The mobile immortality game was realized by me

Chapter 115 114. The bones turned out to be King Qin Guang himself

Chapter 115 114. The bones turned out to be King Qin Guang himself
Bai Wuchang could clearly feel that just after Ning An dripped a drop of blood into the territory, the entire yin and yang mirror had undergone earth-shaking changes.

The most important thing is that he actually felt the unique ghostly aura of the underworld.

Isn't the whole hell already empty? Where did the ghosts come from?
Bai Wuchang felt that the strange things that happened today were really one after another, and each one was beyond his expectations.

Now, he wasn't sure whether bringing Ning An in was a good thing or a bad thing.

Anyway, he originally thought that he could use this kid's spiritual power to reopen the underworld, and then slowly search for clues to the disappearance of the gods.

But now it seems that he failed to pluck the wool, and was plucked by others in turn...

No matter what Bai Wuchang thinks now.

Ning An's attention has been fully focused on the Yin Yang Mirror.

After the blood dripped into the mirror, he obviously established a special connection with the bone skeleton inside.

Originally, the other party seemed to be bound by layers of shackles, but now, those shackles have consciously receded and disintegrated.

As a result, the skeleton was freed.

Its deep and hollow eyeballs looked up towards the direction of the mirror mouth, and its body jumped up suddenly.

But when he was about to reach the edge of the mirror, he was suppressed by an invisible force again.

It roared unwillingly, and Ning An could feel its anger.

He immediately held the mirror with one hand, and stretched the other hand in. He wanted to help the skeleton get out of the mirror.

Seeing Ning An's assistance, the skeleton jumped up again, while grabbing Ning An's wrist with one hand, Ning An also used force suddenly.

But when the bone's nails just came into contact with the world outside the mirror, they were suppressed back by an invisible force.

Although this time was much better than before, it still ended in failure.

Bai Wuchang nodded after watching from the side: "Although I don't understand why there is still aura of ghosts in the underworld, it is the most reasonable that they can't come out. After all, there is not much spiritual energy in the current world. After it comes out, it is completely It’s normal not to be able to get in, and not to be able to get out.”

Listening to Bai Wuchang's explanation, Ning An was thoughtful. This should be because the current aura of the Federation is too poor, and many people have just come into contact with immortal cultivation.

It takes more people to step into the Foundation Establishment Realm, or even a higher realm, so that all the people can practice immortality, and then they can create a steady stream of spiritual energy in the Federation.

The guy in the yin and yang mirror seems to be unable to come out because of insufficient aura.

Ning An felt a little regretful about this.

Bai Wuchang felt a lot more relieved, because he finally saw a normal situation, and he didn't continue to pay attention to Ning An's yin and yang mirror. Now that the federal aura is exhausted, even if there are multiple signs, it still doesn't know It's the Year of the Monkey.

Although this yin and yang mirror is a treasure, it can't play much role in the current illusion.

It looked around, and although many of them were dilapidated, they were basically the familiar environments in its memory, and familiar images kept reappearing in its mind.

"From now on, I will stay here and continue to search for clues. Thank you today..."

Bai Wuchang looked at Ning An, his tone was very sincere, except that his pale-haired face looked a little creepy.

Ning An didn't speak, but turned his head to look at the treasure house, thinking that there should be many treasures in it, so it would be a pity to take away a yin and yang mirror.

Bai Wuchang saw through Ning An's thoughts, and said bluntly: "The treasure house of the underworld has rules. Every time you take a treasure from it, you need to wait for a cooling-off period."

"Now that the aura is exhausted, the cool-down period will be longer. If you don't believe me, you can try it."

Hearing this, Ning An didn't have any ink marks, and walked forward directly, and stretched his hand in as before.

The touch is the same as before, soft, like a cloud of water mist, but this time, there are no fishes scurrying around in it, and the fishes seem to have entered a long dormancy period.

Ning An shook his head regretfully, and slowly stretched out his hand.

After seeing it, Bai Wuchang immediately comforted him and said, "Don't be depressed, now that your aura is exhausted, no matter how many treasures you get, it's useless, just like the yin and yang mirror in your hand, wouldn't it be more uncomfortable to look at?"

"And there has always been a cooling-off period for the treasury. In the past, in order to compete for this spot, the powerful people often broke their heads, but now, it is your exclusive in a sense. What is there to be dissatisfied with..."

