Great Power Ship

Chapter 64 Fashion

Chapter 64 Fashion
Wen Lin looked at the young man opposite him who was sorting out the party history materials of the Southwest Ordnance Bureau like himself, with a somewhat surprised expression on his quiet face.

He knew about Wen Dawei's razor business, and he also knew that the current situation was good, so Wen Dawei was exceptionally promoted to be the workshop director of the heat treatment workshop.

It has only been a few months, and Wen Dawei has been promoted from a regular worker at the Lidong Factory to an exceptionally promoted workshop director. Wen Dawei is lying when he says he is not happy.

But because of this, Wen Lin didn't interfere with Wen Dawei too much, and didn't even let Wen Dawei come over during the Chinese New Year, so as not to distract Wen Dawei. It doesn't matter if the year is not reunion year.

What's more, since Wen Dawei's mother left, Wen Lin's interest in holidays has faded a lot. There is no way, the softest part of this serious and cautious old man's heart is given to the person he loves. In life, you will see things and think about others.

Therefore, Wen Lin often paralyzes himself with work, especially on holidays, and this year is the same. He asked his son to work, but he himself has not been idle, and has been sorting out materials in the office.

As for the razor that his son made, in Wen Lin's opinion, as long as he doesn't pay for it, he will be fine, so when he saw Wen Dawei's letter saying that the benefits were good, he let go of his thoughts and devoted himself to his own work. Didn't ask about the razor.

Until now, when the young man opposite him asked him to get some "high-end" brand razors from Lidong Factory, he realized that the influence of his son's products seemed to be greater than he imagined.

"Xiao Feng, it's just a razor, Flying Eagle brand, Seagull brand, there are many on the market, why do you have to buy this high-end brand?" Lao Li is old, but he has a curiosity, and feels that Xiao Feng is flocking to him. Somewhat unbelievable.

"You don't know that, Lao Li, this is called fashion, this is called trend!" Xiao Feng put down the things in his hand, and explained patiently: "Now, young people who need to pay attention to their image, who doesn't want a ' A high-end 'razor? Let's not talk about whether buying this thing can actually build an aircraft carrier and a space shuttle for my family..."

"Wait..." Xiao Feng was halfway through talking, when Lao Li quickly interrupted: "Buying 'high-end' razors can build aircraft carriers and space shuttles for my family?"

Xiao Feng nodded: "That's what the market says, 'high-end' razors use the same plasma quenching technology as the US aircraft carrier and space shuttle, and the manufacturer applies this technology to the razor to raise funds , to build aircraft carriers and space shuttles for the country in the future!"

"What nonsense!"

As soon as Xiao Feng finished speaking, Lao Li spit out angrily: "Aircraft carriers and space shuttles are extremely complex system engineering, and they are super-big projects that require national coordination and national strength to complete. Supported, with our current ability, don't even think about these things for ten years!"

"You are a professional and know these things, but the general public doesn't know about them. They think they can contribute to our country's aircraft carrier and space shuttle, so they rush to buy them!" Xiao Feng didn't care.

But Lao Li became even more angry: "This is talking nonsense with your eyes open. The people who engage in 'high-end' brands are absolutely rotten. Old Wen, do you think..."


How do you ask Wen Lin to answer these words? His son caused the incident, so why should he scold his son with his colleagues?

Fortunately, Wen Lin was very experienced in this matter and quickly changed the subject, and asked Xiao Feng, "Just making aircraft carriers and space shuttles won't make you buy this brand?"

Sure enough, one sentence shifted Lao Li's attention to Xiao Feng again. That's right, ordinary people just go in without knowing it, and follow the trend blindly. Be aware of the exaggerated elements.

Of course Xiao Feng knew it, but he still gave a helpless wry smile: "The building of aircraft carriers and space shuttles has stimulated male hormones; and the high-end quality of life is not limited to men, it also brings together women.

Coupled with that paragraph, the high-end razor, he is good, and I am good in the commercials and posters. The lesbians who are already particular about it will go crazy. Our family thinks that my beard is not clean every day, no Let me... hi~~~ you guys understand! "

Although Xiao Feng's words were not explicit, everyone who understood would understand. Wen Lin blushed at that time, wishing he could find a crack in the ground to sneak you in. Wen Dawei, a bastard, can come up with such a bad idea, and he is not afraid of panic.

Lao Li was more direct, and threw the newspaper in his hand into the trash can at that time: "Stinky~~~~ rascal, the world is going downhill..."

"Yo~~~Old Li, what made you angry?"

Before Lao Li finished speaking, there was a burst of hearty laughter from the door. Lao Li looked back, quickly put away his angry youth posture, and hurried up a few steps: "Deputy Director Wang, why are you here?"

"The compilation of party history in the bureau is very difficult to be important. I feel that I have a heavy responsibility in charge of this share, so come and have a look. You must complete this important work assigned by the bureau's party committee carefully!"

Deputy Bureau Wang smiled very easy-going, and spoke very solemnly, but before he finished speaking, he turned his attention to Wen Lin: "Deputy Director Wen, I heard that your son made that high-end shaving The knife is very good, I am going to the capital for a meeting in two days, you can get me a few, and I will bring them over to let the leaders of our ordnance industry system try it too!"

After finishing speaking, he turned around and walked towards the door. When he was about to leave, he didn't forget to turn his head and say: "Your work must be hurry up, the party committee of the bureau will deliberate next month, and...Deputy Director Wen, the razor Hurry up, I'm on the train on Friday afternoon!"

Before the words finished, Deputy Director Wang walked away quickly without looking back.

Only everyone in the office was left stunned, but it turned out that Xiao Feng reacted quickly and hurried to Wen Lin's side: "Old Wen, I didn't expect that the 'high-end' brand was made by your son? Don't say anything, help me Get 5, not 10, my brother-in-law or brother-in-law, you bought it several times but didn't get it."

"Get me 10 too. My mother said every day that my father's beard is unshaven and unkempt. I went to the mall to buy it several times, but I couldn't get it." Another staff member quickly picked up the words.

Immediately afterwards, another stood up and shouted: "And I, 10 bases, the more the better..."

In this way, the office was quickly overwhelmed by the sound of Tuo Wenlin making "high-end" razors, even the older sisters were no exception. After all, if their husbands shaved clean, they would also benefit, right? In any case, the phrase he is good and I am good is really not for nothing.

However, among the lively crowd, there was a dazed and somewhat out-of-place person, that was the cynical Lao Li just now.

To be honest, he also wants to ask Wen Lin to help him build a few. Even the bureau leaders have to bring things to the capital for the leaders of the military industry system. It must be good, but the question is how did he say this?
You know, just now he scolded his son for being a stinky bastard~~~ gangster, and now he is still licking his face and asking for something, Lao Li really can't afford to lose that person!

 Continue to ask for tickets and rewards~~~
(End of this chapter)

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