Great Power Ship

Chapter 89 YYDS

Chapter 89 YYDS
It's no wonder Weinberg is like this. It's really because the modernity displayed by the production line in front of him is very different from the slightly messy workshop and the workers who see foreigners like seeing giant pandas. Great contrast.

It is no exaggeration to say that the separation of a wall gave Weinberg a sense of déjà vu from returning to modern civilization across the Middle Ages.

No way, the production line of razors in front of me is really beyond imagination.

I saw that the blank of the blade has been punched, leveled, heated, quenched, tempered, sprayed, cured, coated, ground, extruded, and finally formed from the raw material end, basically realizing semi-automatic production.

Because of this, there are not many people on the entire production line, only about 30 people, and one-third of them concentrate on the finished product end and are responsible for manual assembly of blades and cutter heads.

Its efficiency has reached an unimaginable level. Among other things, in the few minutes Weinberg watched, no less than 20 cutter heads were assembled.

This is also the result of the lack of maturity of the ten workers on the assembly side. If they are skilled, the efficiency will only be higher.

"Welcome Mr. Weinberg to visit our YYDS-3P razor production line!"

Just as Weinberg was staring at the production line in front of him, the Hong Kong interpreter who was following him looked at the banner with white characters on a red background above the production line and read it in broken Hong Kong Mandarin, and then looked at Wen Dawei who was beside him. , with a playful smile: "YYDS-3P? What's the meaning of this name? Could it be that just because of adding a few English letters, it looks international and can reach the world's advanced level?"

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, before Wen Dawei could answer, someone suddenly asked, "You are not a professional in the field of razors, are you?"

The Hong Kong interpreter followed the prestige and saw a person who was not tall, with a baby face, who seemed to be a half-grown child who hadn’t opened his eyes. He was looking at him strangely. It was none other than helping Wen Dawei to adjust the equipment Deng Kai!

"It doesn't matter if I'm a professional or not?" Hong Kong Island Translator looked down at Deng Kai who doubted himself, and twitched his mouth: "I've been to factories, and I've seen so many production lines, what kind of YYDS-3P is yours? type, not to mention the comparison with RB and Europe, even some factories in Thailand and the Philippines in Southeast Asia are more advanced than this, because they have already realized automation, and you still have to use so many people!"

"My God!"

As a result, the Hong Kong interpreter's words hadn't finished yet, and Weinberg, who was stunned because of the shock, finally came back to his senses, and immediately let out an unbelievable exclamation.

Just about to continue with some sarcasm, so that these people in the Lidong factory would not be too self-righteous, the Hong Kong interpreter immediately looked back at the excited Weinberg in surprise: "Sir, you..."

"That's right, that's it, that's it... a semi-automatic razor production line, hahaha... my God, thank you for your favor, I will use my whole life's hard work to thank you for your charity... Ha ha……"

Before the Hong Kong interpreter finished speaking, Weinberg opened his arms and laughed unscrupulously. His demeanor and posture were like a pirate captain discovering a long-awaited mysterious treasure. The madness made people a little scared.

"Sir... sir..."

The Hong Kong interpreter was terrified. He was afraid that Weinberg would really go crazy here, and he wouldn’t be able to eat it. So he hurriedly grabbed Weinberg with a mournful face: “It’s just a semi-automated production line, which is more advanced than this. I don’t know how many…”

"What do you know!"

As a result, the Hong Kong Island translator had just finished speaking halfway, but Weinberg rebuked him: "There is a production line more advanced than this, but is that the one that produces razors?

Regardless of a small blade and cutter head, the technology and craftsmanship designed in it are not simple at all. Not to mention anything else, just talking about the molds inside requires no less than five or six. In South Korea and Mexico, related Manufacturers, this link is completely manual, but what do you think they use here? "

As Weinberg spoke, he pointed to a piece of equipment that was in operation, and the Hong Kong translator cast his gaze over it. He saw that the blank of the blade was transported by the conveyor belt and passed through two die forging machines, and after it came out, it formed the prototype of the blade. .

The interpreter in Hong Kong Island was a little confused about this, and I really didn’t see anything special about it. Fortunately, Weinberg’s words did not stop, but continued: “The production line of the Lidong Factory has used the original five or six molds, The seven or eight processes are directly compressed into two molds and three processes, thus forming the appearance we see now..."

As he spoke, he sighed: "Although people still need to collect waste materials and fill the damaged molds due to the limit of their lifespan, the efficiency of these has been improved several times compared with the original razor production line!"

"It seems that Mr. Weinberg is an expert in this field!" At this time, Wen Dawei lost no time to say: "The set of Yield yielding dexterity of scalpel lin we can, as you said, simplifies the tedious work of traditional production lines in this field. While ensuring the quality, the process and process are simplified to the greatest extent. Although it is only a semi-automatic production line, the production efficiency is 5 times higher than the previous traditional production line!"

Weinberg nodded when he heard the words, but frowned the next moment, and looked at Wen Dawei strangely: "Scalpel? Your line can also produce surgical scalpels?"

"Not only surgical knives, we can produce slightly larger fruit knives, high-end table knives, kitchen knives and military daggers, but the original purpose of our research and development of this production line is to produce surgical knives. After all, the purpose of our "high-end" brand is to benefit the world and lead the world. We hope that there will be less pain and more care in the world, so we devote ourselves to the production of surgical scalpels... But the result..."

Speaking of this, Wen Dawei showed a helpless smile on his face: "I didn't expect the scalpel to fail, but the razor became a hot item. It's unintentional, but our dedication to medical equipment will not change. Yes, so the name of this YYDS production line has been used like this, let’s give yourself an incentive!”

"Wen...I didn't expect that our ideals are the same. You are the most caring manufacturer I've ever seen!" As if touched by Wen Dawei's words, Weinberg stepped forward with an excited face, and directly gave Wen Dawei a hug.

However, the corners of the mouths of the other two couldn't help twitching when they saw this scene. The Hong Kong interpreter saw that Weinberg entered the scene in a second, and felt that this employer was really inferior if he didn't go to Hollywood to compete for an Oscar.

Deng Kai, on the other hand, had a new understanding of Wen Dawei's ability to deceive people. He told the leaders of the bureau and the province that YYDS means the acronym of the Chinese pinyin of "One as ten", implying the products of Lidong Factory With one as ten, sweeping the Quartet.

But when it comes to Weinberg, it becomes Yield yielding dexterity of scalpel lin, a product line that produces flexible and proficient surgical scalpels~~~
This damn speaks human language when seeing people, and the ability to speak strange things when he sees ghosts is YYDS!

(End of this chapter)

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