kind of curiosity is even more inexhaustible. Restless extension.

How can a small razor be recognized by the top universities in the United States? Is there some unknown high-tech in it?

Not only ordinary citizens, but even Chen Jiefang and others who came to chase people away were staring at Wen Dawei on the stage, hoping that this young man could give them a reasonable explanation.

Why can "Harvard" give such a high rating to "high-end" brand razors?

Of course, it’s okay for them not to be curious at the moment, because as more and more citizens gather, they have become sandwich biscuits, and it is impossible to go to the stage, and the way back is also blocked.

What else can I do besides watching the fun with peace of mind?
Anyway, when I returned to the office, I was either chatting or farting or reading newspapers and drinking tea. I was already tired, so I might as well watch the excitement here.

But in complete contrast to the attitude of Chen Jiefang and his gang, who came to be at ease, the guards of the government compound were all on the verge of a formidable enemy.

Because more and more people gathered in the courtyard, that's all. Because this place is so lively, the residents living in the courtyard also brought their families out to watch, making the scene even more chaotic.

The leader in charge of the security wanted to control it, but before he gave the order, people had already covered the square, which really shocked the leader, for fear that something might go wrong, which would affect the work of the provincial and municipal leaders behind.

So I hurriedly reported it layer by layer to see what to do in this situation.

Soon a leader in charge rushed over, listened to the report of the security leader, and looked at the current situation, but couldn't make up his mind, so he had to go back to the communication room and use the internal phone to report the situation to a higher level.

In fact, there is no need for the leader in charge to report. Some leaders of the provincial and municipal departments have already known about this matter and have become very interested.

You must know that the people here are not like Chen Jiefang, who go to work for three days to fish and two days to post on the net, but two days ago, they knew from the cracks in the daily and evening newspapers that this would happen today.

Because there is a string of small characters under the title of "How far are the Chinese from high-end" in the middle seam: "I will give you the answer on December 12th at the small square at the west gate of the government compound."

At that time, some leaders said that this kind of mysterious propaganda is definitely not a good thing, and it should be stopped as soon as possible.

However, some leaders feel that they should draw conclusions after investigation.

So the person in charge of the provincial capital newspaper was recruited, and after asking, he found out that it turned out that a few young people from the Lidong factory were engaged in product promotion.

While the leaders were relieved, they started a discussion on the nature of the matter. There was no way that this kind of promotional activity was rare in the whole country, not to mention the province.

This involves so-called issues of principle.

In the end, this matter was brought to the supervisor. After hearing the relevant report, the supervisor just waved his hands indifferently: "What's the matter, just let them do it!"

At this moment, the leader who didn't care about waving his hand that day was standing on the roof of a small three-story building in the compound, ignoring the biting cold wind blowing away his few gray hair, looking through the binoculars at the stage. The passionate Wen Dawei.

At this time, someone came forward to ask him for instructions from the leader in charge. After listening, the leader in charge raised the binoculars again: "Just pay attention to the safety of the masses and avoid trampling on it. For the rest, listen to his words and watch his actions... Oh, yes It's..."

Speaking of which, the leader put down the binoculars, and told the staff who came to report: "Xiao Liu, you are an English major. Did the kid on the stage just say a poem by Shakespeare? You can check it for me!"

"Okay!" Xiao Liu nodded quickly, and then walked away quickly.

Wen Dawei didn't know that there was a supervisor watching him in a small three-story building not far away, but he was waving the "high-end" brand razor in his hand while waving a calm and passionate attitude. Saying aloud through the microphone: "One might wonder how a tiny razor can be accepted by 'Harvard'?

You must know that it is 'Harvard', the world's top university, and there are more than 100 people who have won the Nobel Prize. How did our 'high-end' brand razor conquer them? "

Following Wen Dawei's question, the citizens present became even more curious, and their eyes full of thirst for knowledge immediately focused on Wen Dawei on the stage.

"That's because we have adopted a new technology that breaks through the tradition. First of all, we installed two micro springs at the joint of the cutter head, which can make the cutter head more fit the facial contour of the human body; secondly, we added a lubricating rubber strip, Indulge in a silky smooth shave anytime.

The last and most important item is our unique double-blade design, the upper layer can cut off the beard in the middle, and the lower layer can shovel the beard by the root, the two blades are parallel, and the cleanliness is doubled..."

As he said that, Wen Dawei reached out to remove the razor head in his hand, and then showed it to the citizens below: "Don't underestimate this razor head, the reason why you can conquer the 'Harvard' University To help top first-class scholars, rely on these two double blades.

The most advanced plasma quenching technology in the world is applied. Do you guys know about ion quenching technology? "

How could the citizens below know this, so they shook their heads collectively, while Wen Dawei said with a brighter smile: "It doesn't matter if I don't know, I will tell you a few examples, and everyone knows about American aircraft carriers, right?"

Everyone in the audience nodded collectively.

"Where's the American space shuttle?"

Everyone in the audience nodded collectively again.

Wen Dawei squeezed the cutter head on his hand vigorously: "Whether it is an aircraft carrier or a space shuttle, the metal shells on them have been treated with plasma quenching technology to show superior performance beyond the times. What the blade uses is the same advanced technology as the US aircraft carrier and space shuttle..."

As soon as the words fell, Wen Dawei showed great pride on his face: "The first-class scholars of 'Harvard' University never thought that we would master this advanced technology, let alone that we would benefit ordinary people with this advanced technology. The fundamental reason why we were able to get the recognition of a top university like Harvard, so..."

Wen Dawei paused for a moment, and then raised his volume an octave: "Owning a 'high-end' brand razor is equivalent to owning an aircraft carrier; owning a 'high-end' brand razor is equivalent to owning a space shuttle; owning a 'high-end' brand razor, It is equivalent to having high-end quality life enjoyment. Today, in order to repay the support and love of the general public in the provincial capital, the 'high-end' razor that was originally priced at 2 yuan 4 is now only 9 yuan 1 cents 8!

Take home 188 aircraft carrier; bring home 188 space shuttle; bring home 188 high-end quality, order a 'high-end' brand razor today, and get a set of plasma sterilization bamboo chopsticks, first come first served..."

The loud and clear voice echoed in the small square, and the scene suddenly fell silent. Wen Dawei was a little flustered, he couldn't be boasting too much, and overturned the car, right?
But at the next moment, with the explosion of "Give me one!", Random was overwhelmed by the more enthusiastic "I want one too"...

(End of this chapter)

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