Great Power Ship

Chapter 90 Trade Secrets

Chapter 90 Trade Secrets
At this time, Weinberg and Wen Dawei, who have "the same ideas", have no time to talk to the stunned Deng Kai and the Hong Kong translator, because they are discussing how the world can be more prosperous, how human civilization can further advance, and how the earth can be sustainable. On the grand theme of development, we are cordially exchanging opinions with each other.

It's just that the two of them talked warmly on the surface, but they kept scolding their mothers in their hearts.

Needless to say, Weinberg, several times he wanted to take the opportunity to propose purchasing the entire production line and related technologies were interrupted by Wen Dawei from the perspective of human development, so that he had to patiently discuss with Wen Dawei about the possibility of birds. Continuous development.

As for Wen Dawei, let alone, you, Weinberg, want to do it all in one pot, how can it be possible, and don't look at how much effort I put into this production line, how can I give it to you if I don't squeeze you dry?

But the problem was that whenever Wen Dawei talked about product sales, Weinberg used the grand theme of world peace to suppress it, so that Wen Dawei had to hold his nose and continue pretending to be 13, which was really tiring.

Perhaps both of them felt that going on like this was not an option, so Weinberg changed the subject after talking about the Amazon rainforest: "By the way, can I see the specific details of the production line?"

"of course can!"

Wen Dawei nodded happily, and immediately pulled Deng Kai to his side: "This is Deng Kai, the engineer who developed the YYDS-3P razor production line. Let him introduce the uniqueness of our production line to you in detail!"

Deng Kai also did his part, dragging his English with a strong southern Hunan accent, leading Weinberg and others over, while Wen Dawei hurriedly asked the workers in the workshop to bring over a glass of water, gulped it down a few sips, and finally It made my smoky throat much more comfortable.

Immediately, he explained a few words to Master Chen and Zhang Dingjun, and then turned around and followed.

At this time, Deng Kai had already given Weinberg and others a specific and detailed introduction to the details of the YYDS-3P razor production line.

Weinberg looked very seriously, his eyes wished they could be transformed into two microscopes, not letting go of anything that might be missed.

Not to mention here, in some key processes, Weinberg even tried it himself.

In this way, we walked all the way to the finished product end. Weinberg picked up an assembled knife head, moved it slightly against the lights in the workshop, frowned, and then looked at Deng Kai: "This knife head is not coated. !"

"We only coat high-end products and export products on blades. We will not apply this technology to low-end and mid-end products. After all, it will push up the production cost of our products. Based on the current market share of our main customer base In terms of spending power, it is unbearable for such additional costs!"

At this time, Wen Dawei, who had already walked to Weinberg's side, spoke again, explaining why the entire production line did not incorporate the core vacuum coating process.

Weinberg nodded when he heard the words: "Indeed, the high-end and the low-end should be distinguished, and the quality of the low-end is slightly worse, which can also promote the expansion of the blade and cutter head business. It is a very good market response strategy. !"

Being praised by a foreigner, even Deng Kai looked proud, not to mention the other heat treatment workshop personnel who accompanied the visit, all of them blushed with excitement, and were even more excited than being praised by the leader .

Weinberg saw all this calmly, and then suddenly said, "I wonder if I can take a look at your vacuum coating equipment?"

Including Deng Kai, the accompanying staff in the other heat treatment workshops almost nodded collectively, but at this time Wen Dawei shook his head gently with a smile: "I'm really sorry, Mr. Weinberg, our vacuum coating technology is a commercial secret. It is strictly forbidden to open to the outside world.”

"It shouldn't be a problem to take a look, right?" Weinberg continued to test.

Wen Dawei continued to shake his head: "I'm really sorry, I don't have the power!"

"Then who has this power? Let him come here. Mr. Weinberg is a distinguished foreign guest. I don't believe that the leaders of your factory can't accommodate such a trivial matter!" When the dog is on, Weinberg still has to maintain his lofty personality of seeking development for human beings.

"Our factory leader resigned two hours ago due to business reasons. We don't know when the new factory leader will come. If it doesn't work, you two can wait for our new leader. There will be news in the sky."

Wen Dawei suggested harmlessly, the meaning is obvious, I am the boss here, if you want to find a leader, then delay it, let's see who can delay the other!

Of course, Weinberg couldn't delay it anymore. You must know that his business in China is not Lidong Factory. If he struggles here for a long time, he will suffer losses in other aspects. With a wink, the Hong Kong Island translator immediately sneered and questioned:
"I can't find a leader, and you're talking so much here, how do we know if it's true or not? If you don't let us see, how can we know if you really have such technology? Naturally, we have to punish your Doubt in good faith!"

As if frightened by the words of the Hong Kong translator, Wen Dawei frowned after hearing this, and then said apologetically to Weinberg: "Please wait a moment, let's discuss it!"

He called Deng Kai aside, and then Chen Jizu, Zhang Dingjun, Tang Jianming and other workshop backbones also came one after another. During the period, there were some objections, and there were also many people who agreed. After 10 to [-] minutes, Wen Dawei looked worried over here:

"Mr. Weinberg, we can't show you the real object of our core equipment, but we can still disclose the relevant design drawings to you. After all, our factory directly said that we can't disclose the real objects, and didn't say that we can't disclose the design drawings. have no idea……"

"No problem at all, the design is better, not to mention convenient and fast, but also more transparent!" Weinberg heard that I still have such a good thing, so I can't see enough, so I didn't wait for Wen Dawei After finishing speaking, Weinberg immediately waved his hand boldly and chose to look at the design drawing.

Then Weinberg turned around and muttered to the Hong Kong interpreter in a low voice, and the Hong Kong interpreter immediately walked away. At this time, Deng Kai and others came over carrying a few design drawings of a certain complex equipment, and walked towards Weinberg. As soon as he put it in front of him, Weinberg immediately opened his mouth wide.

Xin said that this time he really got a treasure, but this is also reasonable. Who let the domestic concept of intellectual property rights be zero at this time, as long as they boast a few words in front of them and scare them occasionally, a This is just a young girl who has no human experience, and she can get whatever she wants with a little teasing.

(End of this chapter)

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