Chapter 93
Seeing Weinberg's stunned look, Hoffman picked up the brandy on the low table, filled Weinberg's already empty wine glass opposite him, poured himself another glass, and then picked up the glass Leaning on the soft sofa, while swaying the drink in the glass, he said unhurriedly:

"I don't need to tell you the bad news. The design drawings of the vacuum coating equipment you brought are technically impossible to realize!"

"how is this possible?"

Weinberg no longer had time to care about the pure wine in the glass: "I have sought expert appraisal, this set of blueprints is highly feasible, and you know, I am interested in machinery, this set of blueprints can I know better than anyone that it can't be achieved!"

Weinberg spoke quite confidently, and he was not a fool. He immediately asked several professionals to evaluate the feasibility of Wen Dawei's design drawings, and the conclusions they came to were very consistent. It's high, and it's completely achievable.

Otherwise, how could Weinberg dare to contact Gillette? Isn't that making trouble for himself!

The result can be...

Of course Hoffman understood what Weinberg was thinking, so he swung the wine in his glass and continued with a gentle smile: "Whether it can be realized is one thing, but the cost is another. Just like the Apollo moon landing project, whether it can land on the moon is one thing, but when the high cost is also overwhelming the finances, the plan is stopped.

Your blueprint is also the same reason, it can be realized, but it requires us to spend a lot of money and unforeseen time, there is no need for Geely to invest so much in such a niche device, so..."

Before the words fell, Hoffman drank the wine in the glass like a neck, then put down the glass and continued: "We hope to achieve our goal in a different way, so... I am really sorry Mr. Weinberg, this transaction..."

Hoffman spread his hands and shrugged his shoulders: "We can't continue!" Then he stood up and stretched out his hand to Weinberg: "I hope we can have a good cooperation next time!"

Weinberg was stunned for a moment, then stretched out his hand in a daze, shook hands with Hoffman, and led out of the manor under the guidance of the staff, until the bitter cold wind made Weinberg shiver. Only then did Grid realize that he had reached an intersection in a block at some point in time.

After working hard in the mall for so many years, Weinberg has not never experienced crises, and even almost broke up his family a few times, but he has never felt as empty as he is today.

Because he realized a question that made him shudder from Hoffman's mouth today, that is, the United States has suddenly undergone fundamental changes in manufacturing itself, and it seems that it has lost much interest in this category.

We must know that in the past, if he took out the technical information of this set of equipment, let alone 100 million US dollars, 80 US dollars could always be exchanged, but now, Geely considers the cost, not the scarcity of the technology itself. sex.

You should know that it is auspicious. The first person to invent the modern razor is not only the representative of the real manufacturing industry in the United States, but also the representative of the light industry in the United States.

But even such a manufacturer is like this, let alone other companies?
In fact, Weinberg did not realize this problem today. In fact, he had this feeling since the end of the 70s, but it was not strong at that time. After entering the 80s, this feeling became more and more obvious, because he came from the Soviet Union, Many of the technologies from Eastern Europe or certain developing countries are sold to RB, South Korea, and some countries in Western Europe.

It's not that the United States doesn't buy them, but they often pick and choose, and care about the cost.

Faced with this situation, it's not that Weinberg hadn't thought about transformation, but firstly, he discovered such a virgin land in China, and secondly, he didn't know which direction to turn to.

After all, he has enjoyed the pleasure of making money with his brain after so many years of working as a technology broker.

However, sometimes, in the face of the tide of the times, personal will is very small, so you have to make a choice, just like at the crossroads at this moment, the road ahead is blocked by a red light, whether to go left or go Turn right?
The silent Weinberg took out a cigarette silently, lit it on his own, leaned against the telephone pole and took a few deep breaths, then smartly flicked the remaining half of the cigarette into the trash can, looking back Glancing in the direction of the Geely company's manor, he sighed meaningfully, then walked from a small path on one side into another strange block, and disappeared in a blink of an eye...


Lidong Machinery Factory, family area, in the bungalow of the old Zhang family.

Zhang Dequan stared at the few dishes on the dining table that he usually likes to eat, his old face was troubled for a while.

Should I stay in the factory, or go to Zhujiang with my daughter?

There is nothing to say about going to Zhujiang with my daughter. I heard that small western-style buildings have been built there, and it is close to the Special Economic Zone. The future development will definitely be better than that of Lidongchang.

But the problem is that I am leaving now, what will Widow Wang do?
Looking at the dishes made by Widow Wang on the table, Zhang Dequan became more and more worried. Who can blame this?
Wen Dawei?
Zhang Dequan's series of troubles were indeed caused by Wen Dawei, because after the trouble in the heat treatment workshop, Zhou Wei and Guo Tao were withdrawn by the Southwest Ordnance Industry Bureau.

Logically, it should be Ma Jun who took over, but the superiors felt that Ma Jun could not get rid of the responsibility in the last incident, so they did not promote him. Hua was transferred back to serve as the director and secretary of Lidong Machinery Factory.

With Fang Hua taking office, the Lidong Factory also ushered in the first major change since its establishment, that is, the overall relocation of the heat treatment workshop to the upper reaches of Zhujiang, which is close to the coastal city of Zhujiang, and relying on the original The provincial battery factory, motor factory, turbine factory, ship repair yard and maintenance factory affiliated to the Marine Corps, Lidong Machinery Factory (Zhujiang) Branch was established with the heat treatment workshop of Lidong Machinery Factory as the core.

Zhujiang Factory for short!

At the same time, Lidong Machinery Factory stripped off the original electrical workshop, and at the same time integrated several educated youth factories, together with the local machinery factory, turbine factory and gear factory in Guizhou, to form Lidong Machinery Factory (Guizhou) branch factory .

Guizhou factory for short!

Lidong Machinery Factory integrated the remaining five workshops and upgraded it to Lidong Machinery General Factory.

Referred to as the General Factory!

In this way, Lidong Factory has taken an important step in system reform. At the same time, for the first time, some cadres and workers have stepped out of the valley where they have struggled for 20 years. I hope that everyone feels that this reform in the factory is not only correct, but also timely.

After all, the overall division of labor is clearer on the surface. The Zhujiang factory is a pure export factory; the Guizhou factory is mainly engaged in the manufacture of home appliances;
(End of this chapter)

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