Great Power Ship

Chapter 91 $30

Chapter 91 $30

And Wen Dawei's performance just confirmed Weinberg's prediction, he explained in great detail to those exquisite design drawings.

"Mr. Weinberg, look here..."

Wen Dawei said, pointing to a certain position on the design drawing: "Here is the core component of our vacuum coating technology, the magnetron sputtering device, this component is independently developed by us, and it is the key to the success of ion bombardment.

The principle is to use argon ions to bombard the surface of the blade to remove the surface pollutants, oxide film and adsorbed gas from the surface of the substrate, and the ion bombardment of humidity can also remove the burr on the blade surface and improve the surface finish..."

Before he finished speaking, Wen Dawei pointed to another design drawing: "Also here, it is to adjust the argon pressure in the deposition chamber. Our equipment can achieve about 8 times 10 to the negative 4th power Torr. The numerical value is second to none in China, even if it is placed in the world, it far exceeds other similar products.

As for the working principle, it is also very simple. When the working power of the target is turned on, a glow return point is generated, and the target atoms escape from the target surface, chasing the revolution and rotation of the blade fixture, and when passing near the target, the surface of the blade will deposit a thin film. ..."

Wen Dawei's introduction can be said to be in detail, and Weinberg listened very carefully, whether he would ask a few key points on specific issues, Wen Dawei knew everything.

Just when the two were immersed in the key points of the vacuum coating equipment, they were suddenly interrupted by a scolding: "What are you doing? You can't take pictures here, come a few people and block his lens!"

Before the words were finished, several strong workers from the heat treatment workshop rushed over to block the display boards in front of Wen Dawei. die.

The Hong Kong interpreter was taken aback by this scene, quickly covered the camera in his hand and shouted sternly: "What do you want to do? We are foreign guests, and we have the right and freedom to take pictures!"

"Mr. Weinberg, you are..."

Wen Dawei also frowned at this time, looking at Weinberg, the meaning was obvious, he was asking this foreigner, what exactly do you mean.

Weinberg also had a look of surprise on his face, and immediately reprimanded the Hong Kong interpreter: "How did I explain to you? Put away your boring hobbies!"

After finishing speaking, he turned to Wen Dawei and explained with a somewhat apologetic expression: "That's right, my translator is an amateur photographer, and I always want to take pictures of some novel things to make records. I was so overwhelmed by your device that I forgot to remind him.

But then again, this device of yours is really good, the overall architecture setup is a genius idea, so I hope to be able to buy this device in kind, the price is good, how about it?Is Mr. Wen interested in cooperating with me? "

"This one……"

Hearing this, Wen Dawei hesitated on his immature face, and immediately called Master Chen to explain Weinberg's meaning. Berger explained: "Our factory stipulates that such equipment cannot be sold to the outside world..."

Seeing Wen Dawei's dilemma, Weinberg's smile became more intense: "I am also a person who abides by the rules. If this is the case, see if this works. I will order 20 of you at the price of one dollar each." For a high-end razor, the only condition is, can you give me the five design drawings you just explained as a gift?"

"This one……"

Wen Dawei frowned again, and immediately called Chen Jizu, Deng Kai, Zhang Dingjun, Tang Jianming and others over. After muttering for a long time, Wen Dawei came back with a strange expression, and then said a little scared and guilty:
"I have to pay more!"

As soon as this remark came out, Weinberg smiled even brighter: "10 ordinary ones are still priced at one dollar each, and for the other 10 pieces I want the one that uses vacuum coating technology, I can give you 2 dollars each, a total of 30 pieces. How about $[-]?"

"make a deal!"

There was a little anxiety in Wen Dawei's eyes, but more excitement was like tasting the forbidden fruit for the first time. Weinberg's smile became brighter, and he quickly extended his hand to Wen Dawei: "If that's the case, then we have a happy cooperation!"

"Happy cooperation!"

Wen Dawei didn't seem to have recovered from the astronomical figure of 30 US dollars, and his hands were full of sweat from excitement and excitement. Although Weinberg felt a little uncomfortable, he didn't say anything. Instead, he smiled and said to Wen Dawei meaningfully. Said: "Young man, you won't be so nervous when we cooperate next time!"

Wen Dawei didn't speak, just nodded heavily, and Weinberg didn't say anything else, but called the interpreter from Hong Kong Island to ask him to quickly draft the agreement. After deliberation by both parties, a few revisions were made to formalize the text. Afterwards, the two sides The sales agreement for this "high-end" razor was signed in the break room of the heat treatment workshop.

After that, Weinberg didn't have the heart to stay in Lidong Factory, a place where birds don't shit anymore, and left Lidong Factory with the Hong Kong Island translator without even eating dinner.

The reason given to Wen Dawei was to fulfill the agreement as soon as possible. In fact, he was afraid that the night would be long and dreamy. What if the new leader of Lidong Factory took office and did not recognize the agreement?
Watching Weinberg and his party leave, Wen Dawei retracted his sore arms, and at this moment Deng Kai looked at Wen Dawei with a strange expression: "I said, old Wen, why do you do this? You won't be struck by lightning." Bar?"

As he said that, Deng Kai subconsciously looked at the sky, as if a thunderbolt could split him in half the next moment.

"Don't embarrass God, he is too busy to take care of us..." Wen Dawei patted Deng Kai's weak shoulder, then turned around and walked into the factory gate.

Then he went straight to the factory department, and as soon as he pushed open the door of the meeting room on the first floor, Deputy Director Wang rushed over: "How is it? Dawei, do foreigners agree to buy our things?"

Wen Dawei nodded: "The first batch of 20 razors, the total price is 30 US dollars!"

"30 US dollars!" As soon as these words came out, Deputy Director Wang's eyes were as big as copper bells. Yang Dong, Song Zhe, Lu Guowei and others in the conference room also looked at Wen Dawei in disbelief.

No wonder these people are like this. You must know that when Wen Dawei came into contact with Weinberg, these leaders did not estimate the price of "high-end" razors. Reliable, exporting more than 5 million finished razors and 8 million blades a year is not a small amount.

Unexpectedly, Wen Dawei sold "high-end" razors at an average price of US$1.5 as soon as he came up, which shocked the leaders present, but Wen Dawei added an even more shocking news with a smile:

"This is just a small test, and half of the technical output is mixed in it. If Weinberg is really as I analyzed, then our three-year goal of 1000 million US dollars is estimated to be achieved within half a year!"

(End of this chapter)

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