Great Power Ship

Chapter 61 Becoming...different!

Chapter 61 Become... different!
No wonder Chen Jizu did this.

Ever since we had a drink with Wen Dawei in the heat treatment workshop, the old master felt a little discouraged, so he didn't come to the workshop for a stroll.

Afterwards, the energy-saving transformation of the heat treatment workshop was completed, so Master Chen simply asked his son to take some time off to accompany him back to his hometown.

After all, I have been here for so many years. I didn’t have time to build a country or a factory in the past. Now that I’m retired, can’t people go back to my hometown to have a look?

However, Chen Jizu really underestimated the habits he had developed in the Southwest over the years. When he returned to his hometown in the Northeast, he was not used to eating and living.

I have no choice but to come back with my wife first.

As for his youngest son who asked for leave because he was attracted by a girl from his hometown, he stayed in the Northeast with her for two days. If it works, this youngest son will be able to get married in the spring of next year. A concern of the master.

So although the whole process was a bit bumpy, the harvest of this trip is still quite big.

Because of this, Master Chen, who returned to Lidong Factory, was happy all day long, and he was happy all day long when he recovered. He thought that after the youngest son of Kaichun got married, he would arrange his daughter-in-law to go to the sheet metal workshop or welding workshop. This workshop is now profitable, with good bonuses and benefits, and my daughter-in-law will not suffer any disadvantages wherever she goes.

As for the youngest son, he will work in the heat treatment workshop first, and after two years he will become the supervisor, and then he will see if he can take the relationship with the eldest son and then raise it, and become a cadre or something.

Chen Jizu, who is always at home thinking about beautiful things, naturally has no energy to take care of other things. In addition, the people from the heat treatment workshop such as Zhao Dong have not been here for a while, and Master Chen does not have much contact with people from other workshops. Master Zhao has completely become an old nerd who doesn't hear about the outside world. It would be hell if he knew about the changes in the heat treatment workshop.

Naturally, I was stunned to see that the faction in front of me was busier than when the factory was first built.

So he quickly grabbed a worker who was about to change shifts: "What does the workshop produce? Could it be that the upper management has started mass production of 109 torpedoes?"

According to Master Chen's understanding, this is only the mass-produced equipment above, otherwise, how could other things make the heat treatment workshop as busy as an ant's nest?
"So it's Uncle Chen, you came back from your hometown! Didn't Xiao Chen come back with you? If you come back, let him come to work quickly, if you don't come, you will suffer~~~ Now our high-end brand is very popular. ~~~"

The worker who was stopped happened to be the son of an old worker of Master Chen, and the two families had a good relationship, so they hurriedly asked Chen Jizu to call his son over to work so as not to suffer.

Chen Jizu almost vomited "high-end" and "high-end" on the radio these days, and he is very sensitive to these two words. When the word "high-end" came out of the worker's mouth again, he first frowned unconsciously. Frowning, he immediately reacted and grabbed the worker's arm: "You mean the high-end cards are produced in our workshop?"

"You don't even know about this?" The worker seemed even more surprised than Master Chen, but at this moment the bell for the shift change in the workshop rang, and the worker hurriedly pulled Master Chen away and said apologetically, "It's time to change shift." Oh boy, Uncle Chen, if I come late, this week's bonus will be gone, so please take it easy and wait until I have time to see you!"

Before the words were finished, the workers rushed all the way, and rushed into the workshop when the second shift bell sounded.

Chen Jizu stood where he was, looking at the workers rushing into the workshop, his wrinkled old face unconsciously twitched several times, you must know that the worker who spoke just now was a well-known thorn in the workshop.

It is commonplace to be late for work and leave early. When have you been so active?

Chen Jizu just wondered if he really went to the wrong place, because this place was not at all the same as the free-spirited heat treatment workshop he was familiar with before, full of all kinds of hormonal brotherhood.

But he also decided that he had gone the right way, because he built every plant, tree, brick and tile here by himself, and no one is more familiar with this place than him.

But where did this familiar strangeness come from?

Since they had questions, they had to find someone to answer them. Ordinary workers couldn’t ask them, so they went to the leader. It happened that his apprentice Zhao Dong was the leader here, so Chen Jizu went directly to the workshop director’s office.

In the end, it was not Zhao Dong, but Tang Jianming.

At this time, Tang Jianming was looking at the production report for the past two days, and when he encountered someone who didn’t understand, he would write a few strokes in the notebook from time to time. When he found someone coming in, he quickly covered the notebook. Seeing that it was Chen Jizu, he breathed a sigh of relief. Get up quickly: "Master Chen, what wind brought you here?"

As he spoke, he quickly helped Master Chen move a chair over, then took out a clean enamel jar from the office cabinet, poured a cup of hot water and handed it over.

"Where's Zhao Dong?" Chen Jizu looked through the window and glanced at the workshop, but he didn't see Zhao Dong's figure.

"Look for the deputy factory manager, then I'll help you get in touch!" Tang Jianming was still very polite to the master of the heat treatment workshop.

As a result, as soon as he finished speaking, Chen Jizu was stunned for a moment, and then looked at Tang Jianming with wide eyes: "Xiao Liu, tell me again, what is Zhao Dong?"

"Zhao Dong, Director Zhao is now the deputy director of the factory, I just mentioned it last week!" Tang Jianming quickly explained.

As soon as these words came out, Chen Jizu only felt his head buzzing~~~, a little dizzy, he left the Lidong factory for less than two months, that is, years and years ago, how did the heat treatment workshop change so much?
Zhao Dong was actually promoted to deputy factory director?
As the saying goes, a good son is like a father, and an apprentice is also half a child, so Zhao Dong is still very clear about how much he is, and Chen Jizu is still very clear. If he can be a workshop director, he will break the heavens. Otherwise, don't even think about it in this life.

As a result, I went back to my hometown for a year, and Zhao Dong became the deputy director of the factory. What's the situation?Could it be that the leader of the factory is dead, so he had to push Zhao Dong up?
"It's like this..." Seeing the astonishment on Master Chen's face, Tang Jianming hastily explained: "Originally, the factory set an annual sales income of 30 yuan for our workshop, but our workshop didn't get it. The whole year's sales were completed in one month, and then made persistent efforts in the month before and after the Spring Festival, creating another 60 sales.

A total of 90 sales revenue and a net profit of more than 75 were achieved in two months; it is expected to achieve a sales revenue of 600 million and a net profit of more than 480 million this year.

Director Zhao was exceptionally promoted by the factory because of his outstanding performance. After the Spring Festival, he was promoted to the deputy director of the factory! "

Chen Jizu was stunned before Tang Jianming finished speaking, but before he could react, he heard someone shouting outside the office door: "Xiao Tang, Xiao Tang~~~ You must contact Dawei today , now the production capacity of the workshop has reached its limit, if there are more orders, we may be overwhelmed..."

(End of this chapter)

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