Chapter 92
In Lidong Factory, Wen Dawei set a small goal for himself in front of all the leaders.

And Weinberg, who had already boarded the train and returned to the special zone, was also imagining infinitely, whether the core technology he got from the Lidong factory this time would sell for 80 US dollars, or 100 million US dollars?
Finally, he gritted his teeth and set the price at $150 million.

This is the pertinent price given by Weinberg based on his years of experience in shopping malls, because as a broker who started from buying and selling, Weinberg knows very well that what is really valuable in this world is not the product, but the core technology of the product.

However, the vacuum coating equipment of Lidong Factory belongs to this category.

If it were someone else, even if he piled this thing in front of him and told him that it was very valuable, few people would believe it, but Weinberg was not someone else after all, but a senior mechanics enthusiast.

Because of this, Weinberg not only likes to visit factories and production lines in various places, but also tinkers with some gadgets with complex mechanical structures to entertain himself.

It is also because of this that Weinberg met many insiders of machinery manufacturing companies in Europe and America. In addition to exchanging some experience in mechanics, the more important thing is that Weinberg can obtain some knowledge from these people, which is difficult for the outside world to inquire about. The business opportunities they have found, and then through their own F&K company to get related equipment or technology, so as to make a lot of money.

It's just that with the increasingly saturated European and American markets and the continuous improvement of supervision, it is becoming more and more difficult for Weinberg to do this kind of business. At this time, the domestic reform and opening up, the reopening of the country, the demand for external technology and equipment can only be used To describe hunger and thirst.

Weinberg firmly seized this opportunity with his keen business sense, set up an office on Hong Kong Island, and began to provide various types of equipment and related technologies needed for the country through Hong Kong Island.

But this does not mean that Weinberg will not reverse export. After all, the founding of the country is still a bit old-fashioned, coupled with the lack of understanding of intellectual property rights at this time and the eagerness of some industries and places to seek success, it really makes Wenbergh Berg has obtained a lot of technologies and crafts that are original in China and very rare in the world.

Weinberg, who has tasted the sweetness, will naturally pay attention to the developments in related fields in Europe and the United States. He has indeed discovered many production problems that European and American companies urgently need to solve.

Among them is the real king of the world's razor field, a problem for the American Gillette Company, which occupies nearly 80% of the global market share, that is, it cannot mass-produce blades with vacuum coating.

As a result, the blades of Gillette razors are prone to oxidation, which affects their own lifespan. Affected by this, the market share of Gillette razors has dropped sharply. Competitors in Europe and RB have taken the opportunity to encroach on the original market of Geely. , making Geely face enormous operating pressure.

Originally, Weinberg just took a look at this kind of news, and didn't really think that he could solve it by himself. After all, he was just a small person who couldn't get on the stage in the European and American business circles, and he only dealt with small and medium-sized manufacturers for a long time. Well, a big group like Gillette, Weinberg would not be able to squeeze in even if he wanted to.

However, the goddess of luck favored Weinberg in this way, and he happened to meet what Gillette urgently needed.

This thing is quite dramatic.

Just over half a month ago, Weinberg negotiated a batch of imported equipment with the China Merchants Bureau of the Special Economic Zone. Because he left too hastily, Weinberg left all his toiletries at his residence on Hong Kong Island and did not bring them with him.

Others are fine, Weinberg can bear it, but the beard on his face is unbearable, because Westerners have strong hair, and they can cover their entire face without shaving in a day.

In desperation, Weinberg could only turn to China Merchants to see if they could find a suitable razor for him, and in the end they did get him a T-shaped three-blade razor.

After using it, not to mention the silky feeling, but this is not the key point. The important thing is that the blades of this three-blade razor actually shine a bright blue light under the light.

This is the effect of vacuum coating on the blade. Weinberg immediately asked about the origin of this razor without saying a word. The translator jumped right in!
What Weinberg, a foreigner, didn't know was that his act of borrowing a razor from the China Merchants Bureau caused a girl named Wang Weichen to die directly.

Wang Weichen just took a "high-end" brand razor according to his father's request and showed it to his leader, whether this thing has the value of exporting foreign exchange, who knew that the leader who was eager to find a good razor saw Wang Weichen brought it The thing was sent to Weinberg without saying a word.

As a result, the story of Wang Weichen bringing his own razor spread in the China Merchants Bureau. What does a girl do with a razor?
If you know it, you will understand it naturally, and if you don't understand it, ask the old driver and you will understand it.

So much so that Wang Weichen wanted to find a crack in the ground to get in during that time, and then used his toes to dig out a two-bedroom and one living room.

But the embarrassment is the embarrassment, Wang Weichen still did not forget his father's instructions. When Weinberg applied to leave the special zone and went to Lidong Factory, Wang Weichen called and telegram again, which made Deputy Director Wang who had just returned from a meeting in the capital He rushed to the Lidong factory without stopping, and then staged a drama that turned the tide.

For Wang Weichen Weinberg, who died in society, even if he really knew this person, he probably wouldn't take it seriously. He only had the vacuum coating technology that could bring him enough benefits. As for how to get it, it was too simple.

Just copy his successful cases in China over the years. With the status of a foreign guest and a lot of money, Weinberg can say that there is no benefit.

This is indeed the case. When he saw Wen Dawei's young face froze when he heard the 30 dollars, Weinberg knew it was done.

In order to prevent Wen Dawei from going back on his word, Weinberg immediately initialed the agreement.

In the next half month, Weinberg transferred 30 US dollars to the account of the heat treatment workshop of the Lidong Factory, and received the first batch of 3 "high-end" brand razors and five Design drawing of vacuum coating equipment.

As for the razor, Weinberg didn't even bother to pay attention to it. On the contrary, he solemnly put the design drawings of the five vacuum coating equipment as a gift into a professional suitcase, and then boarded the plane and arrived in the United States. Seattle, where Candice Hoffman, Geely's senior technical advisor, is waiting for him...

"I'm really sorry, Mr. Hoffman, the flight has been delayed..." Weinberg, who had just got off the bus, shook hands with Hoffman who came to greet him with an apologetic expression.

"It's okay, anyway, how much time did we delay, give the things to others, the expert team will evaluate the things you brought, this process is very long, so let's go in and have a drink or two first!" Hoffman was very accommodating Said.

"It's an honor!" Weinberg handed the suitcase in his hand to the staff on the side, and he himself was not as warm as Hoffman in the hall of the house. After choosing the wine, the two drank while drinking. While chatting about homework.

About half an hour later, a staff member walked in quickly and whispered in Hoffman's ear for a while. Hoffman put down his glass and looked at Weinberg calmly: "There is bad news and A piece of good news, you listen to that first?"

"Of course it's good news!" Weinberg was drunk, but he seemed more confident!
"The 'high-end' razor you bring is exactly what we want from the next generation of Gillette razors!"

Hoffman said slowly, but this sentence, like a bolt from the blue, knocked out some of Weinberg's drunkenness...

(End of this chapter)

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