Ning An thought about what Bai Wuchang said, and there was indeed some truth to it. The latter had no aura in him, and only he knew the location of the underworld in the entire federation. Therefore, this treasure house had indeed become his own private paradise.

"If it's okay, I'll leave first, and you can contact me if you need anything later."

Seeing that it was useless to stay, Ning An offered to leave.

When Bai Wuchang heard that Ning An offered to help him in the future, a smile appeared on his face immediately, and those dead fish eyes narrowed his pale face.

It nodded, saying good and sure.

Ning An didn't stay any longer, so he turned and left.

This time, he didn't go far, and chose to stay in the wooden house.

It's quite quiet here, especially at night, when the night wind blows, he feels very comfortable when the leaves make rustling noises.

Moreover, staying here, if there is any change in the underworld, he will be the first to know.

The wooden house is still the same as when he left last time, and there are simple daily necessities inside.

Lying on the bed, he took out his phone and entered the world of the game.

Characters appear in the hall.

Ning An habitually clicks on his panel to check the attributes every day.

He was stunned when he turned to the column of magic tools.

Because, in addition to Zhanshen Flying Knife, there is an extra yin and yang mirror...

The yin and yang mirror is obviously a real item, why does it appear in the game?

In reality, Ning An quickly turned his head to look to the side, and found that the mirror beside him had disappeared at some point.

It seems that when he took out his mobile phone, the yin and yang mirror was directly sucked into the world inside the mobile phone.

Looking at the column of magic tools, Ning An was in a daze.

Suddenly remembered what Bai Wuchang said outside, because the Federation's aura was exhausted, the Yin spirit in the Yin-Yang Mirror could not break through the shackles and come to the outside world.

What about the world in the game?
The aura inside is very strong, far from what the outside world can compare.

Thinking of this, Ning An immediately tried to communicate with Yin Yang Mirror again.

He stretched his arm in, grabbed the bone skeleton again, and then pulled it out forcefully.

This time, he was not hindered.

That skeleton was actually pulled out of the mirror abruptly by him.

The Bone Skeleton looked at the unfamiliar surroundings in confusion. It tilted its neck, and the bones on its body rattled, as if it was remembering something.

It walked back and forth in the hall, looking around, this strange environment obviously did not evoke any memory for it.

And Ning An found that there was an extra name in the first row of his control list.

King Qin Guang (disabled): [The incomplete soul and body seem to have forgotten a lot of memories. Maybe after bathing in blood and soul, the body and memory can be slowly restored]

Friendship (loyalty): 100
Cultivation: Transformation Stage
Skills: [Spirit Summoning Art, Immortality, One Thought of Good and Evil]

Talent: [Ten Palaces of Yama, King of Ghosts, All Spirits Do Not Invade]

This seemingly unremarkable bone, like a little boy from the underworld, is actually King Qin Guang's body?
Just because of some changes, the body is damaged and the memory is lost.

But even so, his cultivation has still reached the stage of transforming gods!
Above Yuanying is Huashen, which is also Ning An's next goal.

King Qin Guang is one of the ten halls of Yama, and he is definitely a high-ranking and powerful man in the underworld. Let alone himself, Bai Wuchang may not recognize that this is King Qin Guang when he comes.

Ning An is now curious about what kind of catastrophe Bai Wuchang suffered when the spirits of the underworld disappeared.

However, it was not easy for King Qin Guang to survive such a catastrophe.

He thought for a long time, and finally couldn't help shouting: "King Qin Guang."

With a shout, Ning An saw that the white bone skeleton in front of him turned his head to look directly at him. However, he seemed to save trouble, so he didn't move his body and still turned his back to him, but his head turned 180 degrees directly...


Accompanied by the sound of bones twisting, the white bone skeleton turned its head around abruptly.

Ning An: "..."

"never mind……"

Ning An thought for a while and said something.

Then, the main body of King Qin Guang turned his head back abruptly.

Ning An only felt that something was wrong and didn't know where to start...

"Report to the Emperor of Heaven! Yanmen Gate Guard General Tian Dan has a letter to report."

Outside the main hall, the eunuch's voice broke the tranquility and embarrassment in the hall.

