Great Power Ship

Chapter 75 Military and Civilian Integration

Chapter 75 Military and Civilian Integration
It was no wonder that Deputy Director Wang was like this. There was something the size of a cigarette case lying in the bamboo box. The overall shape was square, but the edges and corners were curved to make the appearance more plump and rounded.

Combined with the overall dark black painting, it gives people a sense of mystery and solemn atmosphere, so that Deputy Director Wang couldn't help taking it out of the bamboo box, and the surface felt extraordinarily smooth when touched. Slippery, just like the feeling when you hug your lover for the first time when you are young, it gives people a throbbing feeling like an electric shock.

But when he got it in his hand, he found that the seemingly heavy thing was actually not that heavy, only about the weight of two packs of cigarettes.

But at this moment, Deputy Director Wang's attention has already been attracted by the surface decorations. There is a delicate shallow groove on the front, which integrates a push-pull switch, and the "Flying Fish" logo on the back. The words "high-end" are printed on the bottom.

Below it is a square charging port with the rated power written beside it, but the handwriting is too small for the presbyopic Deputy Director Wang to be unable to read clearly.

I simply didn't look at it, but turned to the front, opened the plastic dust cover, and saw two chrome-plated circular hollow metal meshes, arranged clockwise on the left and counterclockwise on the right, and pressed them with my fingers. Metal mesh, found that the connection can also move up and down freely.

"Leader, you can try it!" At this time, Wen Dawei suggested in an encouraging tone.

"Is it okay?" Deputy Director Wang was a little embarrassed, but Wen Dawei said indifferently: "Of course, this is a new product developed with your support. The most important purpose of my visit this time is to let Leader, you know that our heat treatment workshop of Lidong Factory has lived up to your care and support!"

"Haha...Okay, okay, okay...I'll try, I'll try..."

When Wen Dawei said this, Deputy Director Wang immediately burst into laughter. Although he knew that this was Wen Dawei's flattery again, who wouldn't like to hear such good words? Deputy Director Wang, who had seen the world, couldn't hold back his curiosity.

So I pushed the switch, and then the "hiss~~~" motor rotation sound came clearly, but the sound was not so loud that even normal speaking voices could easily cover the vibration.

Deputy Director Wang nodded in satisfaction, and then pressed the thing in his hand to his chin. Immediately, the sound of "here~~~" beards being cut rang out in the small living room.

"Yes, this electric shaver is much smoother and more convenient than the previous manual one, at least it is much better than the 'Panasonic' electric shaver I used during my RB inspection, once it is put into the market, I believe it's no worse than today's 'high-end' razors..."

After using it for a while, Deputy Director Wang touched his stubble-free chin. While he was satisfied, he naturally began to look forward to making a big fuss about this electric shaver.

You must know that when he visited RB last year, several RB companies at that time proposed cooperation intentions, aiming to use cheap domestic labor and industrial chains to reduce RB's ever-increasing labor costs and production costs, thereby increasing their demand for European and American products. competitiveness.

Deputy Director Wang wanted to fight for it at the time. After all, once it succeeds, it will mean that there will be a steady stream of yen in the account. Although the status of the yen is not as good as the US dollar, it is also a real foreign exchange. It is more recognized in the international market than the RMB. Solve the shortage of foreign exchange for the introduction of external equipment by the Southwest Ordnance Industry Bureau.

But Deputy Bureau Wang had this idea, but the RB manufacturer didn't have this idea. More precisely, he didn't have the idea of ​​cooperating with the subordinate enterprises of the Southwest Ordnance Industry Bureau.

Firstly, the enterprises of the Southwest Ordnance Industry Bureau are concentrated inland, and the domestic transportation network is still underdeveloped at this time, which indirectly leads to high transportation costs; secondly, there is the problem of adaptability. The hot and humid food in the Southwest is mainly spicy. RB expats are very unaccustomed.

The last and most important point is the technical level. Compared with the more complete industrial system in the eastern region, the enterprises in the southwest region are still significantly behind. This also led to the failure of the RB inspection by Deputy Bureau Wang last year.

But at this moment, looking at the electric shaver in his hand, Deputy Director Wang suddenly felt a sense of pride that "we are no worse than others".

Doesn't your little RB look down on us and don't want to use our accessories?Look at this, better than your Panasonic, Toshiba, Fuji products.

Do not cooperate?Then I will sell it myself and fight for the international market by myself. I was able to blow up your blockhouses in North China back then, and now I can still kill every single one of you in the international market!
Thinking of the fun, Deputy Director Wang almost hummed the excerpt of "drinking celebration wine today", but at this moment, Deputy Director Wang, who was out of his mind, was brought back to reality by Wen Dawei's words...

"Leader, mass production... not yet, because there is a small problem..." In order to show that the problem is not serious, Wen Dawei suggested to pinch it with his index finger and thumb, indicating that it really doesn't matter.

Deputy Director Wang is not a fool. Is it a small problem that can affect mass production?

So he looked at Wen Dawei: "Tell me, what's the problem?"

"You have also seen that this kind of high-speed rotating knife is more powerful when cutting beards, but it also requires special processing of high-strength alloy steel to make the blade durable; in addition, the entire electric razor The noise index of the shaver is strictly controlled by us with special methods, but this kind of sound-insulating lightweight material is not easy to prepare..."

"Wait... Hearing what you said, why do you think you're not making razors, but more like making torpedoes!" Wen Dawei had just finished speaking, and Deputy Director Wang interjected half-jokingly.

No way, it is durable alloy steel and quiet, which is similar to the two core manufacturing technologies of the torpedo's pressure-resistant shell and noise control.

But what I didn't expect was that Deputy Director Wang's just a word of ridicule made Wen Dawei stunned for a moment, and then the palpitation of finally meeting a bosom friend appeared in his clear eyes:
"Leader, you really deserve to be a leader. I am convinced of this level. How many times have I told people that no one can see the key to our razor. Only you can see through the essence at a glance.

Some people used to say that you, the leader, are the most technically savvy in our bureau. I still don't believe it. Now it seems that I am still too young to use a big knife in front of Guan Gong and a big ax in front of Lu Ban's door.

That being the case, then I will not hide it. Yes, this electric shaver is the latest achievement of our military-civilian integration. It has applied several related processes in torpedo production, but because of this, our There is a serious shortage of funds. Although the leader has spared no effort to support you, we still have overspending.

We originally thought that after mass production of electric razors, we would use the profits we earned to feed back the research and development of torpedoes, but we never expected..." Wen Dawei was full of tears, his voice choked up: "Leader, for our Thousands of miles of sea, for our national defense construction, and for the few military projects of our bureau, please help us..."

 Happy New Year to you all, please recommend some tickets, thank you all great lords~~~

(End of this chapter)

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