Great Power Ship

Chapter 62 Do You Think I Can Do It?

Chapter 62 Do You Think I Can Do It?
Before he finished speaking, he saw a person barging in. When he saw Chen Jizu in the corner of the office, the person was stunned for a moment: "Master, why didn't you say something in advance when you came back?"

The visitor was none other than Zhang Dingjun, Chen Jizu's apprentice.

Tang Jianming saw the two masters and apprentices gathered together, so he found an excuse to leave the office, so only Zhang Dingjun and Chen Jizu were left staring at each other.

"Dingjun, what did that little Tang call you just now? Director? Are you the workshop director now?"

After Tang Jianming left completely, Chen Jizu spoke quickly. Although his old voice was a little trembling, Master Chen was still somewhat prepared for Zhang Dingjun's promotion because of Zhao Dongsheng's appointment as deputy factory director.

"Deputy, deputy..."

Zhang Dingjun smiled proudly, but waved his hands modestly: "Wen Dawei is the contractor of the workshop, so the factory made an exception and promoted him to be the director of the workshop.

Master, don't tell me, this kid really has two brushes, completely different from what you expected..."

"Why is it different?" Sitting in the corner, Chen Jizu's old face was slightly embarrassed.

We must know that when Wen Dawei contracted the heat treatment workshop, Chen Jizu was not optimistic, thinking that Wen Dawei was far behind in terms of qualifications and experience.

It might be worthwhile if his father Wen Lin was behind him, but the problem was that Wen Lin was transferred to the bureau, so he couldn't quench his thirst from afar, so relying on Wen Dawei alone would probably be a waste of time.

Chen Jizu opposed this from the bottom of his heart, but the problem was that Wen Dawei, as the first person to eat crabs, was regarded by Zhou Wei and Guo Tao as a model of contract reform. It was too late to establish it, so how could others object.

Therefore, no one listened to Chen Jizu's words.

This is also the fundamental reason why Chen Jizu left Lidongchang, where he had struggled for half his life, and went back to his hometown to visit relatives during the New Year. I really can't stand it.

But when he came back two months later, without Zhang Dingjun deliberately saying it, Chen Jizu knew that it was quite different from what he expected. The problem was that he, a qualified master, couldn't slap himself in the face in front of his apprentice, right?
Embarrassment is unavoidable. Fortunately, because of the lighting problem, you can’t see it unless you look carefully. Of course, the most important thing is that Zhang Dingjun is an honest person. .

So he pulled up a chair, poured two more glasses of water, and drank a couple of sips first, then told Wen Dawei's deeds during this period.

It turned out that after a successful product promotion in the small square opposite the government compound at the end of last year, Wen Dawei did not continue this successful model.

Instead, use media platforms such as newspapers, radio, and even television for carpet-style advertising.

First, with less than 1500 yuan of funds, he contracted six newspapers, including daily newspapers, evening papers, economic information daily, and Yongjiang literature and art, and four types of magazines in the provincial capital for the year-round slots and title pages.

The slogan is not complicated, just one sentence: 1 yuan 8 cents 8, high-end quality to take home.

Then, with 2000 yuan of funds, he contracted six FM stations of the provincial capital radio station, which were used to broadcast the advertisements produced by Wen Dawei himself and the "high-end" razor promotion programs during the prime time in the morning, middle and evening.

In the end, 3000 yuan was used to buy the opening and ending time slots of the TV series with the highest ratings in the provincial capital TV station, and broadcast a commercial film shot by a pair of university students in the provincial capital city.

The scene is very simple, just a white curtain; the characters are also very simple, just two people; the props are even simpler, a "high-end" brand razor; as for the lines, it is also very simple, that is, the heroine is holding a "high-end" razor Knife, said shyly: "High-end razor, he is good, and I am also good!"

In this way, Wen Dawei used a mere 6500 yuan to buy all the mainstream media in the province, and then began to bombard the province with brutal and brainwashing advertisements.

Of course, the effect is nothing to say, even an old man like Chen Jizu has almost memorized the high-end razor knowledge lectures on the radio, let alone others.

Coupled with the word-of-mouth accumulated during promotions in the provincial capital, and Wen Dawei's various discounts and damage replacement policies, the "high-end" razors were the first to explode in the provincial capital.

Immediately afterwards, Liucheng, Guizhou, Yongxi and other major cities in the province also exploded. In just one month, the shipment of "high-end" razors reached 33.

By the second month, it almost doubled to 61!
"This month's production is expected to double again to 125 million pieces and achieve a net profit of 100 million yuan..." After Zhang Dingjun briefly talked about Wen Dawei's incident, he felt a little smoke coming from his throat, so he quickly picked up the enamel jar and drank a drink. He took a big mouth, and then said rather distressed: "However, from the looks of it, we still can't keep up with the growth rate of sales. Now we have started four shifts, and all the staff are working desperately, and the production capacity has already reached the limit..."

Speaking of this, Zhang Dingjun suddenly realized something, and looked at Chen Jizu with burning eyes, as if he had discovered some treasure: "By the way, Master, is Xiao Chen back? If you come back, let him come here quickly, and give him 200 yuan a month." 300 yuan, no... [-] yuan salary, if you can work four shifts, there are extra night shift fees and subsidies, and you can get money when you go to work..."

"How much salary?"

Before Zhang Dingjun could finish speaking, Chen Jizu's voice soared an octave higher. There was no way that the salary of 300 yuan could catch up with his one-year salary, but now the heat treatment workshop was only paid for one month, which made Mr. Chen My heart skipped a beat.

"300 yuan!" Seeing the excitement of the master, Zhang Dingjun quickly explained: "This is the performance award of our heat treatment workshop. In addition, there are night shift subsidies, high temperature subsidies and high-risk subsidies. These add up to more than 120 yuan. On a fixed salary, on average, you can have a total income of nearly 500 yuan.

If you do well, it is not impossible to add an extra bonus of 6 or 7 yuan. Last month, Lin Ermazi took 800 yuan, and happily went to the village to buy a pig. He treated us to eat for several days. I heard that this kid will be able to talk about his wife this year, and I will try to embrace the big fat boy next year..."

When Zhang Dingjun mentioned his salary, he became elated. Because of his high position, his salary was naturally higher, with an average of more than 800 yuan a month. When he got so much money in the first month, Zhang Dingjun was completely stunned, and he didn’t even know how to go home. I know, I was hiding in bed with my wife in the middle of the night counting money over and over again.

It wasn't until two days later that Zhang Dingjun completely calmed down, and then broke out with unprecedented enthusiasm, completely treating the workshop as his home.

The problem is how capable Zhang Dingjun is, and he can't stand the fact that the heat treatment workshop is short of manpower, especially skilled technical workers. Otherwise, he wouldn't ask Xiao Chen if he came back. After all, he is also an old man in the heat treatment workshop. Being able to get started, not only saves time, but also increases production capacity, such a person Zhang Dingjun can pull one by one.

As a result, as soon as he finished speaking, he bounced his master from the chair with a bang~~~, and then thumped his chest twice: "Xiao Zhang, look at me!" No?"

 ask for a ticket~~
(End of this chapter)

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