After hearing the movement outside, the main body of King Qin Guang's whole body was obviously tense together, showing a vigilant look. It can be seen that it is ready to kill the guy outside at any time Prepare.

Ning An immediately said: "My friend, go hide behind the courtyard pillars first."

Hearing Ning An's order, King Qin Guang didn't hesitate, turned around and walked towards the courtyard pillar on one side, and then stayed behind obediently, relying on the thick courtyard pillar to cover himself, and even deliberately shielded himself breath.

Ning An was very satisfied with this. Except for his scary appearance, this King Qin Guang was perfect in everything else.

He turned around and said to the outside of the hall, "Come in."

Soon, a little eunuch came in with his head down, dragging a letter in both hands.

Ning An took the letter and waved his hand, the little eunuch thoughtful and hurriedly withdrew.

Open the letter, there are dense handwriting on it.

It's Tian Dan's personal letter. He wrote it very detailed and miscellaneous, but he revealed the good news to Ning An from the beginning to the end, that is, Qi Jiguang is a great talent, the training of the navy is very perfect, and he is ready to join the battlefield .

Tian Dan couldn't wait to express that he would lead the army with Qi Jiguang to take the Beihai Kingdom and relieve the Emperor of Heaven.

Nowadays, the lowest ranks in the army are the foundation-building monks, and they are much faster than ordinary people in terms of physical fitness and endurance. Therefore, the speed of military training now is definitely not comparable to that in the past. discipline.

For the rest, a monk in the Foundation Establishment Stage is already a very strong combat force, so there is no need for special training.

In addition to the training of the navy, Tiangongge's warships that have been rushing to produce day and night have also been shipped to Yanmen Pass early and in large quantities.

Each warship is produced according to the maximum scale.

Lu Ban deliberately drew inspiration from the two tools of warships and flying boats captured from the North Sea State, and finally added some unique insights of his own, and finally developed a warship that could carry [-] soldiers.

At present, fifty warships of this kind have been built!

Warships walk in water, and they can rely on the water itself, unlike airships that need to fly and rely purely on spirit stones to propel them. Therefore, the technical difficulty of manufacturing warships is far lower than that of airships, and even the cost of all aspects of the budget There are also many differences.

Because of these reasons, Lu Ban has developed fifty warships in a short period of time, which is completely enough for Tian Dan to march into the North Sea country.

Now that the time and place are right, the people are here, and the soldiers in the army are fighting high, Ning An naturally has no intention of refusing, he picks up a cinnabar pen and approves Tian Dan's request on the spot.

Daning, officially declare war on the North Sea country!
Ning An's order was quickly conveyed to Yanmen Pass.

In addition to the messenger who sent the letter, this time there was also a man wrapped in a black robe who followed him without saying a word.

Tian Dan thought it was strange and curious, but he didn't dare to ask more questions. The Emperor of Heaven had said in a letter that this person could help him.

"The angel has come all the way and worked hard, how many more days can I rest?"

After all, it was sent by Ning An himself, he is a close person, Tian Dan dare not neglect, he is far away at Yanmen Pass, who knows if there will be villains in the court who will slander him, therefore, he is as convenient as possible in dealing with others good.

This black-robed man is naturally King Qin Guang himself.

Ning An felt that there must be a lot of blood and death in a war, and those ghosts after death may be the best tonic for King Qin Guang.

Therefore, he took advantage of the opportunity of the war to send King Qin Guang directly.

But in order to avoid being exposed, Ning An also specifically told him that no matter who asked questions or said anything, he should keep quiet and keep a sense of mystery.

King Qin Guang also faithfully carried out Ning An's orders. Facing Tian Dan's questioning, he didn't say a word, he didn't even make a slight movement of his body, standing in place like a wooden man.

Tian Dan felt a little embarrassed when he saw that he didn't get a response, but he still didn't dare to offend the angel, let alone being dissatisfied.

The other party didn't speak, and he didn't ask any more questions. He smiled: "Okay, since the envoy was sent by His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven to help me, then I will trouble Your Majesty to be more distracted later."

After saying the polite words, Tian Dan turned around and walked out of the tent, he was ready to call troops.

King Qin Guang didn't say a word, and immediately followed silently.

Tian Dan walked to the center of the barracks, looked at the waving banners, and called out to the herald, "Beat the drums, order the soldiers!"


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(End of this chapter)

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