Great Power Ship

Chapter 76 Old Fox

Chapter 76 Old Fox

Hearing Wen Dawei's words, Deputy Director Wang's face couldn't help but move: "There are not many young people like you who care about national defense construction and try their best to make unremitting efforts for it. What is this?
This is the original aspiration we third-tier people should keep!

Regardless of other things, just because of this, I can't wrong you. Don't worry, I will make a further report to the bureau leader on the matter of funds, and I will never let you, Xiao Wen, suffer! "

Wen Dawei cursed inwardly, this old fox is really good at playing Tai Chi, here he tells himself about his original intention, and over there he pushes it to the bureau leader, he doesn't even give me a happy word, you think I'm really a rookie?

But even though he thought so in his heart, Wen Dawei was full of gratitude on his face: "Thank you so much for the leader, don't worry, we will hurry up to mass produce the electric shaver and strive to put it into production by the end of next year, and we will never disappoint the leader's expectations of us !"

You don't give money, do you?Then delay the product you are optimistic about and see who is in a hurry.

Of course Deputy Director Wang is in a hurry. This NM will push the mass production of electric shavers to the end of next year. By then, the day lily will not be completely cold?

The problem is that scientific research funding is the final guarantee for key military projects, how could it be used on a small razor?
Not to mention razors, even televisions, refrigerators, washing machines, and even cars are unlikely to be involved in scientific research funding. This is not only a matter of principle, but also a matter of discipline.

However, Deputy Director Wang has been around for so many years, and similar situations have long been commonplace, so he patted Wen Dawei on the shoulder with a smile: "Comrade Xiao Wen, your scientific research spirit is worthy of recognition, but the efficiency of transformation To keep up, the end of next year is too long, it’s better to be earlier, so that I can help you speak with the bureau leaders, right?”

"Then the middle of next year!"

"Young people can't be more active? Bureau leaders prefer those who dare to fight!"

"Then early next year?"

"Still conservative!"

"This...that's going to be difficult..." Wen Dawei said with a troubled face, "We don't have enough money to mass-produce. In fact, the gap is not that big, only 150 million!"

Deputy Director Wang almost sprayed Wen Dawei's face with a mouthful of old blood, that's 150 million!

The scientific research budget of the entire Southwest Ordnance Industry Bureau is only 450 million. One-third of your mouth is gone, and it’s not much?

Deputy Director Wang wanted to spurt blood, but Wen Dawei scolded the eight generations of Deputy Director Wang's ancestors from the bottom of his heart.

Do you want nothing but nothing?
He really treats Wen Dawei like a little sheep, but he's so excited!

The two froze there. Although the surface was harmonious and the tone was balanced, the collision between the lines was extremely intense.

Although neither side made concessions on key issues, they tested each other's bottom line in the verbal confrontation.

So after the final attempt was pushed back by Wen Dawei neither soft nor hard, Deputy Director Wang smiled and waved his hands: "How about this, I will go to the capital for a meeting next week, and when the meeting is over, I will go to your Lidong factory to have a look How about it?"

The meaning of Deputy Bureau Wang is obvious, it's useless for the two of them to beep here, it's a mule or a horse, let's pull it out for a while.

"Leader, look at what you said. We are extremely honored to be going to our Lidong factory. We are full of glory. We wish the leader could go there today, or we will leave tomorrow?" Wen Dawei looked flattered.

But the meaning has been conveyed, come and come, who is afraid of whom?

"Forget it tomorrow. There's still a meeting in the bureau that I really can't get away from. I can only wait for the meeting in the capital to end. Don't worry, I will notify you in advance when I go, so Comrade Xiaowen won't catch you off guard..."

Deputy Director Wang still had a gentle smile on his face, and before he finished speaking, he looked at the quartz clock beside him. Seeing that it was already 08:30, he yawned for a long time: "Oh, I tend to get sleepy when I get older!"

Wen Dawei is not an idiot who doesn't know anything, he got up immediately: "It's really getting late, please go to bed earlier, I'll be back!"

"Well, slow down on the road and be careful!" Deputy Director Wang walked to the door, and when Wen Dawei pushed the door to go out, Deputy Director Wang's cheeks twitched when he closed the door again, showing a trace of fatigue.

"This Wen Dawei is quite interesting..."

At this time, Wang Weichen came out of the bedroom, with two dimples on his smiling face: "At first I thought it was a sycophant who flattered you, but it turned out to be a debt collector chasing after your ass, tsk tsk~~~ One mouthful 150 million!
Dad, he probably really treats your place as a bank! "

"I still want to treat him as a bank..." Deputy Director Wang sat down on the sofa again, took a few big gulps of the already cold tea, and then continued: "I thought this kid was young. Words can make sense, I didn't expect it to be so difficult, if that's the case, I'll bypass him and find his leader!"

Hearing this, Wang Weichen's almond eyes opened wide: "Dad, did you lie to him just now?"

"Why should I lie to him? I really want to go to the Lidong factory, and I can only put it after the meeting in the capital, but I went to the Lidong factory. Doesn't the Lidong factory have a factory manager and no leader? I don't believe that the leaders of Lidong Factory are not interested in earning foreign exchange?"

After Wang Weichen heard this, he couldn't help shaking his head. It is conceivable how embarrassing Wen Dawei would be at that time. If he didn't get the condition, he had to turn into a tool man and devote himself to the great business of earning foreign exchange.

"Why? Do you still feel sorry for that kid?" With Wang Weichen's expression on his face, Deputy Director Wang snorted, but Wang Weichen said with a smile: "I think your old fox's internal strength is getting deeper and deeper. How could a fledgling brat be your opponent!"

"Looking at what you said, it seems like I can eat him. This is a complicated society. You should learn more. Similarly, I hope that Wen Dawei will realize some tricks, so as not to always think that the earth Go around him... It's okay, I won't talk so much nonsense with you, come over and see if these two things are suitable for exporting!"

Deputy Director Wang made a perfunctory sentence, then quickly called his daughter over, and handed the two samples that Wen Dawei gave him to Wang Weichen as if they were offering treasures.

Wang Weichen took the three-blade shaver first, looked at it, found nothing special, put it back in the box, then picked up the electric shaver, touched it and felt good, turned it on and tried the sound Small and powerful, coupled with the simple appearance, so that the girl Wang Weichen can't put it down.

"This electric shaver is pretty good. It's not inferior to RB products in terms of appearance or quality. If you don't say it's made in China, just put it in an imported store. No one will doubt it if it's 100% imported!"

After Wang Weichen played with the electric razor for a while, he gave his final evaluation. When Deputy Director Wang heard this, his eyes lit up: "So, the electric razor has a chance to export and earn foreign exchange?"

"I think it's possible!" Wang Weichen nodded.

"Don't think, it's best to confirm as soon as possible..." Deputy Director Wang looked very excited, and then put the electric shaver into Wang Weichen's hand: "This time, I will bring this with me when I go back...and this, and this... "Speaking, he stuffed all the other three-blade and two-blade "high-end" razors into Wang Weichen's hands: "When you go back, ask your leader and colleagues if these products are all right!"

(End of this chapter)

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